2017 Grind Station Thread

Posted 7 years ago

Just cleaned up my grind station and got some new speakers:

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What is your grind station looking like in 2017?

Last Post 7 years ago by






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Posted 7 years ago
Sick thread! Just about to clean mine up and will post soon!

I will also put all my electrical appliances on the table as a nod to the old poker setup thread over on 2+2!!!

Posted 7 years ago
Couldn't be bothered getting the laptop out and i used the ipad to take the pic lol. Bad quality and dark but best i could do

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Posted 7 years ago
Realised that my new flat is so bloody dark all the time. Gonna have to invest in some brighter bulbs and better lighting. Think I have got so used to it now but for anyone coming into here they must just see it as such a dark space.
Posted 7 years ago
Hey, it's not much, but it's mine.

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Posted 7 years ago
Classic lol
Posted 7 years ago
I love that ultra-wide monitor @Jon-PokerVIP! If not for the fact that I dabble in some content creation that requires a 16:9 aspect ratio to be viewed properly I'd snap that off in a second! Especially because I'm not a huge fan of multi-monitor setups. How do you like it so far?

Posted 7 years ago
Yeh i love it. Total game changer tbh with just work, poker and everything else i do. I am however going to get another one and just mount it on the wall above it...nice to just have a bit of extra space for youtube watching or something!

But would 100% recommend over 2 monitors all day everyday!
Posted 7 years ago
It looks nice AF but how practical is it? I like 2 monitors because with one click I can move a page or the thing I'm viewing to the other screen, can this be done with your monitor Jon? If I'm being honest, I think you only bought it to watch certain movies from adult streaming sites.

Posted 7 years ago
@Harvie I know it was meant as a joke but, is there even such a thing as adult content optimized for wide screens?

And as for the practically of using one ultra-wide screen instead of two separate ones, Windows 10 has some solid multitasking options built in so as long as you're not gaming both options are comparable productivity wise.
Posted 7 years ago
Yeh its far easier and simple than just moving from monitor to monitor

Posted 7 years ago
Omg that's sick, running 2 comps on the same screen! Not like you'd ever need to I don't think but sick
Posted 7 years ago
Yeh pretty cool stuff.
Posted 7 years ago
Video was cool AF, still think I would rather have two screens, people who don't know any better think I'm someone from the Matrix when I have two screens.
Posted 7 years ago
Harvie: Video was cool AF, still think I would rather have two screens, people who don't know any better think I'm someone from the Matrix when I have two screens.

Really? I'm pretty sure that productivity experts figured out that adding another monitor to your PC setup is the single most efficient and impactful thing you could be doing for your productivity back in the nineties. It's not a new idea, but I guess it's still not that popular.