Thread for non-poker podcasts you recommend

Posted 8 years ago

Other than poker, almost nothing beats an awesome thought provoking podcast. What are some non-poker podcasts recommendations that you frequent?

For me:

Joe Rogan Experience (probably my first that blossomed from my second love of jiu jitsu and mma)

Bill Burr's "Monday Morning Podcast" (if you haven't heard his stand up it's fucking brilliant, his podcast is literally a hilarious 1 hour rant from a comedian)

London Real (they should rename it "guest that will change your life-perspective on the daily" podcast)

The Fantasy Footballers (Most informative and entertaining FF podcast, they broadcast M-F. Even if daily fantasy sports isn't your thing then making money on these sites should be. There are a lot fish who play on these websites because they can pick their favorite players even if they are -EV plays

Dan Carlin's Hardcore History (even if you hated history in high school/secondary school/college, he will make you view world history through a much more refreshing, realistic, and down right brutal way =D )

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Maybe a bit off topic but for me i don't watch podcasts but a lot of radio type interviews. Similar thing if not identical just shorter i guess and with someone of fame who is probably going to be promoting something.

I listen/watch

- Sways Universe

- BigBoyTV

- Hot 97

- Breakfast club

I like the Rogan podcasts although it does feel very samey sometimes so i just watch the best of clips rather than the whole thing.
Posted 8 years ago
Great thread. I wish I had more time for podcasts because there's a bunch of good ones around. I've never heard about Dan Carlin's Hardcore History but it sounds absolutely amazing. I'm familiar with London Real and I listen to it from time to time but not regularly. Joe Rogan Experience is great, one of the last episodes with makes of "Conspiracy" was absolutely amazing.

I can't really add much to the list since, but The Weekly Planetpodcast my absolute guilty pleasure. It's mostly about comic books and comic-book movies/tv shows, but what keeps me coming back is the amazing sense of humour and comedic timing of the hosts.

I also sometimes listen to Mark Bell's PowerCast. It's about powerlifting and fitness world in general.
Posted 8 years ago
I have to give a shout out to The Joe Rogan Podcast. All his are around 3 hours so when one is finished there's another 4 already uploaded. Which means I really don't have the time to list to anything else.

I've been told The Tim Ferris podcast is great if you want to start your own business, not had the time to listen to any yet.

Tim Ferris Podcast
Posted 8 years ago
After I made my last post in this thread I've listened to this episode of JRE:

One of the best hours of Joe Rogan Podcast I've ever heard.

Posted 8 years ago
Haha I love Tait when he comes on. Even though it kind of breaks the rules of this thread, his one with Ike Haxton was really good too. He has a pretty cool story, about living in a tower which pretty much consisted of poker players and strippers. And I still remember his hand in the 2008ish PCA where he 3bet rivered bluff all in with 32s, one the first hands of poker I saw on TV as a kid. He might become one of your favorites if get the chance to listen to his JRE podcast:
Posted 8 years ago
And incase you haven't seen it...

Don't know why he cut his hair, dude looks like a straight savage with it.
Posted 8 years ago
Harvie: I have to give a shout out to The Joe Rogan Podcast. All his are around 3 hours so when one is finished there's another 4 already uploaded. Which means I really don't have the time to list to anything else.

I've been told The Tim Ferris podcast is great if you want to start your own business, not had the time to listen to any yet.

Tim Ferris Podcast

@Harvie, thanks for the recommendation, Tim Ferris is boss. Isn't he basically just a all around life coach? (without the douchey implications of being a "life coach"). I know about the 4 hour body but I've also seen videos on facebook on how breaks down learning a language too, he seems to have a variety of interests...jack of all trades and master of most it seems
Posted 8 years ago*
Harvie: I have to give a shout out to The Joe Rogan Podcast. All his are around 3 hours so when one is finished there's another 4 already uploaded. Which means I really don't have the time to list to anything else.

I've been told The Tim Ferris podcast is great if you want to start your own business, not had the time to listen to any yet.

Tim Ferris Podcast

I don t know Joe Rogan but ive heard he talks alot of bs thats not true. apparently hes a ''dumb cunt''
joe rogan hating

''We smoke bongs and we get on the fking podcast and we stroke eachothers cocks and we talk about how good we are, Joe Rogan is really fucking good at shit that's really pointless. Marketing bullshit to idiots'' hahaha

Joe rogan hate
Posted 8 years ago
Joe Rogan has a ton of haters, but he also has the #1 podcast in the world. I don't agree with everything he says and even he says he's talks out his ass, great shows though.
Posted 8 years ago
Yeah I agree with @Harvie he doesn't always have ideas that I agree with but he generally has sensible reasons for things he presents on his podcast; that said there is 0% of the population whose viewpoint I would 100% agree with so to assume a bong-ripping, mma commenting, podcasting comedian would be different seems silly. But fuck all, I'm really not a fan of durianrider. His entire channel could be summed up as "I fucking love bananas, hate conflicting evidence, if you have one mild inconsistency in your argument...well you're just a cunt".
Posted 8 years ago
Durianrider thrives on controversy and I wouldn't concern myself with his opinion. He makes veganism sound like an eating disorder and even though I'm vegan too I'm not very happy with the fact that he has some following.

As for Joe, sure he talks bs, and he's stubborn when it comes to some of his lifestyle choices but aren't we all? What separates Joe from many other folks is that he isn't completely immune to solid arguments and while he tends to favor folks from some walks of life he interviews a wide variety of guests and he's able to find the common ground with most of them.