£100 to live without your phone for 1 week

Posted 7 years ago

Could you do it? I told my friend that I would give him £100 if he didn't use his phone for a week, he would give it me (password locked) and I would keep it in my draw.

If he asked for it back during the 7 days I would give it him, and he would not have to pay me anything for losing te bet.

He refused saying he can't live without his phone for less than £400/week.

What amount would you leave your phone for a week?

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Posted 7 years ago
I am with your friend on this - £100 is just so low to not have something so vital especially if he works or has a business.

£400 a week still doesn't cut it really but may do it for 7 days if someone really wanted to give me that money.
Posted 7 years ago
people and their effing phones. its too much these days
Posted 7 years ago
Easy call though I spend a lot of time behind the computer screen and if my phone was my main gateway to the land of the interwebz 100 quid wouldn't cut it.
Posted 7 years ago
Would depend on how much your day to day relies on it I suspect. My mrs charges my phone up for me because I don't go near it unless it's an emergency so it's been sat collecting dust on the coffee table for 2 years on pay as you go tarrif. Emo

I'd stroll it and probably forget I 'd had the bet.
Posted 7 years ago
@MattVIP @jonvip what if you replaced your smartphone with a normal phone and all you could do is receive calls, so you can't use any apps or mobile internet.

I could happily live without my phone IF people could ring me. Having said that most people are scared to call or pick up a phone these days because of online messaging.
Posted 7 years ago
If I had access to basic phone functionality and my living arrangement stayed the same (meaning, I'd still spend a lot of time behind the computer screen) I'd be up for giving up my smartphone entirely. Basically, I'm pretty sure I couldn't live without the internet but I'm also aware of the fact that it's not that good for me in large doses. We're all severely overstimulated and smartphones are largely at fault.
Posted 7 years ago
I could do it easy if I wasn't working. Would be weird as I'm so used to checking it but I'd do it just for the challenge as it's clearly a bad habit and one that only seems to get worse.