Problem with video loading in Poker Courses

Posted 8 years ago

Hey guys, The videos in the Poker Courses section are not loading for me, instead simply showing the white background without any video there. Coaching videos work fine.
I'm using google chrome on Windows 7, anyone got any ideas?

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Posted 8 years ago
Hi @Zeroni

I have checked through the courses and the videos seem to be working fine for me. Could you try again on another browser please and tell me if it work OK there?
Posted 8 years ago
@Zeroni I can't exactly reproduce your problem so let's start with the basics. Check if the issue persists when using a different browser and if it does make sure your FLASH is up to date. If that doesn't work, report back and we'll think of something else.
Posted 8 years ago*
The videos embedded from Youtube are the only videos that seem to work. This is odd, because Google Chrome has a built in Flash which auto-updates itself. Quote from the Adobe website: "Your Google Chrome browser already includes Adobe® Flash® Player built-in. Google Chrome will automatically update when new versions of Flash Player are available."

I've tried using Mozilla which displays the videos in question correctly.
Example of the video not working in Chrome, but works in Mozilla here.
Posted 8 years ago
Again, I can't really reproduce your problem (I'm running Windows 10 and Chrome and it all works perfectly) so the only thing I can suggest is sticking with Mozilla for the time being.
Posted 8 years ago*
Ah, that's annoying. I remember having this problem about half a year ago as well, before I was a member of the website.
Well, what can you do Smile

Thank you for the help Matt and Keri!
Posted 8 years ago
Hey @Zeroni sorry we have not been able to help here. If you have any screenshots or the issue changes at all please email us anytime Hello@PokerVIP.Com

Luckily we have got your back and all new videos are released on our YouTubechannel and all old ones are currently being uploaded.

If you are looking for videos on specific aspects just let me know which and I will find the best ones for you.

Good luck

Posted 8 years ago
Oh, that is good news! So all the poker courses videos will be available on Youtube too? Will the courses themselves also get these Youtube videos embedded instead of the current ones?

That would be awesome but either way, I'll make do with whatever is the situation, so I guess I will use Mozilla to view this material for now.
Thank you for the reply Jon Smile