Posted 8 years ago

- smoking challenge still in progress.
- played 1st session yesterday ~500 hands on 4 tables. Lost 1BI, mostly bcs of loosing a lot of semi big 40-60bb pots.

Plan for today is to skip company beers and be home soon to be able to go out with mi wife for dinner and then play one session again Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Day 7 of no smoking Yes
Day 2-3 of poker. I played 2 session, ~800 hands. finished BE. I was playing on PS, bcs it was only place where I had some money. Now I am gong to deposit on Unibet, they have iOS client.

I read my blog from page 10 and I must say I am a bit sad how it ended. It was so nice journey until the point where I started with nl50 and wasn't a winner there.

Will I be able to do this again, to move from 10 to 50? Maybe not, but I am ready to try it. I will be probably writing just for myself for couple of weeks or months until I prove again that this blog is worth of your time.

I am going to re-watch some videos I downloaded before and learn how to beat micros again.
Posted 8 years ago
Day 8Yes
Day 3-4 so at the end I deposit didn't deposit on Unibet yet, bcs, there is an issue with my inactive account. I deposit on TonyBet instead. I really like software and games. Not much games running, so I was mixing stakes and plo and nlh. Games are very nice and after 1st couple of hours I am in profit.

I will be playing there until there will be no games running for me at all.
Posted 8 years ago
hand from 1st session:

TonyBetPoker Hand #30790277: Hold'em No Limit (€0.05/€0.10 eur) 2016/08/21 11:29:01 GMT
Table 'Garland II' 6-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: zweipatronen (€9.60 in chips)
Seat 2: inabel (€9.60 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 3: mattusko (€12.89 in chips)
Seat 4: erikas23162 (€15.05 in chips)
Seat 5: ErnestoSel (€9.35 in chips)
Seat 6: bryant24 (€9.31 in chips)
zweipatronen: posts small blind €0.05
mattusko: posts big blind €0.10
*** HOLE CARDS ***
erikas23162: folds
ErnestoSel: folds
bryant24: calls €0.10
zweipatronen: calls €0.05
mattusko: checks
*** FLOP *** [9s 9c 5h]
zweipatronen: checks
mattusko: checks
bryant24: bets €0.10
zweipatronen: folds
mattusko: raises €0.20 to €0.30
bryant24: calls €0.20
*** TURN *** [9s 9c 5h] [9d]
mattusko: bets €0.40
bryant24: calls €0.40
*** RIVER *** [9s 9c 5h 9d] [Ac]
mattusko: bets €12.09 and is all-in
bryant24: calls €8.51 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (€3.58) returned to mattusko
*** SHOW DOWN ***
mattusko: shows [Kc 9h] (four of a kind, Nines)
bryant24: shows [8s 8h] (a full house, Nines over Eights)
mattusko collected €17.79 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot €18.72 | Rake €0.93
Board [ 9s 9c 5h 9d Ac ]
Game ended: 2016/08/21 11:30:13 GMT
Seat 1: zweipatronen (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 2: inabel folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: mattusko (big blind) showed [Kc 9h]
Seat 4: erikas23162 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: ErnestoSel folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: bryant24 (button) showed [8s 8h]

Sorry for the format, but its not supported by hh replayer.
Posted 8 years ago
Day 9-10Yes
Day - 5 played couple of hours today. Tony bet is great, BR is slowly growing. Nothing amazing, but deposited just couple of euros to see how I feel. If i stop play OFC it will grow even faster. I am really bad at it.

Unfortunately I have a issue there, I can not find the place where I can see deposit bonus and points earned. Wanted to talk with support but can not find the way how to contact them...
Also not able to track hands, any ideas how can I do that, or at least find the amount played?

Tomorrow I am going to dentist and after that I will stay home for 2 days. So I will play more, more and more! I think I like it.
Posted 8 years ago
Think Unibet did you a favor...TB all the way for me!

Posted 8 years ago
I hope so. Heart

@JonnyVIP did you continue with session after you stop recording part 7 of TB grinding? To take the money from fish at nl100? Smile btw, well played. I really enjoyed your post-flop playing.
Posted 8 years ago
You can contact the support using this email: I hope they will help you resolve your issues.
Posted 8 years ago
MattVIP: You can contact the support using this email: I hope they will help you resolve your issues.

I talked to them today, and they told me I can do reload bonus if I want Laugh
Posted 8 years ago
Day 11Yes
Day 6 Back on square 1. Played about 2-3 hours today. I did some stupid moves today and lost couple of BI. I was playing nice, took advantage of fishes and passive regs. But then I alway do some weird thing agains those couple of regs on the tables, or run into something like open from small blind with AA, bb calls. flop KT4 rainbow. We stack off and he shows KT. I think I should just start giving them credit when they raise. Or another similar. I open from AK utg, bu calls. flop A69, and he calls my c-bet. turn J. I continue barreling and he raises big. I need to let my EGO go in these kind of spots.

Well plenty of work and study. Will continue to play tomorrow.
Posted 8 years ago
Stop them stupid moves bro Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Tomorrow I am going to Sardinia for 1 week to take a rest and enjoy the beach. Good luck at the tables guys.
Posted 8 years ago
I am back from holiday.
Attached Image

I am slowly getting ready for a grind again. Friend has spare PT4 account for me, which I need to be able to play on Mac. Sadly lot of rooms don't support macs so will be limited by it. For example Ipoker is out of the scope.

I want to reload somewhere with 300e and I am really thinking about going to play at PS and start with nl10. I will stay there for nl10 and nl25 and then move to euro site when I will be able to clear bonuses and make standings in leaderboards.

Already booked coaching from "thestudent" for the beginning to see where it can take me.

What do you think guys about idea like this?

Posted 8 years ago
Coaching is always a good idea as long as it's within your budget. As for the idea of playing on PokerStars, aren't euro sites strictly better value wise even if you don't play high enough to clear bonuses? For example, low Microgaming rake combined with 30% rakeback should be enough to beat whatever PS is offering. Traffic isn't a problem and from what I've heard stars has the toughest games at every limit. Just something to think about.
Posted 8 years ago*
MattVIP: Coaching is always a good idea as long as it's within your budget. As for the idea of playing on PokerStars, aren't euro sites strictly better value wise even if you don't play high enough to clear bonuses? For example, low Microgaming rake combined with 30% rakeback should be enough to beat whatever PS is offering. Traffic isn't a problem and from what I've heard stars has the toughest games at every limit. Just something to think about.

Thanks matt for comment.

Coaching is for very good prize and still within my budget. I am not going to spend some ridicules amount of money. and you are right its basically microgaming vs PS. I just don't know and can not decided what to do. I will think about it a bit more and something will happened at the end.

there are two points of view, at least how I see it.
1. every limit is tougher on PS then everywhere else, plus RB is also better on other sites, so it should be easier to make money.
2. if i can not beat nl10 at any room even on hardest one, than whats the point of playing poker.

I am not going to make any serious money from the beginning. I am going to focus on work and way how to approach games, players. thats why I booked 1on1 coaching and will probably book more after 1st session. It was always the best way how to learn things fast. Not only watching videos and read articles.

And also i think, if I learn to beat tough games lets say nl25 on Stars, then I can move to smaller site directly to nl50.
Posted 8 years ago
Today is first day of my new grind.

My 1st goal is to play 5K hands before Saturday 11.59am.
Posted 8 years ago
Best stop wasting time surfing the net and posting on forums then!

Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Best stop wasting time surfing the net and posting on forums then!


Yesterday I came home, sit in front of the computer, set hud and played 3hours session (1893h). Lost some money, because i was playing shit, but it was good feeling to be back at the game. Today will be the same with only one difference. I will play 2K+ hands and maybe 6-7 tables instead of 9 Smile

Update with graph on Saturday lunch. I have some serious goals to be reached. so we will see Muscle
Posted 8 years ago
Nice winrate, and good luck with the journey.

If you want some free PLO vids, have a look at this mini-pack from Kasino Krime.LINK
Posted 8 years ago
BestPokerCoaching: Nice winrate, and good luck with the journey.

If you want some free PLO vids, have a look at this mini-pack from Kasino Krime.LINK

thx Wink