Posted 7 years ago*
No I meant she seems like a tough cookie, not she has lots of power, I know that.

However, my last word on the election result is taken up by Mr Pie who just about nails it for me: guy is just awesome.

Mind the language if you're sensitive.

Posted 7 years ago
That was awesome, never heard of this guy before. Whilst watching it though was getting distracted wondering how the hell they achieved the effect of him appearing on loads of different TV's, anyone know how they did that?.
Posted 7 years ago
@Pwll On point.
Posted 7 years ago
The last week and a half on social media has been funny, so many salty people on social media outraging. I'm kind of glad he did win, really interested to see where the US/UK move in the next few years, hopefully away from corruption (but I'm not holding my breath).
Posted 7 years ago*
I cant help but find the whole thing quite entertaining. So bad to say that really considering how much of a big thing it is, but its just so bizarre the whole thing.

Last I saw Nigel Farage was the only one who had been invited to Trump Towers and 10 Downing street were in the bad books. Laugh

Like you I hope that we will move away from corruption but yeah we are a long way off yet I think. Who knows what will happen. Crazy world we live in! Certainly will be interesting to see what happens though....