Posted 8 years agoEdited 8 years ago

Hello everyone, Giggle

It's been a while since I last updated my past thread. I took a little brake from poker and it seemed to pay off since I feel the need of a new start regarding this hobby. (again Smile )

Long story short I'll be playing poker on PokerStars at the full ring tables using MSS. Yes, that's right, MSS at the standard full ring tables. (40bb the buy in)

I know what you think: “Who the fuck plays that shit these days?! I hope you will be banned, and the minimum buy ins at the tables will change to 100bb....and so on.”

Well, I am going to play this kind of strategy, mainly because of the reasons posted below:
1. I need a smaller bankroll to reach upper limits.
2. Easier poker since I will be playing a tight range of hands.
3. Small risk.
4. Have fun at the tables.

My starting bankroll is of about $124. I'll be using a bankroll management of 40 buy ins and take a shot of 10 buy ins at the upper limit which should be optimal for my style. So, my starting limit is NL5 and I'll move up to NL10 when I reach a bankroll of $160.

I might be obliged to stay at the same tables for the hole session but that's not a big problem for the micros.

I'll try to update the blog at the end of each day of play.
Good luck all! Smile

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$36 left to move up to NL10

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Yo man so good to see your back. I must have followed 100+ posts in your previous blog and loved waking up and reading it.

MSS FR wow that is really quite something but whatever works works!

Posted 8 years ago*
Thx @Jon-PokerVIP ! Smile

I just finished my session and overall it went ok. I hit some bad beats at the end of the session but that's just the way poker runs. At start I had only NL5 FR tables for MSS but after half an hour or so, while closing tables at which I won some money, I wasn't able to sit at the new one with the minimum buy in of 40bb so I began to open NL2 FR ones and play with 100bb stack.

I think that this is going to be my strategy, play MSS as much as possible and after that drop down one limit and play BSS and so on.
Here is the MSS NL5 graph so far:
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The bankroll is now at almost $144 with the help of the $10 bought with the starcoins collected.
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I wish you a great eveing!
Bye! Smile

$16 left to move up to NL10

Posted 8 years ago*
I wasn't allowed today to play MSS at NL5 so I played BSS at NL2 and it went well so far.
Graph from today:
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The bankroll reached the peak of $157...very close for NL10 MSS.
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I'll be playing another session later on and if I pass $160 I will play tomorrow MSS at NL10, and if not I'll play MSS NL5 again.

Cheers! Smile

$3 left to move up to NL10.

Posted 8 years ago
I managed to play around 1k hands MSS NL5 and made a little bit of profit which is always very nice.
Here is the graph so far for MSS NL5:
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The ups and downs are so far pretty big, but that's normal regarding this strategy from what I read. I just thought that playing so tight at this strategy as I am right now (13/11) the variation will be softer. Anyway, the sample is very small so far, nothing to rely on yet. Smile
The bankroll is now at $164.
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I will play MSS NL10 on Sunday evening if I don't go bellow $160 with the bankroll until then. Smile

If I manage to win at NL10, the next step will be NL16 when I reach the bankroll of $256. I have to win another $92 which might take some time.
One step at a time....

Good luck all! Nerdy

$92 left to move up to NL16.

Posted 8 years ago
Good luck buddy ... I will follow your journey and I m really curios about your strategy.

Are you gonna play the same if u manage to get at higher stakes or if u manage to build a decent bankroll?
Posted 8 years ago*
@ALZ Ty buddy! Good luck to you too! Smile

I'll try to follow this strategy as much as possible. The 1st important objective is to reach NL25 with $400 bankroll using my gameplan.
Btw, I just discovered a big leak in my plan. There are no fucking NL16 FR tables running (oh 3 tables max) which is a big problem for me because now I have to jump from NL10 directly to NL25.

The other thing that pisses me off is that I am not allowed to play MSS whenever I want because of Stars rules. So far is ok mixing MSS with BSS even though is a litle bit annoying. Smile

The Bankroll is now at $176.
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Good luck!

$224 left to move up to NL25

Posted 8 years ago
How many tables do u play? And what's your strategy ... are u playing really nit and mostly postflop ?
Posted 8 years ago
I meant preflop ... sry
Posted 8 years ago*
I am very tight when I play MSS. I play at 24 tables.
This are my stats:
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As you can see in the hands posted below the stats, I am mostly all in preflop and on flop. I rarely arive on river for a decision with my range. I feel that I should have won more with the range that I play, or maybe I still do big mistakes preflop with my weak range.

Good luck! Smile
Posted 8 years ago*
Just lost with straight flush this one! Smile What are the odds??!!
Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.01/$0.02 No Limit Holdem PokerStars
7 Players

UTG luijio $1.41
UTG+1 konex $1.39
MP CheckManBett $2
CO 4ika4 $2.93
DHero $2.12
SB hardcoreMD $2.03
BB iwanttolearn $2.29
7$0.03Hero is BTN56
luijio calls $0.02, 3 folds, Hero raises to $0.06, 2 folds, luijio calls $0.04
luijio checks, Hero checks
luijio bets $0.02, Hero calls$0.02
luijio bets $0.04, Hero goes all-in$2.04, luijio goes all-in $1.29
Final Pot$3.56
Hero shows a straight flush, Five to Nine 56
luijio shows a straight flush, Seven to Jack JT

luijio wins $2.75 (net +$1.34)
Hero collects$0.71 (net -$1.41)

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I started playing today MSS NL5 and ended my session with BSS NL2. I'll continue this way until I reach a bankroll of $200 since it will allow me to play BSS NL5 and MSS NL10.
The bankroll is now at $188 so it's not that far away.
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Graph so far at MSS NL5:
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Good luck! Smile

$212 left to move up to NL25
Posted 8 years ago*
I am on the right track so far. I am very close to reach $200 bankroll and I'll be able to mix NL5 BSS with NL10 MSS.
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Here are my stats for NL2 BSS and NL5 MSS so far:
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The total graph:
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I hope that in a couple of days I'll be able to mix NL5 with NL10.

Good luck all! Smile

$205 left to move up to NL25
Posted 8 years ago*
Eh, I started the session nice but after 45 minutes or so it got a little bit bad. (hit some bad variation.) That caused me to play looser than usual preflop and
I started to play B or even C game sometimes.
Graph from today:
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Anyway, I just made a step forward regardin poker. I'll be playing NL5 BSS and NL10 MSS from tomorrow and hopefully it won't be any turning back from there.
My bankroll is now at almost $200.Cool
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My shot will consist in the amount of $50. I will try to play at NL5 BSS a little bit tighter than how I played at NL2 since I don't want to play that much with the variance right at this moment.

Good luck all! Smile

$200 left to move up to NL25
Posted 8 years ago
Good work buddy and keep at it!
Posted 8 years ago
At the risk of sounding like an idiot... What is BSS and MSS?
Posted 8 years ago*
lankyross: At the risk of sounding like an idiot... What is BSS and MSS?

BSS = Big Stack Strategy, you enter the table with 100bb and have auto rebuy on.
MSS = Mid Stack Strategy, you enter the table with 40bb and don't have auto rebuy on. I leave the table if I win 10bb and rebuy to 40bb when I have less then 20bb. You can read more about this strategy on pokerstrategy because I might have changed it a little bit at the rebuy section. Smile

Good luck!
Posted 8 years ago
Oh on that makes sense now I understand what your on about.

I don't see why people would flame you for either method, I mean I get the BSS standard of people would take you for a recreational player or a fish, but why would people want you banned for that style of playing?
Posted 8 years ago
I tried to play a little bit longer in the last 3 days but the results are bad.
What can I say?! I run like shit!!!
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Volume is not freat this month but I'll try to play another 3.5k hands tomorrow and hope for green. Smile

Bankroll is only at $220 (including the $10 bought with starcoins a few moments ago).... no improvement at all from my last update. Punch
Good luck all!
Posted 8 years ago*
Hello! Smile

I just want to say that am satisfied with how August went regarding poker. I made only around $100 profit but I think that I am a winning player at NL5 so far. I started to play more focused and managed finally to tighten up my opening range preflop. I gave up the ideea of MSS because Stars does not let me to play it whenever I want.

BSS for now on all the way... My bankroll is at $235 and I plan to play at NL5 until I reach $400 and move up to NL10.
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September Objectives:
*play at least 75.000 hands
*watch all the new videos from PokerVip (I really like Fergal's videos)
*table sellect as much as I am able to do it
*try not to tilt at all
*beat NL5 and move up to NL10 Smile

Good luck all!
Posted 8 years ago
I played like shit so far this month. I was at the tables only yesterday, and today and managed to play almost 11.5k hands. Luckily I am above 0 with $3 or so.
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I am still opening to wide preflop with 23/17 overall which is not that great with my level of poker. I have to pay more attention to this.
Good luck all!

63.500 hands left to play.
$165 left to move up to NL10.