Posted 8 years ago
LOL. I had to pick them up from youth club. I ran there, then had to hang around for 20 minutes cos they were running late. C**ts!!
Posted 8 years ago
The youth club people I mean, not my kids!!
Posted 8 years ago
4th and 6th in tonight's OPLs.

5 tourneys played, 131 points.
Posted 8 years ago
Nice save! Bowing
Posted 8 years ago
Wish I could play in tonight's Sky OPL but I'm going to work in a minute. Sigh

Posted 8 years ago
Still at work, should have been home by midnight. This does not feel like a weekend Sleepy
Posted 8 years ago
No poker tonight. Haven't slept since 6.30am yesterday. Tonight I am having a drink, some dirty food, and a good night's kip. Will aim to finish February on a high tomorrow night with the Tiger OPL and some cash on Sky.
Posted 8 years ago
Couldn't seem to do anything right in the Tiger OPL tonight. Determined to get a win by the end of the week!
Posted 8 years ago
Two months into 2016 already, it's flying by.

February has been a great month on the tables but not so good off. Let's start with the bad...

We've been given notice from the landlord to vacate by early April as they're selling up. There's almost nothing available to rent in my town at the moment so with only 5 weeks to go it's getting pretty worrying. Fingers crossed something comes up and in the meantime we have so much stuff to pack and get rid of (especially since we'll probably be downsizing).

At the gym things were progressing really well. My strength was shooting back up and I was loving it. Then almost 2 weeks ago I'm busting some curls at the end of my workout, go for that one last everything-you-got rep and... pop. Horrible pain. Drop the weight. Hunch over with my hand holding a big lump poking out my lower left abdomen. I pressed down hard and it eventually went back in. About ten minutes later the pain eased off so I got up, showered and went back to work. Saw the GP last week and was given some really helpful and positive advice. "Don't lift weights". Cheers Doc. How many years of medical training does it take to come up with that solution? It's happened before (few years ago) and again now, so it will likely happen again. But I won't get surgery on the NHS since it's a very strict criteria. So... I'm taking a couple of weeks off then I'll get back into it slowly. Worst case is I end up with a 7-pack, 6 down the front and one on the side. Right? Muscle

I'm going to have to sell my bike Crying My car is on it's death bed. I'm just hoping it hangs in there long enough to get the move done. I can't afford to buy anything without selling the bike and I'm NOT going to resort to credit cards. NOT THIS YEAR! I'll make the sacrifice. I can always look to get one again in a couple of years maybe, go for the full licence next time.

Now the good stuff...

OPL is back! WOOHOO! no wins yet and I've missed a few tourneys. But I have decent points for what I've played so hoping to do better than last season. Obviously I have dreams of taking it down and getting my hands on that Unibet package but I'll settle for second or third place Wink

Still playing 4NL on Sky. 1 or 2 tables if playing in the OPL, 2-4 tables if not. Started the month with £103.50. Currently at...

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That's about 28 buy-ins plus £16 from January's rake race. Super happy with that Smile

Had a video review done which was helpful but it was also from when I first switched to Sky so not really representing how I'm playing whilst winning. I'm keen to get another one done soon so Jon can highlight the leaks and perhaps areas that I would need to work on before moving up. The plan is to take a shot at 10NL (no doubt with some 8NL thrown in) after the OPL when I can focus on cash.

So that pretty much sums up February.

Goals for March...

Keep crushing.

Pile up them points in the OPL.

Back to the gym.

Work hard.

Find a place to live!!!


Oh, and it's both my daughter's birthdays this month. 8 and 6. I don't post pictures of them online (other than FB) but... just look how f**king pretty!

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Hope everyone else had a good month and is ready to crush March!

Final thing. This hand was in tonight's session. (2nd straight flush in a week!)

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And people say poker is dead!
Posted 8 years ago
Haha epic post starting with all the bad fails and then ending with positive after positive.

I am also in the process of moving out of my apartment and i am ugly fortunate enough that i don't have a gf/wife or kids to think of when doing it. Ill just hop in with a mate or something until i find a new place. I can imagine how stressful it is when you have all of the above. Sure something sick will come up soon and be even better than your current place! #positivethinking.

As for the Doctor let me guess he was old? Sounds so harsh of me to say that but my local Doctors was basically 2 60+ GPs who were fucking dreadful. They told me to take my inhaler less (asthmatic) but then didn't give me anyways to improve it. I had a battle with them for 5 years. Then a new girl comes in fresh out of Uni, goes through some options, trials me on some different meds and were winning. Its just pure laziness and also just not keeping up with current medicine imo. #rantover.

Good luck this month buddy! In Betfair tonight?
Posted 8 years ago
Damn I hope you can get something sorted very soon that has to be stressful. It must be cutting right into your straight flush winrate to, it's just so hard to hit those every day under pressure. Cheeky

Oh ye, and those kids are just far far too cute; so stop it. Heart

Stay positive, what goes round comes round. Cool
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Haha epic post starting with all the bad fails and then ending with positive after positive.

I am also in the process of moving out of my apartment and i am ugly fortunate enough that i don't have a gf/wife or kids to think of when doing it. Ill just hop in with a mate or something until i find a new place. I can imagine how stressful it is when you have all of the above. Sure something sick will come up soon and be even better than your current place! #positivethinking.

As for the Doctor let me guess he was old? Sounds so harsh of me to say that but my local Doctors was basically 2 60+ GPs who were fucking dreadful. They told me to take my inhaler less (asthmatic) but then didn't give me anyways to improve it. I had a battle with them for 5 years. Then a new girl comes in fresh out of Uni, goes through some options, trials me on some different meds and were winning. Its just pure laziness and also just not keeping up with current medicine imo. #rantover.

Good luck this month buddy! In Betfair tonight?

Yeh should be in Betfair tonight. When are the twitch streams coming?

Moving sucks but once you find place it can be quite exciting.

It was actually a young (rather hot) female GP, so pretty embarrassing to get my beer gut out for her to prod! Still the same old thing though, no real solution just getting patients out the door as quickly as possible. Just a product of an underfunded, understaffed and overworked service I guess. I'll just take things slow and listen to my body.

March is going down! Muscle
Posted 8 years ago
Pwll: Damn I hope you can get something sorted very soon that has to be stressful. It must be cutting right into your straight flush winrate to, it's just so hard to hit those every day under pressure. Cheeky

Oh ye, and those kids are just far far too cute; so stop it. Heart

Stay positive, what goes round comes round. Cool

Cheers bud. Poker's easy when you're constantly flopping the nuts.
Posted 8 years ago
No joy in tonights Betfair OPL. But a couple of buy-ins added to the bankroll so March is picking up where Feb left off.

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No poker tomorrow, it's my girl's birthday. Cake
Posted 8 years ago
So first win in the bag in the OPL. I recorded the final table but something's gone wrong with it so can't post it.

Not much cash game played this week, only two sessions played. Won 2 buy-ins in one, lost 2 buy ins in the other.

So with the OPL win (on Sky) the balance is now...

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And that's 100 points in the OPL, totalling 239 points from 10 games.

Probably no poker for the next two days, my other daughter's birthday. Local theme park tomorrow, and perhaps catch up on the UFC tomorrow night, if I can avoid spoilers!
Posted 8 years ago
Other than the first two hands of the final table all I could get from the video was the final screenshot...

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Posted 8 years ago
It's all getting just a little too easy for you now isn't it. Yawn

I like reading posts like these, you really are crushing it, very nice, very nice indeedy.

So everything is going fine apart from I would consider the theme park a bit of a bad beat, but then I don't have cute kids. Oh and a belated happy birthday to the yougnster.

Gg all round sir, gg.
Posted 8 years ago
@Pwll Thanks bud. I certainly can't complain. Lots of work to do still in the OPL.

It's cold and I'm hungover so the theme park will be kill or cure...
Posted 8 years ago
You just busted me @888 OPL, 66>AQ Laugh
Posted 8 years ago
MilfGrinder: You just busted me @888 OPL, 66>AQ :D

Ah that was you. GG! I came 2nd in the end. Really struggled heads up.