Will Leicester City Win The Premier League?

Posted 8 years ago

I'm really shocked there isn't much more talk about Football in this forum, especially given it's the most popular sport in Europe.

For anyone who has been living under a rock for the last 7 months, Leicester City are top of the Premier League and almost on the verge of winning it. They were 5000/1 to win it at the start and many agree this will be the biggest sporting upset of all time.

Ladbrokes just just paid out £72,000 on an early cash out when one punter put a bet on LCFC to win the league.

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So then, will they or won't they?

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Posted 8 years ago
between leicester and spurs now hope they win it
Posted 8 years ago
Yeah it's a two horse race, Spurs have tough games coming up so if they drop a few points I think LCFC can easily take it. 5 point gap is pretty big but still 21 points to play for so it's all to play for.

I think all of England want LCFC to win right about now.
Posted 8 years ago
How many games left?
Posted 8 years ago
8 games left
Posted 8 years ago
8 games is alottttttttt

Who are their next 8 games against?
Posted 8 years ago
Leicester have a much easier run in than Spurs as we player fewer teams in the top half. We have Chelsea last game of the season (Spur's rivals) and many are suggesting that Chelsea won't send out a full 'first-time'. I really hope the roomers are true. Laugh
Posted 8 years ago
I really hope Leicester do it , either them or spurs though would hate to see anyone else win it now.
Posted 8 years ago
I also hope that Leicester wins and mix the things up a bit. European national leagues are little boring because for instance in La Liga there is only Real Madrid and Barcelona who can win it, maybe Atletico Madrid too, and in Serie A Juventus always wins. In the Premier league things have gotten very refreshing this year, because there are new clubs who have a good chance to win. Tottenham has been in top 6 for couple of years now, but practically there has been only two teams after Chris Ferguson´s Manu era: Mancester City and Chelsea who can win.
Posted 8 years ago
Agree really refreshing to see a number of clubs perform brilliantly this season. As a neutral supporter to the premier league I love not seeing the usual BIG clubs winning week in week out. Such an entertaining league and has to be one of the best in the world ! it seems the gap is closing in terms of quality throughout sides as well, so many games this season we have seen teams taking points off each other.
Posted 8 years ago
I think the only way to make european football less predictably and more interesting is some form of salary cap. It works really well in north american professional leagues like NFL, NBA or NHL.
Posted 8 years ago
^Yes that would be great. Vardy, Mahrez and Kante can get snapped up by Barca/Madrid/Chelsea for 5x their current wage which means Leicester can't build a very good team because the top clubs can cherry pick. I think a wage cap of around £70k per week is MORE than enough, £100k+ is ridiculous and it's usually the fans that have to pay for that.
Posted 8 years ago
I think Salary caps are normally on total salary aren't they rather than by player. So you can still pay superstar wages, just not to everyone. I think it would be great for the game.
Posted 8 years ago
^IIRC it's something like you can only add an extra 10% to your salary from the previous year or something like that to avoid going broke. They should just cap the salary everywhere to a fixed amount, it would make the league much more competitive but I don't think it will ever happen as the big clubs make too much money and stand too lose too much.
Posted 8 years ago
Spurs drew last night which is a huge result for Leicester. If we can get 3 points against Southampton then we're almost over the line. Can't wait for the game tonight, been buzzing since last night about it.
Posted 8 years ago
You an actual Leicester fan? I hadn't noticed a 'we' before. I work in Leicestershire and the place is hilarious right now. Sooo many more Foxes never Quit slogans kicking about that there was 6 months ago. There only 3 guys in the office who have always been Leicester fans and I'm delighted for their confused and excited little faces every weekend.

I'm an Arsenal fan and I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying your run. Especially if it results in Spurs just missing out.

Come on Saints, don't ruin it for everyone.
Posted 8 years ago*
Maybe I am insane, but I like both, Arsenal and Tottenham :D.
Posted 8 years ago*
They'll be plenty more Leicester fans next season. Growing up not far from Manchester I only ever knew THREE Man City fans, THREE and I could tell you who they are. They win the league and there's now so many it's just ridiculous
Posted 8 years ago
Yeah same. Old City fans are amongst my favourite fans though. I know a couple. Even now when get to 40 points they celebrate staying up for another year.

"You never know lad. This is City".
Posted 8 years ago
I've been a fan from when I was a kid but never had anything to shout about so kept it quiet. After last night's win I think we'll do it assuming Man U beat Spurs next week.

If we win the title I'll come back for the parade in town, may need to pre book my tickets at the Nou Camp too for the UCL. Cool

In Thailand everyone is wearing LCFC shirts now, when I ask them how long they have been supporting them they say "3 months" or "only this year".