Jon-PokerVIP: Anyone watched DareDevil yet? I am up to episode 6 and am loving it. Not a whole lot to it yet but a very easy watch and some good fight scenes.
Yeh watched the 1st episode last night, the fight scenes like you say where pretty good. Nice to see the fit bird out of True Blood is it
Russ: Think Daredevil is next on my list if the whole season is out in one go?
Just finished the latest Walking Dead and about to finish Gotham. Both worth a look.
Yeh all episodes of DD are out. Was getting weary of WD , but thought would continue to watch this seasons, and it got off to a pretty good start but towards end again back to being tired of it, but last episode as got me on the hook for next year.
Watched 1st episode of Gotham but couldn't get into it, someone was telling me its gotten really good of late, so might have to get round to it one day, so much quality out there though, cant even get round to seeing all the amazing shows that Netflix have done.