Posted 8 years ago
along similar lines to Archer, but a film = Kingsman, the Secret Service - great battle-scene in the Kentucky Church!
Posted 8 years ago
i dunno if anyone remembers this little beauty but i recently started watching it again
Posted 8 years ago
@GhostStriker88 Is this on Netflix? Looks like something perfect for the recreational drug users to be honest Smile

Banshee is coming back tomorrow for its fourth and final season. I mentioned it before and I'm mentioning it again since it's arguably the most underrated show currently on tv and definitely THE most badass one. If you haven't seen it yet it's a great time to correct that mistake:

Posted 8 years ago
@MattVIP im not sure if it on netflix i stream it online, as for myself im pretty much t-total i have a drink maybe 3 or 4 times year and never do drug`s i just think its funny as hell haha
Posted 8 years ago
MattVIP: @GhostStriker88 Is this on Netflix? Looks like something perfect for the recreational drug users to be honest Smile

Banshee is coming back tomorrow for its fourth and final season. I mentioned it before and I'm mentioning it again since it's arguably the most underrated show currently on tv and definitely THE most badass one. If you haven't seen it yet it's a great time to correct that mistake:

Ah I loved season 1, gonna have to get on to season 2 very soon!
Posted 8 years ago
What a season! Absolutely loved it. Hope they're doing another one before they work on The Defenders. Also Luke Cage to look forward to in September.

Posted 8 years ago
Just for a little cure for the itch after Making a Murderer, Cropsey is a documentary about the urban myth surrounding an old abandoned school for handicapped children on Staten Island and the investigation and prosecution of a suspected child abductor. I wish there had been more to this as it leaves so much unsaid and unsolved. It's also hard to imagine something so sinister going on in a place like that and no one doing much about it. Worth a watch.

Posted 8 years ago
The Walking Dead season finale Surprised That whistling noise was haunting, what an all round great episode, so intense at the end!
Posted 8 years ago
MattVIP: @GhostStriker88 Is this on Netflix? Looks like something perfect for the recreational drug users to be honest Smile

Banshee is coming back tomorrow for its fourth and final season. I mentioned it before and I'm mentioning it again since it's arguably the most underrated show currently on tv and definitely THE most badass one. If you haven't seen it yet it's a great time to correct that mistake:

Oh no, did this start already?? Damn will need to find it on catch up!
Posted 8 years ago
MattVIP: @GhostStriker88 Is this on Netflix? Looks like something perfect for the recreational drug users to be honest Smile

Banshee is coming back tomorrow for its fourth and final season. I mentioned it before and I'm mentioning it again since it's arguably the most underrated show currently on tv and definitely THE most badass one. If you haven't seen it yet it's a great time to correct that mistake:

Oh no, did this start already?? Damn will need to find it on catch up!

Started season 2 last night. So good!
Posted 8 years ago
What country are you in Matt? Did this really start? I can't seem to see anything anywhere about it, nor have I seen any trailers for it on TV. Really hope I have not missed episode 1 as it is not on catch up Sad
Posted 8 years ago
Just finished season 2. Last 2 episodes were amazing. When I say to anyone, "have you watched Banshee?", they say "haven't heard of it", why, WHY?

Posted 8 years ago
So good right? I think it's because Cinemax is not very popular. I love everything about the show: the tone, characters, dialogues, cinematography. I hope it receives a 'cult status' with time.

Unfortunately, as far as I know you can't get Cinemax in my country and Banshee is not on Netflix so I'm very unhappy to say that I have to pirate the show (which really sucks cause I believe in supporting the people who do something great). Guess I'll have to buy complete DVD collection to repent for that.
Posted 8 years ago
I bought season 1 on Google Play and season 2 on Amazon Prime. I don't mind paying for quality shows and films.
Posted 8 years ago
CrazyKeri: The Walking Dead season finale Surprised That whistling noise was haunting, what an all round great episode, so intense at the end!


Can't believe Darryl is still alive, did he not shoot him right in the head at point blank range?? YOU CAN KILL OFF CHARACTERS YOU KNOW!! Glenn should be dead, Darryl should be dead, no doubt the one who Negan is killing at the end will be that Aaron or some other background cast member cop-out
Posted 8 years ago
Couldn't recommend Dexter enough by far the best series I've watched, I guess a lot is based on people's personalities but you know after the first episode whether it is for you or not and if it is then boy will you be hooked!
Posted 8 years ago
AK-Flush94: Couldn't recommend Dexter enough by far the best series I've watched, I guess a lot is based on people's personalities but you know after the first episode whether it is for you or not and if it is then boy will you be hooked!

Yeh loved the whole thing! Might start from the beginning and watch it all over again Smile
Posted 8 years ago
@Jon-PokerVIP I started rewatching, apart from obviously knowing what happens it's nearly as good as the first time
Posted 8 years ago
Suits season 4 now on Netflix and it is epicccccccc
Posted 8 years ago
I've spent much of the last 2 days in bed ill and started watching Bates Motel for the first time... how have I not watched this earlier??! It's great! Good role for Freddie Highmore as well now he's grown up