50 Sit Ups Per Day Challenge

Posted 8 years ago

So i thought we should get a community vibe going and make a very small or possibly very big challenge to some.

My challenge is simple - each day in January starting from today you must do 50 sit ups throughout the day.

I am personally going to do 15 in the morning, 15 mid afternoon and 20 around 8pmish.

I think this is good for just general health and exercise plus very good for stretching considering we sit all day.

I am going to start mine now but you can join in at anytime of the month.

Who's with me?

Each day we must report back and complete the challenge.

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
I'll join you. Will do them today with my wee workout. (I'm good for it, honest!) I always do them when I work out, but tbh it's just lazy that I don't do them the other days as well, so this will be good for me.

Now IDK how athletic you are or have been, but if you haven't done a sit-up since your school days, jsyk the feet-on-the-floor, knees-bent method is kind of out of date. It's the equivalent to "a 4 bet must be aces" poker thinking of 2000. You can do them, but there are better lines to take, so to speak.
Posted 8 years ago
I'm up for it... as long as I can substitute sit-ups with 3 sets of 30-second planks. I should train my core muscles more often than I already do anyway but sit-ups (while not as dangerous as some people paint them to be) aren't that great for you. Mostly because if your hip flexors aren't mobile enough you'll be pushing your lower back into the floor curving it in an unnatural way and putting a lot of pressure on it. Big no-no that can lead to severe injuries if you're not careful and/or lucky.
Posted 8 years ago
MattVIP: I'm up for it... as long as I can substitute sit-ups with 3 sets of 30-second planks. I should train my core muscles more often than I already do anyway but sit-ups (while not as dangerous as some people paint them to be) aren't that great for you. Mostly because if your hip flexors aren't mobile enough you'll be pushing your lower back into the floor curving it in an unnatural way and putting a lot of pressure on it. Big no-no that can lead to severe injuries if you're not careful and/or lucky.

Okkkkkkk i'll allow it!!! Gogogog

I have nailed todays. I personally did mine of one of those exercise balls. Also with the situps i just kinda rolled around on it to stretch out......such a sick feeling
Posted 8 years ago
I'm in.........what sort of sit ups are we talking about here?

I tend to go with the bicycle crunches.

Posted 8 years ago
IN! Won't do any now as just had a can of fizzy vimto but will start and report in tomorrow!
Posted 8 years ago
I'm also a bicycle cruncher. On the exercise ball is good too, and of course Matt out-planks us all.
Posted 8 years ago
Done my first 30 of the day and will do the last 20 an hour or 2 after dinner.

Feels really good to be doing this tbh. Small steps and all that! Heart beats, bit of breathlessness and knowing its a positive.

Easiest challenge ever right?
Posted 8 years ago
This is how i am doing them fwiw

Posted 8 years ago
I'm doing crunches when I can, all day.
The sitting really messes with your lower back and weakens your abs if you don't watch your posture, which is hard to get into the habit of doing if you are concentrating hard on the tables.
After sitting I like to lie flat on the floor on my mat, stretch out the lower back and everything, and do some crunches and maybe a couple/few situps.
When you guys say situps, you are meaning WITHOUT the feet anchored right ?
Posted 8 years ago*

Easiest challenge ever right?

When I was a kid my favourite book was a chess book titled, "Every Great Chess Player Was Once a Beginner." So wherever you are, that's where you're at.

And Day 2 in the books.
Posted 8 years ago
First day for me (January 8th) - 2 x 50 bike crunches.
Posted 8 years ago
All done for me and feel good. Can;t say i have a 6 pack yet but buried deep my abs are feeling it!
Posted 8 years ago
Didn't do situps per se but did 3x 15 reps of Abdominal crunches on the machine at the gym + 5 for good measure. It's like the same as a situp
Posted 8 years ago
killjoy1987: Didn't do situps per se but did 3x 15 reps of Abdominal crunches on the machine at the gym + 5 for good measure. It's like the same as a situp

better, no ?
Posted 8 years ago
No idea lol I sort of wander round the gym like a lost puppy just going on different things
Posted 8 years ago
Hahaha, love the ab stuff, makes you feel so much better, will try to put how many I do at end of my day, if that is what you guys are doing.
Posted 8 years ago
Jan 9th - another 2 x 50 bike crunches
Posted 8 years ago
killjoy1987: No idea lol I sort of wander round the gym like a lost puppy just going on different things

Anyone who wants to learn about how do lift (or at least not look like a noob in the gym), I HIGHLY recommend The New Rules of Lifting, by Lou Schuler. Changed my life.
Posted 8 years ago*
Last 3 days in books. I haven't been to pilates in months, so at the end of my workout today, instead of 3x50 bicycles, I went with 2 bicycles and an attempt at a Pilates exercise called "Hundreds". No idea why it's plural, cuz I've never been in a class where anyone got to 100 and was like, "Let's do more!" Today I got to 60 before crashing. Woman in this vid makes it look so easy, but trust me, it ain't. Anyone who wants something new for the core, here ya go: