Posted 8 years ago
Man, you are exactly like me. Smile
For a week I can't win a single session. I played in this time 23k hands and tilted every day after setups and shit but I still think that I can beat this NL5 limit even if I curently suck big time. There has to be some weaker players than me to take away their money at this limit. HAS TO!!!!! We both have mindset problems but I want to take care of it. First of all want to read the mental game of poker or any other decent book for mindset. I'll search the internet for the free version and start my training ASAP.

You should do the same and I bet that we won't feel like shit after some loosing sessions with little mental exercise.
Good luck and I hope you beat NL5 very soon!
Posted 8 years ago
Best piece of advise I can give regarding tilt etc:

Treat poker like you are a pro. You wouldn't dare spew off stacks if you were a pro as it is your living. Also:

KISS: keep it simple stupid! Honestly, write this down before each session and remind yourself of it every time you lose some focus/try and play fancy.

Gl Smile
Posted 8 years ago*
THx for advice bro . I have MEntal game of poker in book format and if u are unable to find it online lemme know I might get you pdf version(offcourse for free) . I also got a very good subliminal mp3 for poker called Poker Prodigy if u might be interasted I can share.
Dont know about you bro, but my confidence is huggely connected with my run .
When I run good I play awesome and in general dont do many mistakes. In contranary when I run bad , I do most stupid mistakes ever and even make calls just to see how I will lose once again.Its like beats slowly add up to the point where I just "dont care" anymore, until I lose.
It doesnt take a brainer to see how huuge winrate killer that is.
ITs a very good idea to read thu mental game of poker once again and try to disolve this bitternes so to say.


About being a pro, I feel that is 100 years away from me now .
Also an interesting thing I have noted which may sound really paradoxal.ITs not a bout money, its about winrate.
My bankroll atm is around 10k$.So losing 15$ or 100$ for that matter doesnt seem much. But seeming that geen line being - in graph is totally differend thing for me.It feels like I am looser or smth like that.
LOL I just realised that I might very well be most overrolled nl5 player on stars :).
KISS is always best strategy in most things we do, however must say it often feels somehow too simple and feeling is like I am being explited (which in most cases I am not) .As you mentioned previously you had similar mental issues so I guess me I am you some time ago so you will probably be able to remember that awkward feeling of being outplayed and exploited to the max by your opponents.
Funny thing is that in 70% of the time or more when you do make a call you see you are fliping at best or are just behind .
When I " sober out" I can spot all those things in my mental game, but during the play its like I play my B+ game , win something back , than I get a beat, miss a big draw in big hand (for 100x in a row) or just lose a flip and my switch goes off, head gets somehow hot and I just press buttons.
IF I win a stack my state goes closer to my previous B+ game if I continue loosing I spew some more.
A interesting thing happened few nights ago tho.
I played a session during the day where I tilted.In evening I came back to another session and run horribly bad.
But felt totally indiferent about it .Like I had no energy to be emotional about it and I just played decent game.
Lost about 4bi but didnt flinched.Ended session calm headed when I wanted to and went to bed without thinking about it.
I think this is much closer to optimal emotional state of poker than anything else I have felt before.

Now till its on my mind I am off to digg out that mental game book .
Posted 8 years ago
Just watched a decent video from Gordon which I feel I would like to put here so I can watch it many times.
It makes a lot of sense what hes saying to me.

Posted 8 years ago
Someone PMed me accusing me I am a liar couse I claim i have 10k on my account and play nl5.
Since I dont like being pereceived as a liar I am posting screenshot of my pokerstars account with my usd balance(now its little less but still significantly overrolled for any limit at microstakes). Posting it feels weid,but still less weird than being perceived as a lair. Ofc I erased my personal info.

Attached Image

Posted 8 years ago
Don't waste your time with that kind of persons Sharky. You don't have to explain anything because they won't believe you anyway.
Good luck!
Posted 8 years ago
Hey Balonas.
You are probably right, however I must admit that it feels bit awkward to play nl5 wit 9k+ roll and its not all that hard not to belive me.
Heck even I ask myself often why dont I just go play nl50 or smth and try my luck there.
So to clear the mess upfront I have posted sc, and from this point on its up to anyone to belive me or not .
Gonna focus on grinding and stuff Smile
Posted 8 years ago*
It is maybe the most over rolled poker player I have seen of all time apart from maybe this guy

Attached Image
Posted 8 years ago
Jon I wish I knew whos the guy on the pic.
I dont see it as overrolled couse the money I have on my accoutn is not a result of playing poker, but rather from stakings.
And thats the reason I am grinding at those micro stakes.Builidng a skillset and confidence and go play bigger stakes where one can earn anytihng beyong beer money.
Posted 8 years ago
But why is someone staking you a tonne of money to have it sit in your poker stars account and have you over rolled. I don't understand, is it not better even if you just deposited in a current account with a higher interest rate, than it just sitting there.
Posted 8 years ago
He is doing the staking not the other way around dude. I imagine the money is there to fund the horses accounts. Its a fair point about keeping it off the cashier though. Their cashouts are good so could probably keep less in there and invest some elsewhere.
Posted 8 years ago
Sharky: Jon I wish I knew whos the guy on the pic.

It's bajillionnaire Guy Laliberte, founder of Cirque de Soleil. Also started the Big One for One Drop I believe.
Posted 8 years ago
Hi man!
You are right, it would be very foolish to stake me at any stake atm.Luckily its other way around, as TheTallPaul explained to you .
I am one doing the stakings.Have network of better players than me playing with my money and we share profits .


Almost all money I keep on stars is intented for stakings and I feel much safer knowing its on stars, than it being on skrill ,where I already had my account being hacked and money stolen from me (only 80e luckily).
And pokerstars player to player transfer method is soo convenient for staking.
I sent reload in no time without paying a dime to anyone and in no time. When I need ot cash it out it takes no longer than 30mins , sometimes even instantly so I like it being there.
This is my little investement project, so I dont see a cent of it sitting there for nothing.
I have money from other sources which I could invest, so if you have good investing idea please share it with me .


Oh thats how he looks like.
I have heared about the guy, never see him tho.
Thx bro Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Haha yeh is Guy and basically it was Doyle who said during the high stakes poker $500k sit down special "the only man actually rolled to play this game is Guy"
Posted 8 years ago*
Hi guys.
Havent updated this thing in a weeks so I hope its time to start rolling again.
In last few weeks while I have been gone I cought some nasty back and shoulder mucles inflamation.It was and to degree still is the nasties illness I had in my life .I was constantly under pain and my left arm was numb all the time, not even painkillers helped much and I coudlnt do anything.No work, no sleep , no playing guitar .Finally I found a good ciropracticioner who is able to help me a bit and I am starting to feel better now.
Its really fucked up that one can suffer so much pain "just" from muscle inflmation.Doc says its from neck. Who would know.
In meantime of work absecne I gave my best to study for masters a bit and am proud to say that 2 days ago I completed my first year of masters .
Pokerwise I havent played much , except maybe few 5$ spin and goes where I hoped to hit a million or smth like that.
Nothing of that happened and at best I am be.
Have to say that those games are volatile as fuck . Variance is huuuuge .
There is a nice promotion on party poker where you get 150$ of reward if you play 30k of zoom hands. Its called Summer of grind and you can get up to 2.5. Atm I am aiming to play 30k hands and get 150$ which is about 100% rb . Hope to get good run and extend it further, couse it lasts till 18.8 or smth like that. Played about 2k hands yestetday. Games are soft , variance fuked up but now as my health is progressing for thre better and I have some time off work i think I could pull 30k in a week or so.
That is a goal . Along side of not looking at casheere and my graphs till I reach 30k mark.
Before I dig deep int ogrinding I am gonna watch some of CrazyCookies new videos. Hes new 15min improving series is really awesome.
Also I got some vids from Upswing guys so plan to work thru those as well to improve my game.
THats it for now. Ttyl Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Welcome back @Sharky !
I hope everything works out just fine with your muscle problems, and get back to 100% health as soon as possible.
What are Upswing guys?
Good luck!
Posted 8 years ago
Nice have you around again, I do hope you are feeling on top form very soon, that just sounds nasty.

Congrats on the Masters 1st year to! Cool
Posted 8 years ago
Thank you guys. I am working on it .
Run like shit on PP thus far, scared to even look casheere atm.
I fear it will demoralise me so I am gonna play some more and analyse hands in pt one of those days at least.

This bro
Posted 8 years ago
Glad you are a fan of the 15 minute series! I am sure @CrazyCookie will get another few parts made for release in August!
Posted 8 years ago
Aye, got two sent through already and the next few in the works ;D