Keep in mind with AIEV the numbers will never match... The money in the pot before the all in means that your AIEV + Villians AIEV is less than 100% therefore EV lines should always be below winrates.
Example: Two players are 50/50 to win a hand. There is $10 in the middle, both put in $45 making a pot of $100. Both EV's are $50 for a cost of $45. If we run this 10 times and each player wins 5 the winnings will be $0 but the AIEV line for both players will be -$50 (cost of $45 with EV of $50 so +ev $5 * 10 runs means EV should be +$50 ... if you break even then AIEV is -$50.). This is important to understand to avoid a sense of depression. This is also on the assumption that the pot is not raked, they are heads up, and therefore both contributed $5 pre to make the pot $10. This is my understanding of how it works and I am happy to be shown this is wrong.
Depression = expectation - reality. If expectation < reality then we experience happiness (depression becomes a negative and a double negative in maths makes a positive

if with think of depression as a negative number on a scale of mental states). So when looking at AIEV lines we can be confronted by a misunderstanding of the number to feel like we have lost all this money (expectation) when we never actually had it (reality), so it can lead to a sense of loss and depression that is artificially constructed. We make ourselves sad for something we never had that was never ours.
This is a fairly crucial mental hurdle to overcome for anyone who plays poker long term. You have to understand this in a way where losses produce a minimal psychological sense of non-constructive loss (if a loss motivates us to play better / focus more / study and improve the loss is constructive). Our natural state is not such that we are constructed to be able to deal with the kinds of mental battery poker will put us through. Most successful pros will have some mechanism for detaching themselves from loss, and it is something that has to happen to preserve our sanity. This is in part tied into the idea that we respond stronger to loss than we do to gain as part of a learning motivator. This is why we can have a session where we are up, we lose a moderate pot, are still up, but cash out tilted. The net psychological effect of loss versus gain has left us with a sense of loss in spite of having a factual gain because we respond stronger to loss than to gain. For example if we respond to a loss 3x as strong to a gain then winning $30 equates to the same sense of loss derived from losing $10.
I will end the rant there lol and back to AIEV, we can use AIEV as a rough indicator for how we are running during a session but it will only really be a rough indicator.
Hope this helps.