Posted 7 years ago
I suppose my thought are a bit like most people's, in that the hype will 100% be better than the fight. Again like everyone else, I can talk myself into Connor having a puncher's chance, even if I don't think it'll happen. I have followed the movement of the betting line, but it takes too much money on Money to win enough to move my needle, and the risk is too great. A bet on Connor seems massively -EV.
Posted 6 years ago
This fight was about 2 weeks ago, but if you haven't seen the Michael Johnson-Justin Gaethje fight yet, it is FOY. I don't care that it's July, book the win already. Was the ME of the TUF Finale. I have it on my DVR, I've watched it 3 times already.
Posted 6 years ago
Here are my two pennies on the Mayweather McGregor fight...

The impact on the sport: Boxing has a lot to lose. MMA has been growing fast and especially in the last few years (in large part due to McGregor and Rhonda Rousey) at a rate unprecedented in any sport. Boxing on the other hand has been in a decline, due to fight spoiling/avoiding politics, greedy promoters and lack of non-PPV TV coverage. If boxing's no 1 fighter can't handily put away a fighter with no boxing record, it further legitimizes MMA as the "go to" fight sport, and de-legitimizes boxing as a fighting sport. MMA on the other hand can only gain. No MMA fan will be put off by a McGregor loss as this is not McGregor's sport. Connor has an excuse not to win. Mayweather does not.

The fight itself: Who the fuck knows. It should be a cake walk for Mayweather. But again that's where he is at a disadvantage. If McGregor even goes the distance (which I think he can as long as his fitness holds up) then in a large part he wins. If he wins some rounds or even looks close to hurting him then again he wins the MMA v Boxing victory, since everyone knows in an MMA fight Mayweather doesn't just lose but gets seriously hurt.

As for the build up, and I'm very biased here, I think McGregor has been hilarious and Mayweather has come across as a moron (disclaimer: I'm a big Mayweather fan). Boxing fans, and also boxing media, have been petty in attempts to de-legitimatize this fight. It's pure jealousy based on a non boxing fighter generating more attention to the sport than any other fighter.

Obviously I want McGregor to win, if only to shut up all the whining boxing fans (when was the last time they didnt whine about a pay per view - I do it too!). In fact,I would be ecstatic if Connor gets frustrated and decides to roundhouse kick Mayweather, sparking him out, then turning to crowd and saying "Fuck the Mayweathers!". But I'll settle for a non-one sided 12 round fight.

Whatever the outcome I think it's the MMA fans that will lose in the end. With £100mill in the bank I don't think McGregor will fight again in boxing or MMA. In that point at least, I hope I am wrong.
Posted 6 years ago
Mine is simple

McGregor to KO him inside 4 rounds.
Posted 6 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Mine is simple

McGregor to KO him inside 4 rounds.

Despite everything, that's what I'm putting my money on!
Posted 6 years ago
How about UFC 214 Cormier vs Jones II?

I'm a casual MMA fan but even I look at this card and think "hell yeah".

The main event I can't call so I'll assume Jon's got some menace in his heart and go with him.

Other fights I don't know too much about. Cyborg seems a dead cert. Cerone I'd like to see win cos he's just awesome. Woodley v Maia god knows!
Posted 6 years ago
As for the McGregor vs. Money fight, I might be in the minority here but I wouldn't want to see any surprises. I appreciate Connor's mastery when it comes to self-promotion and hype-building, he's also one hell of an MMA fighter and I think I like him more as an entertainer than Mayweather. That being said I just wouldn't want to see an inevitably unlucky loss (McGregor is a beast but in order for him to win against one of the best boxers of all time he'll have to strike a major deal with lady luck) leave a blemish on an otherwise stellar career.

The UFC 214 card is insane. Jones is a troubled prodigy who could've earned the mantle of the best fighter in the history of the sport and perhaps still can. As for Cormier, I like the guy more and more every time I see him fight or hear him speak. The difference in talent between both fighters is unfortunately fairly big, but I really wouldn't mind the upset. As I get older I really enjoy seeing hard work, discipline, and experience beating the raw talent.
Posted 6 years ago
Here's a long but amazing read from a boxing guy about Connor-Money fight, as well as some boxing history. So well written.
Posted 6 years ago*
What are your thoughts on the UFC 214? Other than the Tyron Woodley vs. Demian Maia fight I really enjoyed the show, and even that fight was interesting in a way. Sure it was very passive and boring which isn't ideal, but Woodley knew exactly what was necessary to win and he executed his plan perfectly so I can't really hate on him even if the result of his approach wasn't very appealing.

Jones vs. Cormier ended like I thought it would. I was really hoping for the upset but the difference in talent between 'Bones' and virtually anyone else in the light heavyweight division is simply too big right now. I'm excited for Jon going up a weight class. Jones vs. Stipe Miocic make it happen!

Posted 6 years ago
I found the prelims much more entertaining.
Posted 6 years ago
Jones vs Miocic doesn't excite me for some reason.....I guess I want to see a freak show with him vs Brock!

Posted 6 years ago
I did ask this on Facebook, but you cannot "consent" to being assaulted. How are things like MMA legal?

I find stuff like boxing and MMA boring AF but just wandered the above
Posted 6 years ago
Because they are categorized as a sport, there's infrastructure around them, athletic commissions etc. Besides, I can't really speak for MMA as far as stats go but you'd be surprised to learn that boxing is not on top of the list as far as the rate of injuries in sports goes. Smart boxing career (amateur career especially) will leave you a lot saner and less beat up than American football or rugby career. Lastly, the law is not an axiom given to us from heaven above, it's arbitrary stuff created by people so if the money is involved you can legalize just about anything.
Posted 6 years ago

Also, I think the question should be "How are things like cricket legal?"
Posted 6 years ago
At least cricket is fun to watch
Posted 6 years ago*
That's of course entirely subjective, but I think that most of the population would find Boxing and MMA very attractive when compared to other sports. Melee fighting was the fact of life for most of the male population up until a few centuries ago. Violence was a default way of solving problems and that's still in our DNA. Sports were originally invented as a way of training relevant combat skills in times of peace. Besides, try to explain the rules of the game to someone who has never seen a rugby or even a soccer game in their life. It will take you anywhere in between 5-15 minutes while boxing and MMA require no introduction. Everyone understands the primal dynamic of two people trying to beat each other.
Posted 6 years ago
AshVIP: At least cricket is fun to watch

Said no fun person ever.

Posted 6 years ago
Fuck off Jon Jones! Tested positive for steroids the day before the Courmier fight.

He must be the biggest fucking idiot on the planet.
Posted 6 years ago
I can't believe this. This has to be some kind of mistake and if it isn't then Jones probably lost his last chance at redemption. It's so sad and stupid.
Posted 6 years ago