Posted 8 years ago
I just read this one and i really liked it, specially the sports part.

The book becomes a bit repetitive always descriving the same stuff but its pretty cool to aproach poker and life in a different way.
I really recommend it.

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Posted 8 years ago
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Well, I probably should've read something new instead of re-reading one of my old favorites, but man, some books just keep you coming back.
Posted 8 years ago
@MattVIP My library doesn't have this title, but has 3 others by him, looks like a series starting with The Last Wish. Is this book part of that series?
Posted 8 years ago*
Last Wish and Sword of Destiny are collections of short stories released in that order. After they turned out to be successful the author released a proper series with one story line consisting of five books: Blood of Elves, Time of Contempt, Baptism of Fire, The Swallow’s Tower, Lady of the Lake (oh and there's also Season of Storms which is technically a prequel released long after the main series conclusion). I've never read them in English, but from what I've heard the translations aren't amazing (+ Lady of the Lake is yet to be translated, it's set to come out sometime in 2017), which is a damn shame because to my taste (and this is of course entirely subjective) The Witcher series is THE quintessential fantasy book series. I was amazed by it when I first read it in high school and it was even better than I remembered it when I decided to re-read it a decade later. It's obviously entirely subjective, but while it's slightly smaller in scope than The Song of Ice and Fire it still gives you this amazing huge world full or intrigue without overblowing it and instead focusing on what's really important - well-written characters. While the short stories aren't all great the main series doesn't skip a beat and it's so enjoyable to read through and through that at least once a month I find myself tempted to re-read it again.

EDIT: After small research it turned out that people have gripes with the community translations. The official translations (while not perfect) are reportedly a lot better. With that in mind, if you enjoy fantasy do yourself a favor and read the series @CycleVancouver. The proper read order would be to go with The Last Wish and Sword of Destiny first and then the series (ignoring Seasons of Strom till it get's officialy translated, also even though it technically is a prequel there's this one thing in it that makes a lot more sense if you read it after the series).
Posted 8 years ago
Tx bro. I do like fantasy, I go in phases between non-fiction and "good trash", and I think I could use some book-candy right now so I'll grab Last Wish and let you know.
Posted 8 years ago
Definitely. Last Wish isn't very long either. Definitely let me know what you think about it once you read it!
Posted 8 years ago
Got this:

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Not to pick up chicks but because I was told it was a good read to see how pick-up artists think. 30% of the way through and it's been a real eye opener. Turns out most PUA are geeks who could not get girls. Who'd have thought!
Posted 8 years ago
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I've read The Dark Tower series several times, but I've never read this book. Amending this mistake right now and so far it looks like it was a pretty big one.
Posted 8 years ago
Harvie: Got this:

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Not to pick up chicks but because I was told it was a good read to see how pick-up artists think. 30% of the way through and it's been a real eye opener. Turns out most PUA are geeks who could not get girls. Who'd have thought!

I also read it years back, just to see what i was about. the author is apparently either grown up, or simply found a new gimmick, his new book is an apology of sorts. Link to a CBC interview:
Posted 8 years ago
^ Thanks bud looks interesting, think I'll pick that up next as I loved reading the Game and his stories. Are you reading his new book?
Posted 8 years ago
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I read this many moons ago. Spartan boy gets sold into slavery and has adventures.
Posted 8 years ago
I finished The Wind Through the Keyhole. Highly recommend the entire Dark Tower series. Damn, I missed reading, anxious to start another book.
Posted 8 years ago
Harvie: ^ Thanks bud looks interesting, think I'll pick that up next as I loved reading the Game and his stories. Are you reading his new book?

Nah, even though I did find The Game interesting, like watching auto racing for the crashes. Wink
Posted 8 years ago
Read (or started and abandoned) a bunch of meh fantasy/SF lately, finally got The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss from the library. Totally worth all the hype it got. (I'm about 150 pages in.)
Posted 8 years ago
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Another book by sai King. I'm at the very beginning, but so far so good! I really like his style of writing.
Posted 8 years ago

keep reading boyz!
Posted 8 years ago
@CycleVancouver I ended up buying Neil's new book. I'm about 75% of the way and it's a great read so far, really recommend it.
Posted 8 years ago
Harvie: @CycleVancouver I ended up buying Neil's new book. I'm about 75% of the way and it's a great read so far, really recommend it.

I might give it a go, tx for the rec.
Posted 8 years ago
I managed to scratch my fiction itch and I'm done with the genre for a little while. It's time for a bit more 'functional' reading starting with this classic:

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Posted 8 years ago
Really enjoyed this one, more so than the colour of magic.

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