Posted 9 years ago
Are they easy to pick up and read books or do you need to have a certain amount of focus/ energy to read these longer novels?

Well I've read LOTR that many times now I actually don't even need to read it. I can just look at the page and know exactly what's happened. Laugh

However, the answer is yes and no. Sometimes and some books are just a grind and you really need to be 'in the mood' to be able to get involved. You have those days where you can go back and forth over 2-3 pages in an hour and hardly recall what you've read.

However on other occassions, when I'm completely immersed in the story, I can smash 3 big novels in a series in 3 weeks. Actually find it hard to put them down at times.

Posted 9 years ago
Thanks for that mate, guess fantasy novels are out for me. I like to keep things a bit more light:

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Posted 9 years ago
Currently reading 'The Girl on the train' - awesome so far!
Posted 9 years ago
Most people would have seen Fight Club but I think the book is just mind blowing. Chuck Palahniuk is a very talented writer.
Posted 9 years ago
covdy: Most people would have seen Fight Club but I think the book is just mind blowing. Chuck Palahniuk is a very talented writer.

It has some killer reviews on Amazon. How diff is the book to the film? And is it easy to read?
Posted 9 years ago*
Bought this and a few of his other books a few years ago. Read them but didn't really absorb them back then so having another go now. Feel like my game play is benefitting from watching all of Jon's leakfinder vids (Can't wait for mine Jon Wink ) so decided to start back on some Psych books to improve my mental game.

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Posted 9 years ago
covdy: Most people would have seen Fight Club but I think the book is just mind blowing. Chuck Palahniuk is a very talented writer.

It has some killer reviews on Amazon. How diff is the book to the film? And is it easy to read?

Usually the books are better than the movies but i must admit you ll love both medium. It can a bit hard to get into at the start but thats because the author style of writing is very original.
Posted 9 years ago
@Miner, not read that but I do enjoy "The Poker Mindset" one of the best poker reads I've read.

@Covdy, thanks I think I may add this to my Amazon wish list.
Posted 9 years ago
Haven't read the Poker Mindset but intend to look at it at some point.

These are the other two books from Alan Schoonmaker that I have. I also have Tendler's Mental Game of Poker.

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Posted 9 years ago
Used to love anything by James Patterson, good books, nice small easy chapters but they just got sooooo samey, he was writing for the sake of it and they got boring.

Fav books of all time:

Let The Right One In
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions (a must read)
Posted 9 years ago
Poker Related: Devilfish's autobiography is a must, proper funny
Posted 9 years ago
Any Arnie fans out there, his autobiography is a MUST. Such an inspiring guy with a ridiculous life story.

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Posted 9 years ago
Baboquivari: Any Arnie fans out there, his autobiography is a MUST. Such an inspiring guy with a ridiculous life story.

I've got it, just haven't got round to reading it. Love Arnold, this video is great motivation

Posted 9 years ago*
MinerBoy23: I'm a big fan of fantasy type books. Lord of the Rings being the obvious favourite and a Song of Ice and Fire also at the top of my list.

Finally went right through the entire Wheel of Time series last year which I really enjoyed, despite a few of the books dragging a little.

Right now I'm about to start this one..... Book 2 of the Malazan Book of the Fallen. Book 1 was hard to get in to to begin with but picked up as it went along. Has been about a month since I finished book 1 (Gardens of the Moon) so might need to wiki it just to refresh where I left off.

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Malazians books are awesome. Currently reading 8th book. Right after that I plan to jump into Wheel of Time or Song of Ice and Fire.

Btw: after 4th or 5th book everything starts to make sense Wink
Posted 9 years ago
MinerBoy23: I'm a big fan of fantasy type books. Lord of the Rings being the obvious favourite and a Song of Ice and Fire also at the top of my list.

Finally went right through the entire Wheel of Time series last year which I really enjoyed, despite a few of the books dragging a little.

Right now I'm about to start this one..... Book 2 of the Malazan Book of the Fallen. Book 1 was hard to get in to to begin with but picked up as it went along. Has been about a month since I finished book 1 (Gardens of the Moon) so might need to wiki it just to refresh where I left off.

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Malazians books are awesome. Currently reading 8th book. Right after that I plan to jump into Wheel of Time or Song of Ice and Fire.

Btw: after 4th or 5th book everything starts to make sense ;)

Haha. I hope so. I still haven't picked it up again yet actually. I didn't play much poker last year so had a lot of time for reading. Now that I've picked up poker again I'm playing basically every night after work so haven't looked at a book for a while.

If you haven't read WoT or ASOIAF before I'd go with ASOIAF first.
Posted 9 years ago
Have read "The Chronicles of Amber" nice fantazy book.
Posted 9 years ago
cmon. just Harry Potter can AvraKadavra all those books Cheeky
Posted 9 years ago
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I'm on a motivation grind currently, looking to start some sort of business so bought this book. Hope it's good!
Posted 9 years ago*
Do you feel you gain from these books Harvie ? I have read a few self-improvement type books and can usually pick up pieces from them, but never felt I've got a whole load of value. Maybe that's my issue with application! Is it just the cynic in me that thinks these books only make the author/publisher rich, rather than the consumer?

P.S managed to pick up a copy of "the power of now" for £2 after your recommendation. Thought that was a bargain. Will get onto it soon.
Posted 9 years ago
I recently decided to take a break from psychology/self-improvement literature and read just for the fun of it. I started with "A Song of Ice and Fire" and even thou book one was really good and the next two at least decent fourth and five were so boring that I probably won't buy the next one and just stick to the "Game of Thrones" show.

I also decided to re-read "The Witcher" series in preparation to The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt game. I've read this book series back in high school and I remembered only that it was "fun". Reading it again after so many years... I find it exceptional. One of the best book series I've ever read (fantasy or otherwise) miles ahead of "A Song of Ice and Fire". It shows that you can build rich, convincing, interesting world without a ton of "fat" in the form of pointless story threads. If you're at all interested in fantasy literature give this series a chance. You won't regret it (unless English version of the series is poorly translated but I've read some of it and it seems fine), Oh and btw Witcher 3 game writing is not as good as in the books but good enough to give them justice and I find the game exceptional as well.

If you think books are meant only to make author/publisher rich then you clearly haven't published a book:P It's obviously a joke and while you can make good money as a writer it's also kinda hard and really big hits are mostly a matter of luck. And yeah your attitude is really important when reading a book like that.