Posted 8 years ago

The August Challenge is set!

100K hands 6max NLHE

Will most likely be updating every day i play.

Plan is going to be the following.

- 20-100NL, the reason i go as low as 20NL is cuz i made the desicion to play all anon tables and there might not be 6 tables 50+ in the morning.

- Play 5H in the morning 10-15 and 5H in the evening 19-24 , i will be taking breaks, including some days 30min break for studying with @CrazyCookie.

- Will be playing 24 days / 31 days in August, every monday off and tuesday also off on the 16th and the 23th.

- Coaching with @w34z3l is also booked half way through the challenge.

- Will be checking the cashier half way through but no more than that since thats a big leak in my game so lets work on it Laugh

- And also i am strongly not allowed to check the graph half way through the session.

Lets go!

Today is my first day off so in august so far we are at,

Hands played ( 0 / 100 000 )
Posted 8 years ago
Good luck sir! I'll definitely follow the challenge. Volume is on a higher side (10h a day is no joke) but you also have a fair number of free days to offset that. I hope you'll crush it!
Posted 8 years ago
MattVIP: Good luck sir! I'll definitely follow the challenge. Volume is on a higher side (10h a day is no joke) but you also have a fair number of free days to offset that. I hope you'll crush it!

Thx, and yeah thats true, 10h a day is no joke, but i am also having alot of breaks, i get like 500h/h and i need to play 4,16k a day to finish my challenge.

And, i come from the restaurant business used to be working 14h days with basicly no breaks Smile , my record week is 112h in 1 week, we opened a restaurant in helsinki and i was in from 7-23 every day Cheeky
Posted 8 years ago
As Jon mentioned previously do you have a rakeback deal etc through VIP? Coz with that Volume it will be worth a hell of a lot of extra value!
Posted 8 years ago
I want to warn you will burn down after 3 or 4 days of play. i have played mtt last year from monday to friday 10 h per day and worst day was thurstday, i would lose will and energy and i was down on almost every thursday, so i would make more money if didnt play on thursday. Anyway GL men i m rooting for you-
Posted 8 years ago
Good luck with the challenge! I'm sure it'll be a rollercoaster, both of BI's and mentally. As it always is.

Btw where are you playing at? Microgaming?
Posted 8 years ago
Subbed! GLGLGL!!!
Posted 8 years ago
Jef147: As Jon mentioned previously do you have a rakeback deal etc through VIP? Coz with that Volume it will be worth a hell of a lot of extra value!

im in through Pokervip so im participating in the rakeraces and get 30% rb Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Grocker6: Good luck with the challenge! I'm sure it'll be a rollercoaster, both of BI's and mentally. As it always is.

Btw where are you playing at? Microgaming?

Microgaming yes Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Thx for the goodluck wishes Smile
Posted 8 years ago
August 2th

How did we warm up this session?
Went out on a small run, ate breakfast and drank some coffee', went over some recent changes iv made in my game and sat down to play.

How well did we play session?
would give myself an overall 7/10
Did 2 bad calls that i regret, mistakes this morning probably cost me a total of 100€

How big part was varience session?
we had both good and bad varience in this session, big pot for set over set twice, i had the bigger set once. lost 1 flip.

How much did your emotions effect todays play?
Maybe alittle bit, i did get pissed at some guy shoving vs my 4bet bluff twice in a row.

Did we check the cashier session?


Did we look at the graph mid session?


Did we eat any obvious crap session?


Are we on track with the hand goal?

2041/100 000

Anything special this session?

nothing that comes to mind Cheeky

OK so i got 4h free time, see you later Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Well, even if your volume goal is controversial or sub-optimal you're certainly going the right way about it! Again, hope you'll crush this challenge.
Posted 8 years ago
GL on the challenge! It's a major grind!

Posted 8 years ago
August 2nd , part 2

How did we warm up this session?
Ate, went for a walk catching some pokemon Laugh drank coffee´, rewieved last sessions misstakes to try and avoid them this session.

How well did we play session?
would give myself an overall 9/10
Super happy with how we played today, cannot recall any big silly misstake, small ones here and there obv, but nothing that got stuck
in my brain

How big part was varience session?
rough start, ran into some cooler with A5 v AQ in a 3bet pot flop came A 4 5 , turn Q , you know the rest Smile
Lost a big flip and a small one, but in the end we did suck out on KK with JJ , BB vs BTN i went for the 3bet jam, im ok with the
play and just happy to spike a J OTR when we run into KK Smile

How much did your emotions effect todays play?
Would have to say not at all, super calm all the way through.

Did we check the cashier session?


Did we look at the graph mid session?


Did we eat any obvious crap session?


Are we on track with the hand goal?

4879 / 100 000

Anything special this session?

Other than we spikeing a J with JJ OTR vs KK dont know Laugh love it Cheeky
Posted 8 years ago
August 3rd , morning session

How did we warm up this session?
Repeat of yesterday, run in the morning , breakfast and coffé reviewing last sessions misstakes

How well did we play session?
would give myself an overall 7,5/10

Played very well over all, made 1 questionable call OTT with AQ on a 3 flush board with no diamond 25€ misstake. and 99 short stacker( 60bb ), called small 3bet and check raised all in on 875 board he had KK, obv.. he gave me a discount preflop so i shoulda known.

How big part was varience session?
We got fucked today lol

How much did your emotions effect todays play?
Maybe slightly in the end of the session, lost to an ugly runner runner and str8 after i lost a 220bb flip AK v QQ at 100nl, but no huge misstakes.

Money lost in August to big misstakes we instantly regret


Did we check the cashier session?


Did we look at the graph mid session?


Did we eat any obvious crap session?


Are we on track with the hand goal?

6979 / 100 000

Anything special this session?

dont think so, results will come half through august btw, dont want to focus on that now, but for your info we are basicly breaking even so far.
Posted 8 years ago
August 3rd , evening session.

How did we warm up this session?
Drank coffé, ate went out for a walk, was very happy when i started the session.

How well did we play session?
would give myself an overall 6,5/10

Played OK overall , however my mentalgame failed me today, i did lose focus alot of times i got mad on badbeats and maybe played overlyagressive.

How big part was varience session?
Umm... i mean i feel like im getting fucked , but at the same time im creating my own bad varience.

How much did your emotions effect todays play?
Too much, i mean i took breaks when it got too bad but i should be able to handle what happened to me today, and we could have lost less.

Did we check the cashier session?


Did we look at the graph mid session?


Did we eat any obvious crap session?


Are we on track with the hand goal?

9000 / 100 000

Anything special this session?

Did not enjoy playing this evening. Sad
Posted 8 years ago
Ok good morning guys Smile it's the 4th of August.

Lets point out some stuff that went wrong yesterday.

- biggest thing of yesterday, i did not enjoy playing, then we should not be playing, i love the game so why should we play it when we are not enojying it ?
- started off the session from recently beeing angry about some personal stuff, im pretty sure this was the biggest crook of yesterday.
- started to lose focus on why im doing this, start dreaming about 200nl , big money and shit.

-What did i start doing cuz of this?
- calling too many raises
- maybe alil bit too creative?
- Bluffing slightly too much,


Lets talk about positive stuff, what parts of my game does not change ever.

- I nowdays have no problem sticking to my preflop ranges, i dont widen the preflop ranges even on my C-game
- I very rarely would call a 3bet that i wont normally do while on my C-game
- I i still take all of the auto profit spots ( that im aware of ).

Super happy to be able to write that Smile

OK lets take a new start,

Biggest goal of today,

Enjoy! Smile
Posted 8 years ago

Sorry for the delay

Ok so what is your favorite alcoholic drink?
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Yo

Sorry for the delay

Ok so what is your favorite alcoholic drink?

Don't have one, avoiding alcohol most of the time, only the occational beer or longdrink on special occasions , or wine with food Laugh
Alcohol ruins people Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Morning session, August 4th

How did we warm up this session?
went out running my standard 3km , ate breakfast and went over yesterdays misstakes.

How well did we play session?
would give myself an overall 8/10

I played a solid game throughout, played 20nl and 50nl today to get back in the groove Laugh

How big part was varience session?
So far this month varience is not our friend, but it's gonna turn around eventually.

How much did your emotions effect todays play?
I had a stable mindset today, easier to handle the beats when i played 20 and 50nl

Did we check the cashier session?


Did we look at the graph mid session?


Did we eat any obvious crap session?


Are we on track with the hand goal?

11000 / 100 000

Anything special this session?

Sure, it was fun Smile