How did we warm up this session?
watched a documentary and jumped str8 into playing.
How well did we play session?
would give myself an overall 6.5/10
Played better til the end, but i get did get unneccesarily creative and the overall focus was way off.
How big part was varience session?
How much did your emotions effect todays play?
Alot, we made some punty moves cuz of our emotions, man so silly... one should just do what you know lol.. easier said than done.
Did we check the cashier session?
Did we look at the graph mid session?
Did we eat any obvious crap session?
yes, i was tilted and went to buy candy and a redbull O_o
Are we on track with the hand goal?
33157 / 100 000
Anything special this session?
Not enjoyable, i was very angry when playing.