Posted 8 years ago
Nice graphs and nice MTT bink!!! Keep with good work, results will come...
Posted 8 years ago
Time to finally update the blog.

January and february was really bad months for me. In january my mother died and I shouldn't be really playing poker for some time.
My mental game was really bad and instead of profiting big I ended up breaking even. I tilted very easy and had many idiot plays which costed me bunch of buyins. There is no excuse for that but lesson learned and I really need to work harder to make up the mistakes.

Also I almost didn’t made any progress in coaching for profits program.

However, this month I am back on track and hopefully crash the game!
March started okayish so far. I feel confident at nl50 and I know I can beat this limit.

I will try to update the blog more often from now on.
Posted 8 years ago
This month started okay.

So far I am 350 euros in profit. Ive been running really hot at party poker ( graph bellow ), but on microgaming and fulltilt Im running really really bad. Bunch of coolers and monsters over monsters.

Heres that fancy PartyPoker graph Smile
Attached Image
Posted 8 years ago
Looks super solid man! Wow looks like that is deffs your site!
Posted 8 years ago
Yeah Jon

I have highest statistic there and know how almost every reg play there.

I also plan to try unibet as soon as pokerVIP support finish with my re-tag there Smile
Posted 8 years ago*
Today was good day. Profit on the tables + bad beat jackpot hit Smile

So far 850 euros profit this month.

Attached Image
Posted 8 years ago
alexg89: Today was good day. Profit on the tables + bad beat jackpot hit Smile

So far 850 euros profit this month.

Attached Image

Sick work man! Great speaking with you on Skype this morning and will look forward to the report on our new secret site! Wink
Posted 8 years ago
Yo Jon, thanks man! That site will have to wait a while since I am playing at 4 networks so far. But I will def. give it a try in the future.

Update :

Last week I didn't put much hours.
Had some stuff to deal with and I'm having guests for a few days.

Anyways, so far this month I've played ~30k hands and profited 1,271 euro.
Posted 8 years ago
Life can get in the way for sure! Try not to force yourself to play when busy otherwise you will just never play your A game!
Posted 8 years ago*
Yeap Jon, thats lesson I've learned hard way in the past Smile

This week I didn’t played much, I had guests and played just few hours daily.
However, I still managed to profit which is good. So far in march I’ve played ~40k hands and profited 1500 euros.

Here is the graph combined on 3 networks I play :
( I also played on unibet where tracking software doesn’t work and miserably failed. I need to get used to play with limited reads and without HUD. )

Attached Image
Posted 8 years ago
Time for march update Smile

Hours played : 140.5
Hands played : 63.120 ( tracked hands + maybe 5-10k untracked hands at unibet )
Profit : 2375

Nice profit overall and this is my record month
But, am I satisfied? Hell NO! It could be EVEN better. I just did detailed hand analysis and found many spots where I made bunch of mistakes and -EV plays in big pots.
I am also aware of the hands that aren`t tracked at unibet, and most of my loss there was on tilt ( software is so tilting for me, but I'm the one to blame Wink ).
I could also put a bit more hours in.

On the other side, I am really confident in my game and I feel like I am completely crushing nl50. 10bb/100 winrate over 60k hands could say that, still need more hands.. But look at that sexy red line in graph bellow Wink

I improved my game a lot and I am going towards breaking every hand in details, collecting all the information I have and based on that make best possible decision in every situation in poker. Still lots of stuff left to learn.

I am ready to move up to nl100 and have bankroll for it but I don't mind waiting a bit more and I'm sort of punishing myself for not making any learning progress in Coaching for Profits program.
Its close to 6 months since I am in Coaching for Profits program and I've learned and improved a lot! I started with nl5 and now crushing nl50 and I believe I am ready for nl100.
But everything could be faster and better. I could get rid off of my own bullshit earlier and actually do and follow what is asked/told. When I review things in past 5 months I realize how fucking easy it is to crush the micros and I could save at least 1 month of my time ( if not more ).

I'm also proud to say that I've been asked to be coach for micro students and I gladly accepted it. I couldn't even imagine 5 months ago that I will be a coach Smile
I had already 3 coaching sessions as a coach and I really enjoyed them. Micro students was active and I've got mostly good comments/ratings. Still, there's lots of room for improvement in coaching field Wink
Also, it was pleasure to be mentioned by Gordon - CEO and founder of Coaching for Profits that I am part of :

Anyways, time for that march graph ( all networks combined ) :

Attached Image

And lets continue "lookin' for that green bag" Smile

Posted 8 years ago
IMO one of the sickest journeys on here! Loving your progress! You must be so proud of how far you've come??

I've recently experienced the same "why the fuck didn't I pull my finger out sooner?!" but often I think we find things when we are ready for them and doing the same work you are now 8 months back may not have helped you.

Drfo subscribed, great read Laugh
Posted 8 years ago
I`ll be proud when I reach mid/high stakes Smile
For now, I`m just satisfied.

Yeah, you might be right that we do things when we ready for them.

Good luck at the tables Wink
Posted 8 years ago
can you review the bestpokercoaching program from your point of view? ive always been shy of security depositing 500 there because they look like a total scam to me but seeing u win big turned my mind for a bit
Posted 8 years ago
Hi Kanaxis.
About security deposit, it was also a problem for me. I`m from Bosnia and some people work 2-3 months here for that amount of money.
However, one day I`ve decided just to join without much thinking and I`m glad I did. I really improved my game, you can see from the start of this blog and then from the point where I joined BPC.
I have also invited two of my real life friends to BPC and actually I paid security deposit to one of them with my own money since he is in bad financial situation.

If you are having any doubts - join ASAP. Their program will for sure make you a winning player if you follow it and put in the effort.

Anyways, small update. I will be more focused this month in off-table work ( practicing with equity, ranges, combos, watching videos etc.. )
April started with couple of big coolers but managed to profit ~130 euros so far over 4k hands played

Posted 8 years ago
I'm really tempted to join CFP also, what are the payments in the contract? I couldn't work out if it is 50% once you make 10k or 60k or if it is payments/month? Also what happens if you don't reach the target? Is it $250/hour of coaching? How much coaching do you get?

Sorry for all the questions! I think it is probably an amazing programme but they don't make the payments clear!
Posted 8 years ago
i would really like to know how much 1 on 1 coaching you get per week. and total hours/month, because if they are going to just give me some cheap content that i have to go trough myself it might not be worth it, ive been reading alot of negative reviews about that site already cause apparently every 19th student crushes and gets highlighted, and the other 18 just dont get anything.
Posted 8 years ago
CrazyCookie: I'm really tempted to join CFP also, what are the payments in the contract? I couldn't work out if it is 50% once you make 10k or 60k or if it is payments/month? Also what happens if you don't reach the target? Is it $250/hour of coaching? How much coaching do you get?

Sorry for all the questions! I think it is probably an amazing programme but they don't make the payments clear!

If you apply for starer program ( target profit is 10k euros ), you play and every month you are paying share of your profits. For example, lets assume you profited 500 euros one month, BPC will ask for like 200 euros. And you continue to pay part of your monthly profits until you pay them 5k. So they get paid only if you win.

If you don`t hit your target? Then you keep playing until you hit it Wink
They also have great support and if you have any questions - you can e-mail them directly.
Posted 8 years ago
Sick journey and really nice work there buddy - lets keep the links down a bit tho pls - they are direct competition to us afterall Wink

Posted 8 years ago
Thanks Jon.

Yeah, no worries man - sorry for the trouble Smile ( wasn`t sure is it against forum rules ).

Anyways, I can answer any questions via PM.