Posted 8 years ago
A smart player does things not everybody even sees.

Posted 8 years ago
Soooooooo the broadband saga continues! To keep a long story short I have been on the phone to them 5 times and they ended up sending an engineer out yesterday! The 'engineer' clearly did not have a clue what he was doing and ended up leaving in a hurry saying it should be sorted! Within 5 minutes it was off again! I am supposed to have a sky 'jedai' calling me before 1 today but it is now 12 and no call as yet! Yawnnnnnnn!
Posted 8 years ago

Sounds like a typical workman who has no idea what he is doing so just bails. Could honestly strangle people like that.

Asides from the BB issues how was Jan overall and whats the plan for Feb?
Posted 8 years ago
Jef147: Well the new router has improved my internet situation but it still dropped twice! Very annoying and strange as it has always been perfect!

Back at the tables for a couple of hours tonight and managed a win though it was a struggle! The blaze games were alot more agro tonight and I kept getting put in tricky spots! But came good in the end a hit a new mini milestone Smile

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Great thread! And gratz on the goal! I hope to achieve the same some day. At what site do you play?
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: LOL

Sounds like a typical workman who has no idea what he is doing so just bails. Could honestly strangle people like that.

Asides from the BB issues how was Jan overall and whats the plan for Feb?

Yes and they told me they were sending out a super awesome expert on Monday and the same bald numpty turned up!!!! Plus the appointment was between 1pm and 6pm and I didn't get in until 1.15pm only to be greeted by him passing me in his van! So I waved and got his attention then went in the house and waited for him to come back! He didn't bother!!!!!!!!!! Havent even rang sky again as I am so mehhhhhhh about it now haha!

Good news is I went to Ikea on Monday and got myself a super cool chair and desk to set up my grind station! Still need a new monitor etc but my current one is 24" so will do for now! Might try and set it up tonight!

So the pan for Feb is mainly to get my office set up and just go with the flow depending on how internet goes etc! Don't want to set specific goals as I will be tilted if internet does not play the game!
Posted 8 years ago
Jef147: Well the new router has improved my internet situation but it still dropped twice! Very annoying and strange as it has always been perfect!

Back at the tables for a couple of hours tonight and managed a win though it was a struggle! The blaze games were alot more agro tonight and I kept getting put in tricky spots! But came good in the end a hit a new mini milestone Smile

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Great thread! And gratz on the goal! I hope to achieve the same some day. At what site do you play?

I play on Stan James buddy and love it! Great software and the sickest deal ever from PokerVIP Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Pic of the chair?
Posted 8 years ago*
Tried out pretty much all of them and this was by far the most comfortable! And at £55 it was a no brainer!

Click here
Posted 8 years ago
Solid buy mate!
Posted 8 years ago
Hey guys I'm backkkkkkk! Really productive couple of days!

Firstly my flat in Newcastle which has been sat empty sold yesterday! Wooooop!! It has been pretty stressful as it has been costing me £600 plus per month and I took on a second mortgage in October as the Mrs fell in love with a new build which was the last one left! So feels like a weight has been lifted!

Also I seem to have got my internet sorted today! Fingers crossed! Anddddd I have my new grind station set up! Its pretty simple but I love it! Still need my new beast monitor etc but that can wait a month or so! What ya think..?? That is a forensic finger print on the glass Smile

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Posted 8 years ago
Sooooooo many wins wp man!

Really nice setup there but make sure it stays clean like that forever!
Posted 8 years ago
Not much to report as volume has been poor due to life things but I have now properly moved up to 20nl! Not that much different just a few less complete gifts and a few more regs! Confident I can beat the limit with time and study! Oh and I have bought a wired mouse and a mic so hope to get some videos done and maybe even give twitch a go if I get my confidence up Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Sick stuff bud and congrats on moving up to 20nl. Start of big things to come for sure.

Really interested in the twitch stream and will 100% help and tune in.

How you finding the games so far?
Posted 8 years ago
They are defo tougher than 10nl but they are still very beatable I think! You still see randoms just punting off chips for no particular reason at all! But it is just less than 10nl! I think the regs are really quite good tbh! If you just set down at a bunch of regular tables and don't table select at all it is not going to be easy money! But if you just use common sense like you highlight in a lot of videos then there are still plenty of value spots! And I only play 4 table so makes it easier to find good tables!
Posted 8 years ago
20nl regs are not good Wink 100nl regs are not "good". Good is like 200nlz-400nlz

Honestly, you will find so many spots to exploit them. They will over exaggerate and try to battle thinking they are amazing. Don't get into battles with them stick to predefined ranges until they show you their weakness and you won't have any trouble.
Posted 8 years ago
Thanks bud! Yes I know what you mean I just meant solid ABC style players who you are at least going to have to work for your money with! But I already know what you mean about exaggerating etc! Majority have obviously read that they must defend their blinds aggressively and the old nugget 'do not have a calling range from sb'! Means they are far too aggressive from the blinds and get themselves into bother against my min button raise with a solid range Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Update: Fell like I am settled in to 20nl now! Fell really comfortable and starting to see the numerous leaks that the regs have as Cookie mentioned! Bankroll is still steadily rising and at a high of just under 1.25k! Need to up volume a little but im getting there!
Posted 8 years ago
I was up at Newcastle over the weekend so unfortunately could not do any grinding! I did have a look through a fair few youtube videos on PokerSnowie though! It is something I have been tempted with for a while so thought I would look into it a bit more! I know it has its sceptics but for somebody like me who no doubt has many leaks and is looking to improve I think it looks fantastic! I am defo going to get the months free trial and see how I get on with it! I don't have a great deal of hands in my database at the moment so I think waiting until my db is a bit more substantial will mean I get the most out of the free trial!

My deposit bonus runs out at the end of the month on Stan James so I need to rake $125 between now and then to clear another chunk of it! So the plan is to grind that out which should be easily doable! Then review the bankroll etc and go from there! Think ill do a more detailed update with graph so far, bankroll etc!
Posted 8 years ago
Seems super doable buddy! Grind dem titties off Smile

Snowie is deffs worth at least playing around with especially now your sights are set on 50nl. It just gives you a clear understanding of GTO and you can use that info however you like.
Posted 8 years ago
Grats moving to nl20 and getting comfortable so soon. Can't see you being troubled too much by the regs from what I've read here.

By the way, that desk is far too tidy, makes mine look like a landfill site! Blush