Posted 8 years ago
Check you out

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Posted 8 years ago
Ha! People have no taste!

I'd like to thanks my Mom, Jesus, Our Lord @MilfGrinder .....
Posted 8 years ago
paulrungoodward: just sat for a long time reading every post in this thread...good read

Wow solid commitment! Anything you want to see in the difficult second series?
Posted 8 years ago
More views than Maria Carey's E-Harmony profile, particularly epic going imo.. Cool
Posted 8 years ago
Played a live home game with some guys near my (potential) new house as a way of saying hello. I got crushed. Very strange game with everyone limping and min raising all the time. I think it will be a profitable game if I can ever hit any cards. I played for 4 hours and didn't hit a pair once. The only hand I made was flopped FH in a 4 way pot when I checked my BB with 83o.

Other than that sqaudoosh on a stick. Live play is slow. Yikes how can anyone do that for any length of time without getting beered up! I was wasted just out of boredom.
Posted 8 years ago
thetallpaul: Played a live home game with some guys near my (potential) new house as a way of saying hello. I got crushed. Very strange game with everyone limping and min raising all the time. I think it will be a profitable game if I can ever hit any cards. I played for 4 hours and didn't hit a pair once. The only hand I made was flopped FH in a 4 way pot when I checked my BB with 83o.

Other than that sqaudoosh on a stick. Live play is slow. Yikes how can anyone do that for any length of time without getting beered up! I was wasted just out of boredom.

It is super slow but you will crush these games no doubt!"
Posted 8 years ago
thetallpaul: I think it will be a profitable game if I can ever hit any cards. I played for 4 hours and didn't hit a pair once

Hah yeah those live games can be slow. But man are they soft. Played a random home tournie with some mates fairly recently and crushed it without trying as they really didn't know what they were doing.
I squeeze shipped in a KQs and got an AI call from 56o. Lol, all sorts of crap. I'd play so much more live if I could! I love the social element anyway.

Posted 8 years ago
Sorry to be political and junk but and its pretty UK centric but this is the biggest thing to happen in my lifetime in UK politics. So, to everyone, soz. It will be long, possibly dull, probably some bits you'll disagree with but it will definately have swearing and at least one erection joke.

On Thursday we set the trajectory for the country my girls will grow up in and there is now a very real risk that manipulation and anger might overrule sanity. The Remain camp has lost the argument.

They lost because they didn't realise what argument they were actually having. Leave supporters are not all stupid or racist. They are angry and feel like their views don't count, no-one listens to them and they are always getting told they are just wrong to hold the views they do. I can relate to that. In our broken democracy most peoples votes don't count. I'm very politcally engaged but I've never voted in a General Election because it wouldn't do anything in the safe Tory seats I live in. I think both sides of politics are depressing and pointless. Apparently this is called Electile Dysfunction and a lot of people suffer with it silently. Here though is an opportunity to be heard, even if it is not the message you want to land, and people are jumping on that opportunity like Trump in the US. People just want to say fuck you, listen to what I have to say. Leave supporters have some very real, very valid concerns but this, sadly for them (and everyone) is not a chance to make a difference to any of them.

However, the Leave camp know what people actually want and are using manipulative and misleading language ("take back our" whatever) to engage with people and make them feel like they are being listened to, when they are not. The Remain camp, sadly are just doing more of the what pissed people off in the first place, telling them they are wrong, racist or both. That the EU is brilliant anyway and not addressing the actual concerns of people. So at least Leave are pretending to give a shit what people think right? Sadly I think that is way more insidious than that. They have a few key angles and all of them are complete bullshit. Not the issues, but that a Brexit would do a single thing to change any of them. They are broadly:

Lets Make Britain Great Again
Lets Take Back Our Money
Lets Take Back our Laws
Lets Take Back Our Borders

First up, lets Make Britain Great again. Spurious non specific fluff but what they seem to mean by this is a nostalgic tilt of the hat for the old folk about making Britain the Britain of scientists, engineers, arts and learning (that it still is). Which would be fine if, and heres the problem, every scientist, engineer, artist (and no Geldof doesn't fucking count) and scholar wasn't saying please, please don't take us out of the EU. It will set us back years. Not to mention the fact that the EU forces us to spend money (in that whole we give them loads of money and they give it mostly back balls up we'll come to in a minute) on science, R&D and the arts. If we don't have that are you really backing UKIP and the Tories austerity led government to invest in these things you want to make Britain Great Again? Seriously? Farage and Gove and Johnson are your guys on this? The guys telling us (correctly sadly) that the British people are fed up of experts like these scientists and engineers telling them want to do?

Which leads me to Take Back Our Money. The whole 'we give them £350m' thing mentioned above has been roundly proved to be utter crap so lets ignore that and look at the overall economic impact. No-one really knows but the estimates range from it'll make no difference to complete catastrophe. I reckon on balance it will probably be about the same once we get over the initial panicky recession, only now with all of Europe acting against us, which will have a medium to long term effect as businesses gradually choose to invest in Europe over the geograpically and legislatively isolated UK. No-one seems to have a single plan that says it will be better, just that maybe the Remain camp are overplaying the possible disaster, which they probably are. Maybe we get to spend our money on what we want but given its spent on Art, Science, learning (see making Britain Great Again), farming (see wanting to eat) and infrastructure what would we do differently? Again Leave have offered no suggestions at all.

Lets Take Back our Laws is similar. No-one has made any suggestions of what materially we would stop doing? Or what the EU has ever stopped us doing? The attractive angle is some of their lower level 'red tape' about shape of bananas or whatever. Which sounds fine except the rest of the EU won't stop their red tape just because we won't play. So if you want to sell anything there, and to be clear all the big employers in the UK will want to, they will still have to make their products meet these rules. So they will sell them to us because having UK specific versions will add complexity and cost. So unless we cut ourselves off from Europe, which would turn the economic outlook into 'total catastrophe', it won't actually allow us to do anything differently.

The last one is the toughest. Being concerned about migration does not make you racist, just because all racists are concerned about migration. Its cheap device and logical fallacy that Remain has played very poorly in my opinion. Immigration has been positive for the country over decades, centuries, in fact its who we are as a nation. Especially for me as middle class homeowner that wants them to work, pay tax, keep the economy and housing market ticking over. But that doesn't mean its good for all. That is not necessarily the experience of an out of work, council tenant in an urban centre seeing their world change with social budgets and facilities stretched. Migration is entering a phase and scale, the like of which we have never seen. Just because it was good before doesn't mean it always will be. Thats not racism, in fact it would be worse if all the old, NHS draininBritish expats returned from various hotter climates, than it would be to let in young, grateful, hardworking Syrians.

If that bothers you fine, protest, campaign, try to change our entry criteria and support systems but people will always want to come because the Britain is already 'Great', thanks BoJo. The only way
to bring down net migration is to make the UK more shit, which has been Tory policy over the last two parliaments.

So lets accept immigration is not something to be swept under the carpet by accusations of racism if we can but, and heres the kicker, Brexit would do absolutely nothing about it. Most migration isn't from the EU so this has no effect. EU migration would only fall if we cut ourselves off completely from Europe as any trade deal with them will include free movement of labour (as all other non EU
european nations already have). If we cut ourselves off then that economic outlook goes back to 'catastrophe' and we're all screwed.

Under the rhetoric there is absolutely nothing. Nothing.

So, I know the world is not perfect, the EU are a bunch of dicks and you want to stick two fingers up to the establishment. Please though everyone, don't say something incredibly damaging just to be heard. If the people at the party aren't listening to you, don't scream 'wankers' and slap yourself in the face just to be noticed before you storm out. It may already be too late. The reputation of the UK abroad and any chance of political consensus required to make any actual change may have been burned by this horror show.

A Leave vote will make the world my daughters and all our children grow up in a smaller, more divided place. That is enough for me. Good luck to the UK on Thursday.
Posted 8 years ago
In poker news:

I'm still playing Zoom poorly, still winning at 1bb/100 and my BR is now $350ish on Stars and another $100ish on Unibet as I keep clearing the cheapy bonuses.

Cookies videos about working on boards are the nuts.

I seem to have gone back to calling aggressive lines from villains or barrelling because they can't possibly have a 7x on this runout, it would be crazy for them to have called and then... oh. Always the same. When I work on my skill level it makes me overestimate how good other people are and make plays not based on good population reads.
Posted 8 years ago
thetallpaul: I seem to have gone back to calling aggressive lines from villains or barrelling because they can't possibly have a 7x on this runout, it would be crazy for them to have called and then... oh. Always the same. When I work on my skill level it makes me overestimate how good other people are and make plays not based on good population reads.

You are not alone there mate. The better I feel I am getting, the less I am winning (or the more I am losing). I try to put people on ranges in the micro micros but it seems pointless because they really will turn up with anything. I think it's because I am trying to think too advanced for the stakes that I am playing and I reckon it's exactly the same for you! I'm at a lower stake that you (4/5nl) so I have decided to just be really nitty for the foreseeable at these stakes until my br lets me take a 10nl shot.
Posted 8 years ago
thetallpaul: I seem to have gone back to calling aggressive lines from villains or barrelling because they can't possibly have a 7x on this runout, it would be crazy for them to have called and then... oh. Always the same. When I work on my skill level it makes me overestimate how good other people are and make plays not based on good population reads.

You are not alone there mate. The better I feel I am getting, the less I am winning (or the more I am losing). I try to put people on ranges in the micro micros but it seems pointless because they really will turn up with anything. I think it's because I am trying to think too advanced for the stakes that I am playing and I reckon it's exactly the same for you! I'm at a lower stake that you (4/5nl) so I have decided to just be really nitty for the foreseeable at these stakes until my br lets me take a 10nl shot.

firstly keith its good to see a fellow villain on the forum

I started playing the micros recently from being a live player and I found it similar to when I first played my first live game at a redtooth pub game id done a lot of poker studying watched countless videos and worked on ranges and thought I was going in there with an edge only to find some of these players had no range or discipline and would play any two cards...same when I started the micros had my new HUD on I'm a winning live player so NL2 wouldn't be so hard right ???..I was wrong ..I've now switched of my HUD and I'm playing situations rather than what the stats say I should play over the last 3.5k hands it seems to be going ok and I'm 9 buy ins up although I know its a small sample and I can expect downswings I feel like trying to read into these microstakes games to much didn't work for me
Posted 8 years ago
Glad you're liking my videos Paul Laugh are you doing any of the study sessions yourself? Often you will find that when you begin something like this you start off by losing because you are starting to think maybe in a different way and that different/new thinking is not learnt yet. So you likely get it slightly wrong in the beginning or do it ok for one street but then don't know what to do OTT! Also in episode one I mention the Adult Learning Model and how you will learn a lot of stuff to a low level and to conscious competence and think you can do it.... except you can't unless you are running ok playing only 2 tables and are playing your A game AND you have to think about it. People assume they got it then which is silly Wink When you can do it taking shots and during period of run bad, when you are playing your B/C game only 4 tables of zoom you got it!

I know you probably know that, just building your confidence and explaining to others.

In this thread I'm looking at one board texture which is pretty tough to play and in a spot where hero is OOP, may be worth seeing over the next few days what people say.

In terms of putting micro stakes players on a range, my approach is put in what a decent kind of response is likely to be and work out a strategy for taht when studying. I then write out what my strategy is and why, eg cbet here ATC because we get 40% folds, double barrel when we have a GS or better as we still get 25% folds so betting with equity is going to be +EV then river select your value range and some bluffs that blocked the top of villains range. When I then play I may mentally think "OTF I'm actually going to check back my very low EV hands and AJ+ hands (no pair) to delay cbet as this villain will call wider OTF but check check lines from him will mean he is weak." Or "I'm not going to double barrel bluff much here as I get very few folds once this guy calls as he will call me down here with a far wider range making a bluff -EV".

In terms of calling down, rule of thumb is to never bluff catch facing a triple barrel unless you are using a stronger hand than usual to bluff catcher v a laggy player (KQ on a QT458 board for example). NEVER call a river raise without a very strong hand, people don't bluff raise rivers Wink
Posted 8 years ago
Well shit. The UK has just begun the process of ending. Scotland to leave, Ireland to unite finally. England cut adrift by the actions of the stupid, the old and the racist. Sincerely the darkest day since the end of the war.

In immediate impact my BR has just lost about 15% from the GBP falling to its lowest levels since the 1980's. I signed up for the Party Poker grind challenge but I mistakenly set up my account in GBP.

Seriously Britain, you bunch of fucking pricks.
Posted 8 years ago*
It affects poker too Smile
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PokerStars-What a fucking joke!!!
Posted 8 years ago
I know I saw this. I'll just wait it out. My $ on there will be worth more anyway probably as the UK implosion continues.

My summer of grind on Party has not started well. I've been calling way too much pre. My stats have got to 25/19 which is not great, 3bet has got low as well. Small sample and I'm facing a lot of min bets which is making my ranges a bit odd but I'm obviously deviating from my ranges a bit with the numbers I'm seeing.

My WTSD is crazy low as well, as is WWSF, WSD all those stats as I'm getting smashed apart post flop. The crazy one those is River Call Eff which is 0.26! I'm such a nit I've rarely seen that below 1.5ish.They just always have the nuts right now. Strange times. I feel like the game is more beatable than Stars, more passive, worse sizing errors. I just need to refocus and adjust. 3betting and cbetting based on the stats should be a lot more positive as they fold way more here and don't bluff raise so much (so far) but I think the mistake I'm making is failing to adjust their ranges on later streets based on that fact. I then barrel thinking I can get 2nd pair or underpair to fold on turn say, and they don't have that in their range anymore if they fold so much on the flop. It also means even more that a pot donk is the mortal nuts. K high flush is not a bluff catcher even here!

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Posted 8 years ago
Hey man, just looks like a bit of bad variance too. With the low win at showdown anyway. Only 2k hands so this can be a typical session!

Gl Smile
Posted 8 years ago*
Oh aye yeah I'm not getting bent out of shape about 4bi. It's just not a good start. Vamanos!
Posted 8 years ago
Sat down again with a good warm up, set breaks and some focus. Played A game poker I think. Working on a rostucko. Party is less keen on me digging myself out!

Really happy with the session though.

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Posted 8 years ago
One I felt was interesting, I'll put in HH as well.

A5s is in my bluff 3bet range vs UTG from MP. At the minute its KK+, A5s, KQo, AJo.

Once I get called on A high board I'm in check call down mode normally. The draws complicate it somewhat though so maybe a bet is better. Don't see any point raising anywhere as played even when hit the 2 pair as I think Ax will fold probably and he could yet have better 2 pair or sets and checked to check raise flop.

Thoughts on check call TP strategy in 3bet pot on 2 tone, 2 broadway board?

partypoker - $0.10 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4:

BTN: $10.79 (VPIP: 23.64, PFR: 18.18, 3Bet Preflop: 7.14, Hands: 111)
SB: $23.23 (VPIP: 22.22, PFR: 22.22, 3Bet Preflop: 14.29, Hands: 19)
BB: $10.50 (VPIP: 30.00, PFR: 25.00, 3Bet Preflop: 11.11, Hands: 62)
UTG: $17.19 (VPIP: 16.67, PFR: 13.89, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 36)
Hero (MP): $17.90
CO: $14.83 (VPIP: 18.42, PFR: 18.42, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 40)

SB posts SB $0.05, BB posts BB $0.10

Pre Flop: (pot: $0.15) Hero has 5s As
UTG raises to $0.30, Hero raises to $0.90, fold, fold, fold, fold, UTG calls $0.60

Flop : ($1.95, 2 players) Ad 6h Jh
UTG checks, Hero checks

Turn : ($1.95, 2 players) 7s
UTG bets $0.93, Hero calls $0.93

River : ($3.81, 2 players) 5c
UTG bets $2.00, Hero calls $2.00

Posted 8 years ago
I like it!