£5 to £250 betting on Bwin

Posted 8 years ago

So I done this a while back went from £5 to £500 so I thought why not give it a bash again, be smart!!

I begun tonight had just under £5 in my Bwin account
£3.81 on Real Madrid and Wolfsburg bringing back £8
1.13 on Real Madrid, Wolfsburg, Arsenal and Aberdeen bringing back £8.12

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So £4.94 - £16.12 = Day 1

Now i then thought I placed a bet for tomorrow however misread the dates and the 2 games were a week apart so I cashed out and had to take a approx £3 loss 😡 What a idiot!

So for tomorrow DEFINETLY tomorrow this time we got this ..
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Again the aim is to get to £250 without going broke! Let's see how long it will last! If I reach the goal of £250 it will be used for some poker!! I will be aiming to update this at least once every 2 days till goal of broke!

Let's just Run It Up

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Good luck but I think you should be spreading your roll on a number of bets rather than placing your eggs in one basket.

It just takes on bad result to crush you.

Would go and make a rule such as not placing more than 20% of your winnings on any one bet as a way to manage your roll.

Posted 8 years ago
Good shout, ill start that after this bet tonight and we will see how it goes!
Posted 8 years ago
I disagree with Harvie. Making small bets is for pussies and i believe in YOU!

We can all grind our lives away but only some can win the world!


In for the ride.
Posted 8 years ago
once i hit 50 ill go for the 20% method min of 10 pound bets, till then ill risk it!
Posted 8 years ago
Day 2

So from that bet for earlier today it came in so up to 17.01 now
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Those winnings I put the full £17.01 on Fenerbache to beat Braga tomorrow
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Posted 8 years ago
Day 3
Fenerbache won sweet!
£17.01 to £28.92

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I then put that £28.92 on all the Europa league games to be under 4.5 goals

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Which also came in!
£28.92 to £36.86

Up £19.85 today!

Not sure if gonna put anything on tomorrow will wait and see!
Posted 8 years ago
Day 4

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Seems no bad

Posted 8 years ago
Nice work bud! How often do you find yourself cashing out?
Posted 8 years ago
Only cashed out once so far that's because I put a game on for next week by mistake, nearly cashed out on Fenerbache game but luckily they scored in 82nd min

If a game is 1-0 at like 70-80mins I'll probs cash out just to be safe
Posted 8 years ago
Well shit
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Posted 8 years ago
Probably should have listened to my last post then ae, wit a fud! Oh well fun while it lasted 😂