Posted 8 years ago
I could really use some humour of the Discworld in my life right now. Maybe it's time to re-read the "Faust Eric"...
Posted 8 years ago
Been here long enough, figure I'd go ahead and learn the bloody language.

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Posted 7 years ago
^learned about 7 words in 1 month, total fail, bought this kindle version, looking forward to it:

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Posted 7 years ago
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Did anyone get the chance to read this? I'm thinking about pulling a trigger on it which is not an obvious decision with the limited time I have for reading.
Posted 7 years ago
I did read this one. If you re fun of HP world, than it is a must. Its a good story, but not that good as original books, but definitely fun to read. Its written as screen play and it took me 2 days to finish it. I was on holiday tho, so can be a bit more in normal days Smile
Posted 7 years ago
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This book was in my backlog for the longest time and i finally had the chance to read it. Powerful stuff.
Posted 7 years ago
Great book, the longer you wait to read it the more relevant it becomes funnily enough.

I'm currently 60% through:

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Posted 7 years ago
@Harvie In case you haven't seen it yet you might be interested in watching this JRE episode with the author of the book:

If it turns out to be good "Sex at Dawn" might make it to the top of my 'to read' list.
Posted 7 years ago
Yes that's on my list, currently listening to #911 whicih is a total mind****. Laugh
Posted 7 years ago
MattVIP: Attached Image

This book was in my backlog for the longest time and i finally had the chance to read it. Powerful stuff.

I couldn't think of a better time when to read it in the past 20-30 years. I read it 8 years or so back and I feel like this is the time when to revisit Orwell once again. Also, if you read such a book in your late teens, it's very hard not to miss nuances and subtleties in the larger story.

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Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky

Similar story behind this one. Also has been on my list for a long time, but I was always planning to just improve my Russian and read it in the original print as not to lose all the little things like expressions and jokes that usually tend to be lost in translation. Half way in and I can easily say that it's one of the best books that I have stumbled upon so far. It's quite rare for me to be drawn into a book 20 pages in and Dostoevsky certainly achieved that in my case.

This is one of those books that would appeal to anyone, in my opinion, and certainly won't be time wasted.
Posted 7 years ago
I need a new book as I just finished one, not been reading as much as I'd like due to traveling so want to finish another book this month. Not sure what genre I want, perhaps sex again Cool .
Posted 7 years ago
I'm about to read "Brainwashing: The Science of Thought Control" by Kathleen Taylor. I'll let you know if it's worthwhile after a few chapters.
Posted 7 years ago
I'm on holiday for a month, brough with me 8 books! I've mentioned The Name of the Wind and the sequel, The Wise Man's Fear, by Patrick Rothfuss. Fantasy, it's like Harry Potter for adults. Awesome reads.

Right now I'm working on a novel called The Orenda, by Joseph Boyden. It's set in the 1600s or 1700s in Canada, about the interactions between the First Nations and Jesuit missionaries. It's an incredible book, covers so much scope.
Posted 7 years ago
Hang on @CycleVancouver holiday for a month? Didn't you visit Vegas just a few months ago? #Baller.
Posted 7 years ago
@CycleVancouver Harry Potter for adults you say? I haven't read much fiction recently and that description sounds very promising.

Right now I'm reading this:
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Too early to tell how good it is, but I suspect I'll be able to recommend it once I read a few more pages.
Posted 7 years ago
I read that book a month or so ago Matt, good read.
Posted 7 years ago
@Harvie Man I wish it was last month I was in Vegas. August, almost a year ago, need to go back! But yeah, I'm a spoiled brat who needs to get out of the dreary rain at least once per winter. Got a lucky break, did a home exchange so I have a free place in Spain, been traveling around a bit. As you do.
Posted 7 years ago
Spain is only 2 flights and 17hours away from Bangkok, guess I'll be seeing you soon @CycleVancouver .
Posted 7 years ago
funny you mention that, I used the exact same thinking. I'm in Israel atm visiting a friend, cuz after 3 flights and 20 hours to Spain, what's another few hours on top?

But I can get a direct from my home city to Bangkok, so if you're still there by next winter.....
Posted 7 years ago
I'm finishing "The Power of Habit" and while I have my sights on another book ("The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield) I'd happily listen to some recommendations.