Posted 8 years ago
No i mean I understand why the backer asks it but when people don't understand why someone would need it, it just blows my mind.
Posted 8 years ago
Played 100ish hands of zoom on vocation along morning coffee and realised something which I think is my biggest leak of all, so I will put this one in bolt.


Dont know if anyone else has it but tis pretty bad place to be.
My thinking process is fine to the point where I level myself of thinking that river is just nice 3b bluff card and I am call to see I had read the hand right up to that river spot.
Usually my river decision goes : I should fold here, I am beaten....but he could have this draw .... fold... I am showing weakness here and he is exploiting me... just fold man.... I call.
Usuually after that there is deep sense of dispare and dissapointed.
If anyone else have idea how to approach this thing please share it.
Posted 8 years ago
Huge congrats on the $7.5k! retract my statement before Cheeky


Huge thing for me also... or it was! I would advise keeping a journal on your A B and C game. In your A game and/or the zone you will probably make these folds. In your B game you will probably not. This is one example of my journal and once I realised that I make a VERY conscious effort to do things that I know are in my A game as much as possible! Sitting there just playing means that you have to deal with what your game gives you there and then. Sitting there with a clear clear structure of your A B and C game means you know what, often small) things you need to change to play your A game mroe consistently. Moreover, the more you practice this the more those folds become part of your B game and eventually your C game also. Do this with all of your current leaks and your C game will converge on your A game giving your A game space to improve Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Thx a lot man . No worries about statement.
Yes what u said is really solid piece of advice how to proceed and it makes a lot of sense.
I have a poker diary already ( in paper form) so I just expanded it to a mindgame section where I defined my curent A, B and C game .
Tell me friend, how often do you re read and redefine those blocks of game once you write em ?
Whats your practice after that first step ?
Posted 8 years ago
I probably relook at them every 2-4 weeks, depending on how much I've played. I do them each time not looking at the previous one then compare to see if new skills/mental edges are in different parts of my game, if I am still focusing on the same things and if they have improved, what new things are in my c game I need to improve on. Then I track the skills im working on through my game until it or they are present in my c game. Example: injecting logic to stop me battling regs and getting tilted at laggy players. At first I could do this fine in my a game but in my b game is wasn't really working and in my c game it really wasn't. Now in my A game I don't even need to inject the logic as I don't have the tilty feelings, in my b game I become aware of the thoughts very early on so the logic works very well and in my c game I realise still fairly quickly and the logic works well to stop me tilting, but doesn't always stop me from making bad plays.

Another example would be to sum up your game in each of your a b and c game and see how it changes: a game "I'm completely in the flow of the game, pick spots well and don't have to think lots about my newest learnt skills, I crush 50nl". B game "I begin to make some sloppy mistakes where I don't use all the information I have, I need to think a bit more about the skills I have learnt, I begin to get overwhelmed when I have lots of tough spots at once, still at a good level of poker (for me) bearing 50nl". C game " I play passively and/or make some bluffs that make no sense, I sometimes battle regs in places I shouldn't and morw often call down too light, i lose some of the knowledge of some skills i recently have learnt, my energy is often low and I autopilot a fair bit, probably break even sill or slightly losing at 50nl."

Before my a game was probably not loads worse but my b game was far away from my a game and my c game was awful!
Posted 8 years ago
Thx Cookie.
I write things down and have noticed similar thing.
My B game and my C game are similarly close, but my A game is like light year ahead.
Posted 8 years ago
Time for another updated and no good news yet.
In a worst run of my life on microgaming.
Whatever I do except not playing results in frustration and money loss.
Fishes hit everythingh I am at the point where I just pay them couse I cant belive they hit every single time.
Also any coinflip loss or missed draw freom my part results in instant tilt.
I am simply frustrated how much ppl aroudn me hit and I dont. When I see someone sitting with 3bi at the table I get envious.
THinking to change the site couse microgaming suddenly sux.
Cant get enough volume and they dont allow me to win it . In adition their zoom is without players.
Sounds like mental farts but its how I feel atm.

Heres a practical example of things described above these days :

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
5 Players

Blinds $0.05/$0.105
UTG Cayenne $12.26
CO bjays $11.01
DHero $11.32
SB teolb $11.29
BB MorDaa $15.07
5$0.15Hero is BTNKK
1 fold, bjays calls $0.10, Hero raises to $0.50, teolb calls $0.45, 1 fold, bjays calls $0.40
teolb checks, bjays bets $1.60, Hero raises to $3.60, teolb folds, bjays calls $2
bjays goes all-in $6.91, Hero calls$6.91
2$22.62, 1 all-in 6
Final Pot $22.62
bjays shows 4K Hero shows KK
bjays wins $22.32 (net +$13.01)
Hero lost$11.01
teolb lost $0.45

Villain is a 60/10 fish whos donking with draws and top pairs -thats a note.
When he raised otf he has ether TP or draw (fd or some combo draw) .
I decided to raise him couse I know he will call me, but missclicked to make a minraise.
Turn is most horrible card that can hit for me.
It completes flush, it completes some straight draws . and he jamms .
If I had Ks, which ofc he held I would call here more easily but this way it should be a fold
I was like fml and called to see me making spew again.

Hell writing this down put me on tilt .

And finally to conclude , here is the graph :

Attached Image

Nice isnt it :).
Posted 8 years ago
Its still in profit! Your tilt is better than most then.

KK I think is a fold yeah, but you know that. Its not a minraise though is it? I don't hate that sizing necessarily anyway as sizes neatly for turn jam. Unless he is donking and then would call a jam with TP or draw what else you gonna do? A normal raise would leave silly turn stacks.

Posted 8 years ago
@thetallpaul thx for words of encourigment bro.
I believe my A game is better than most of guys I am playing , the problem is that I dont get to play much A game these days.
About sizings, couse pot will be big enough to shove the turn my betzise ment to be 2,5 of hes .So pot will be 9$ and we will have about 6.8 behind.About 2/3 psb to shove.
As you mentioned already we shove the turn aynways so from that aspect it shouldnt matter, but if hes is calling flop and folds river we get more money when he folds and he gets better odds to call ( if player is thinking about that ).
So summarise I ment to raise gim to 2.5 but instead missclicked to minraise .
Posted 8 years ago
He donk poted the flop. For me (having the note that you mentioned) it's an easy shove directly on flop.
Good luck!
Posted 8 years ago
Balonas that idea crossed my mind as well, but I am always concerned that they might just fold in that case.
But it might not be the case, dunno.
Posted 8 years ago
After some thinking I have decided to change to PokerStars zoom and try my luck there.
I might not be full time zoom player but I will deffinetley play on pokerstars for a while .
Reason is that lateley I am abusing their player 2 player money service due to staking and cashing otu without raking a dime, so last week they temp. closed my accont informing me that if I want to continue using their site for other activites but playing I will have to ether play there or fuck off.
Since I really have no choice and I like to play poker I decided to use their site for staking and playing to avoid future colision.
Anyways zoom is lot of fun, I am sure its much more fun when one is winning and running well.
I decided to start from nl5 and move onwards, cosue I really have nothing to lose starting small and build from there.
Games are much harder than on microgaming.Lot of calling and 4b bluffing .
I am not satisfied with my game, couse I brought my bad luck from microgming and as its already a habit once I run bad I also play bad.
ITs much easier to put in volume tho and also cant use ChartHelper tool,but have to learn opening ranges on my own.
IF nothing else I feel motivation to play again, dont know why but its wellcome feeling .
Posted 8 years ago
Can you explain this 2 player money service and paying no rake thing?
Posted 8 years ago
Probably u missunderstood me couse I wrote it bit clumbsy.
Player2 player service is sending money form one account to other within pokerstars.
I use it ot send reloads and receive profit splits to my horses.
By their regulation rules one cannot cashout money which he received thru player 2 player transfer , but has to ether play with it or to return it to sender.
By pay no rake I ment that I am not playing at all there so they warned me that I will get perminent ban if I continue doing things that way.
In short I have to play there if I want use it as my main staking platform , which I intent to.
And they will take me a lot of rake Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Ok today was my second day of zooming on pokerstars.
Its kinda shit playing hudless but I guess its not so much of a problem.
Played liek 3hrs today with 3 tables netting around 2k.
As expected oposition is bit mroe agressive but majority of ppl are really , really bad.
Lol I say that as I am like ton better than them.But still am a bit.
What frustrates me most is that I keep running like shit.
Its like must I run like shit wherever I go feeling.
Also even my game was better today than yestetrday I still made a lot of bad calls and quiet some spews.
What attracts me with zoom is that I dont feel repel towards sitting down and play the game.
That was pretty much feeling I felt on microgame, dont know if it has anything to do with seting up, joint tables ,wating for action etc.
Here I warmup a bit by reading my A game list and my goals of session and I am good to go.
First 10 mins I play 1 table than at another one and finally add third table.
I will add 4th table once I reach 10k hands mark, which will be by the end of this week.

Wont post a graph or anything due to insignificant volume . have to keep this place serious Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Put in another short session of 500 hands before the football match.
Ment to play longer today, however work on the garden + other real life stuff preveneted me to do it.
What worries me very much lateley is that somehow I always find a way to spew a buyin on those games.
I dont know why I do it, perhaps couse I am playing now with 5$ instead of 10$ and it seems smaller or couse my bankroll is so big that it just doesnt matter that much.
Cant figure out reason but I do it .
At least I dont go crazy about it , which is the only "positive" thing I can say .
But feel huuugley dissapointed must say.
This is todays pearl.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.02/$0.05Zoom No Limit Holdem PokerStars
6 Players

Blinds $0.02/$0.056
UTG Mirthall $5
UTG+1 tomekossa $7.43
CO slimsvensen $4.42
D novomatik $6.20
SBHero $5.45
BB olliole $5
6$0.07Hero is SBTA
Mirthall raises to $0.15, 3 folds, Hero raises to $0.45, olliole calls $0.40, Mirthall folds
Hero checks, olliole bets $0.60, Hero raises to $1.50, olliole calls $0.90
Hero goes all-in$3.50, olliole goes all-in $3.05
2$10.60, 2 all-in 4
Final Pot $10.60
Hero shows a pair of Tens TA olliole shows a pair of Queens QQ
olliole wins $9.73 (net +$4.73)
Hero collects$0.45 (net -$5)

Mirthall lost $0.15

I played hand in worst possible way it could be played .
I 3b pf , I x/r flop which is total nonsene.
I would never do it with AA like this , newither with sets ,so its like bluffs or draws.
Ott when I hit I just jammed in, enve tho I told myself before that he could easily have JJ or QQ in this spot .
At least if anything good can come out of it is that I knew I am spewing, now I just need not to do it and will be all good.

Off to watch the match . Bet 10e on Liverpool today to make watching more excited .
Posted 8 years ago
Ok its time for another update.
Playing 2 table zoom hudless on stars lateley.
ITs much easier to get volume zooming, but playing hudless and tougher oposition is other side of the coin .
I think I navigate pretty well most of the time thru these waters, however I run like shit and tilt couse of it quiet a bit as well.
The pattern in last few sessions is following :

I play well, I win something than I gt in big hand which I lose , than I tilt and lose some more .
I have afeeling thatz I am running like shit , however when I analyse my hands I see that 90% of those spots could be avoided and I played them this way only couse I gold some sort of grudges or something like this.
So in other words I spew a lot and here and there I lose in bad beat.
Here I said it , and I feel beter about it :).
Spoke with a friend of mine who jined BestPokerCoacing.
He is very satisfied with it ad imrpoving quickly .
So I think I might "risk" 500euros and join them as well, couse without proper guidence it will be really hard for me to break thru this poker thing.

Heres my zoom graph for the week :

Attached Image
Posted 8 years ago
How come you decide to play hudless?
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: How come you decide to play hudless?

I play zoom and have no sample on anyone.
Posted 8 years ago*
Damn and I thought Microgaming is giving me a headaches.
I cant get a go here regardless how I play.
Simply like pokerstars told me Fuck you , you wont win.
My equity is equal to 0 and when I hit it usually means I will lose money ether to better flush, or a fh otr.
How come I am always one on the loosing side is beyond me but it feels sooo fucked up.
Down 11bis in less than 2k hands atm and worst thing is that more than half of those are my spewy mistakes.
Thats why I am seriously thinking ti give up on this poker stuff and devote more time to more rewarding hobbies.
Thinking to improve website development skills or just go out more instead of play poker poorly and feel sorry for myself entire afernoon, like therre is no tomorrow