Posted 8 years ago
Soooo welcome to the Weekend Eve everyone!

Big one this weekend. Euro's off and running tonight, first England game, BBQ, beers etc tomorrow, and my biggest ever poker tournament on the Sunday evening, thanks to the VIP competition win.

I've got a pretty good record in low BI MTT's (that I satellite into or win tickets) as basically I just nit up, let people spaz out, get into the money then go aggressive and see how my luck is doing when it is normally shove or fold by that stage.

This though is a different kettle of fish. $215 BI, $115k guaranteed. Players here will be serious level pro's and rich recs who will likely be a lot better than me or at least used to this format and the play level. That and maybe a few competition winners or satty pro's like me. No idea what the structure/ player numbers will be yet as not many registered just yet and won't be confirmed until after late reg is finished. Unlimited rebuys as well which makes me a big shortstack in some ways as I have just 1 bullet.

Any tips from people who know what they are doing? I'm thinking I'm playing tight and seeing how long I can survive as a default. If I survive to push fold, I'll just play my Nash chart and pray. Min cash for the win!

Just hoping I don't get AA in the first hand and get sucked out on.

Posted 8 years ago
Just played one of my favourite ever sessions. Rosucko-ing myself after my crappy running after I got the money in decent with some actual decent play. Hopefully I've got my runbad out of the way for tomorrow, but not my A game focus.

Short session as off for lunch in the sun, then BBQ and beers and football this evening. Got money on England to win as well to get some free bets. GOGOGOGOGOGO

Attached Image
Posted 8 years ago
Wait; lunch in the sun, then BBQ, beers and football in the evening? Sounds like a tough gig to me, but I suppose someone's got to do it. Bowing
Posted 8 years ago
For fucks sake England. Snatch draw from victory and rioting like twats.
Posted 8 years ago
Ah, England fans back on form then I see. Speechless
Posted 8 years ago
Such pricks.
Posted 8 years ago
Survived the first hour. Chipped up slightly but nothing much happened to me yet. Railing Jon as well. He's having a tougher time so far.
Posted 8 years ago*
Not going well now. Too high limit for me. I can't pull the trigger without the stone cold nuts as I'm too scared to lose.

Down to 30bb. Just got AK on the button. EP limp calls. Flop A94r so bet small, turn a 3 and bet again small and got jammed on. In cash games vs limp calling fish for 30bb getting 2:1 it would be a snap and I tank folded.
Posted 8 years ago
Survived to another break. Its getting towards the end of poker anyway. Now I'm down to 20bb, with antes as well, its going to be jam and pray pretty soon.
Posted 8 years ago
You can do it! Show em' who's the boss!
Posted 8 years ago
Cheers MG! I'm still alive. Jon just got busted down to under 10bb getting most of stack all in pre vs shortstacker 77 vs AQ.
Posted 8 years ago
Jon is gone. 66 vs 99 and no bink for him. I'm still nit surviving, but not able to get anything much going. Strange playing MTT as a cash game player in that we start super deep but the field is barely thinned (338 from 429 entrants) and average stack is 25bb. Leader has like 80bb. Seems like will suddenly accelerate crazy rapidly and lose hundreds of players.
Posted 8 years ago
Made another break. Getting tired now and I've got a big day tomorrow. I didn't think I'd be 3 hours in and still 300 places outside the money!

My stack is still at starting level.
Posted 8 years ago
Chipped up a bit then got AIPF AQ vs AK and no help. Back to starting stack, which is now 10bb.
Posted 8 years ago
Aaaaand done. All in PF KQ vs TT and no help.

Out in 188th place. No where near the money and never had more than 15k vs starting stack of 10k. Got nothing going.
Posted 8 years ago
I bombed out a while ago also and bustod the $440 main fmllllllll

what prizes would you guys like to see in the next competition? Gonna make it live for this coming Friday
Posted 8 years ago
Yeah I was railing you and updating a bit on here.

Next time I'd prefer a cash game ticket or withdrawal restricted bankroll maybe so can play cash or smaller tournaments. Putting £200 on the line seems a bit much. Obviously I'd have felt different if I'd luck boxed!
Posted 8 years ago
Yeh just saw - when i posted in here before I was shattered lol.

Ok yeh fair going to deffs tier it 1st, 2nd, 3rd and will take that on board!
Posted 8 years ago
just sat for a long time reading every post in this thread...good read
Posted 8 years ago
paulrungoodward: just sat for a long time reading every post in this thread...good read

Sick! Would love to just be starting on this thread again. Been totally epic!