Posted 8 years ago
Hey buddy! I only half pot the flop because I was by no means committed at that point! I was almost certainly folding to a raise! The reason I commit myself on the turn is because it does not make any sense for him to flat a made hand so his range is completely draw heavy! Or it should be unless you butcher it like he did and happen to be playing somebody who actually reads into ranges Smile Which is pretty rare at 20nl ha!
Posted 8 years ago
Sat in the pub with Mrs so should not be making this post buuuuuuuut I guess there is some sizing issues we can talk about but I can't do it now. Also if we bet this turn with any portion of our range we don't want to be planning on bet folding. Will get into it more on Monday Wink
Posted 8 years ago
Haha you will be a dead man if she catches you!
Posted 8 years ago
Easy game.

$0.10/$0.20 No Limit Holdem/6PLAYERS /Prima
Posted 8 years ago*
Soooooo first mini challenge complete! I go to Turkey tomorrow for 2 weeks so Nicklas said to me to just play until I go and we will get into it properly when I get back! So I set myself a little goal of 5k hands this weekend! Just finished it so gonna chill a bit tonight!

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So down just over a Bin! Small sample and small loss to start! I'm actually happy with how we played overall! We didn't run all that well and as I am only a marginal winner at 20nl at the moment I am unlikely to be in the green if we are below EV! But it does not really mean anything over such a small sample! A few significant hands................

This one could arguably be a fold pre but I think he should be raising a wide enough range to make it ok! Papa is a fish and I am BTN so I am isoing wideish!

$0.10/$0.20 No Limit Holdem/5PLAYERS /Prima

Here I didn't want to 4 bet as I just feel that I am folding out everything worse and getting it in as a big dog! I wasn't worried abs the SB as villains squeeze is big enough to not give him odds to set mine............ or so I thought! Thoughts..??

$0.10/$0.20 No Limit Holdem/5PLAYERS /Prima

Last one is a really strange one! This guy was on mega tilt and had open shoved 3 of the last 4 hands! Only prob is I am never really far in front so high variance! Too wide..??

$0.10/$0.20 No Limit Holdem/3PLAYERS /Prima
Posted 8 years ago
Will be interesting to look at all your hands!

About these hands:

#1 Super standard.

#2 I would 4bet here. We need to protect our opening range here since it will be wide. Its a very good spot for him to squeeze since he know that SB should have very few strong hands (he is capped). We can call, but I would leave that play for hands that is less vulnerable like KK,AA.
We will have over 50% EQ vs any reasonable regs 5bet shove here.

SB doesnt get the right odds to set mine. My general rule of tumb is that you want 20 times the implied odds when set mining.

#3 Its acrually pretty close.

The break even point for this call is if he shoves 22+ ATs+ ATo+. When shoving 3/4 times i guess there is tons of KQ KJ hands and also majority of Ax and then we have 56%.

Problem with this hand is that we have one player left to act behind and we will not have great EQ when he calls.

I think we can wait for better spot when we have no player behind since we won't have that big EQ advantage vs even a wide range like 17%.
If he shoved 3/4 times he is likely to continue and we can pick of his money soon.

In this spot Im calling 88+ ATs AJo+

Posted 8 years ago
Cheers buddy really appreciate the input! Yeah I think the 77 hand is one of those where you feel like a hero when it holds but a retard when it doesn't! Like you say tho although it is very close it is a bit high variance so prob just a fold! Number 2 I think your prob right too! It is the top of my calling range and bottom of 4 bet range but shud prob just fall on the side of 4 bet like you say!

Yes will be great to get feedback on more hands as I think it is here where my leaks are! I feel like I am making small mistakes over and over which obviously affects my win rate big time! Will be interesting to see!

Just at the airport now and have bought 'the mental game of poker' audio book for the flight Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Thats a good "read"! Love Jared and we've had im on as guest at a seminar before. Great guy and very smart! Enjoy your vacay because its hard work a head Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Hey guys I'm back from an awesome holiday today and ready to get my head down and put in some serious graft! I haven't spoken to @Prostaker yet so not sure of the exact plan but really looking forward to working hard! Determined to make the most of a great opportunity!

Posted 7 years ago*
Hey guys been a bit quiet on here but I have certainly been putting in the time grinding and learning! Results wise my first staked month did not go too great and was pretty frustrating tbh! Really struggled to get any momentum and every time I started I seemed to get smacked back down! Played 18k hands which I am reasonably happy with cosidering I was away for more than half of the month!

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My biggest weakness is definitely still being far too concerned about results! I am still checking my graphs mid session etc! This is one of the main things I am going to work on this month! Only going to look at my results on a Sunday night (hopefully Smile ) It would not be so much of an issue but I think it definitely does affect my play! And being staked is supposed to help with this but I am that desperate to do well that it makes it worse!! @Prostaker has been great with this so far and does not really even ask or make a point of mentioning results just puts the emphasis on improving! Which makes it a lot better!

Secondly I think I have made a huge amount of positive changes to my game this month! Maybe too many in that they are most probably -ev in the short term as you get in spots you are not used to! But I am really looking at this for the long term and losing a few buyins at the smallest stakes is worth it for long term progression!

Lastly the really frustrating thing is that pretty much all of my losses have come from Friday and Saturday nights! This was an issue last time I was on microgaming too! It should be the most profitable time to grind but for some reason I really struggle to adjust to the whales! I see them throwing chips around like confetti then when I make a light call down they have me crushed! It feels like every adjustment I make is at the exact wrong time! Not sure if I should just be nitting it up on Friday/Saturday and just getting value with the nuts! Defo something that needs a lot of work!

Overall I am feeling positive and really looking forward to continuing to work hard and progress!

Ps. really loving all the OPL journeys/updates! Looks great fun and would defo be involved myself if I hadn't started the staking!
Posted 7 years ago
Yeh lots of people struggle with this checking results thing and I am actually different to most and say if you want to check it check it but embrace it and be realistic.

It's kinda like eating a pizza - its shit, you know it but as long as it's not every meal and you exercise and stuff it's cool.

if you want to look at the lobby do and teach your mind not to let it effect you.
Posted 7 years ago
Yeah I totally agree but my problem is that I think it does affect me! So my plan to not check is just a temp fix until I can deal with it better!
Posted 7 years ago
Played 1.5k hands tonight! Two of the big things I have been working on is taking the initiative more and playing more aggressively post flop! I feel like I over adjusted a little tonight from looking back at the session! Reign it back in tomorrow just a little! Couple of hands I picked out from tonight! Thoughts appreciated as always......................

Pretty nasty turn but I felt like I was too strong to check fold and if I bet I am committed.....................

$0.10/$0.20 No Limit Holdem/6PLAYERS /Prima

When you think you are attacking a capped range but you are actually getting owned by a merge-ician! All joking aside I really don't like his flop check! I understand the whole two streets theory but surely if he is not continuing AQ here his betting range is like air and sets?? I didn't 4 bet pre as his 3 bet was like 4% Smile

$0.10/$0.20 No Limit Holdem/5PLAYERS /Prima
Posted 7 years ago
Jef147: Yeah I totally agree but my problem is that I think it does affect me! So my plan to not check is just a temp fix until I can deal with it better!

It doesn't have to be temporary. We only have so much time and we can only work on so many things. If not looking at the cashier ends up being an efficient solution to the problem (which it often is for many players) I'd question the necessity of looking for something 'deeper' and instead focus on something that might have a bigger impact on your game like strategy or other mindset improvements.
Posted 7 years ago*
On the first hand I think starting turn with a check is prefered. We dont have a very wide range when we 3bet BB vs UTG+1 so we are actually no that high up in our range on the turn. I would rather want to keep in all is hands that we crush/havevbeat like AT QJ KQ then just getting it in vs better.

Hand#2 looks a bit thin the river value bet. I think we can bet turn for value but after getting called we are looking at mainly Ax that he bluffed with pre and that will call this river. If you are bluffing you only get him to fold 6 combos of KK (maybe folds) and that is not enough combos to make this river bluff profitable. Use worse hands from ur range to bluff so that you can bluff out more combos that beat you.
Posted 7 years ago
Arrrggghhhh!! Absolutely sick of my life! You may remember that in January I had issues with my broadband and they eventually fixed it after like a month!! It has been perfect since but on Friday it started happening again! Just randomly disconnecting itself then coming back on 5 minutes later! Obviously makes poker almost impossible! Just spent an hour on the phone to them and it is gonna be 2 weeks until an engineer can come!! How on earth can a company like Sky be so fkn useless!

I have been thinking about switching because I am out of my 12 month contract at the moment but I have no idea how reliable other providers are! Any comments more than welcome..........
Posted 7 years ago
Virgin media the best out there both for connectivity / download speeds and customer service / engineer call outs.
Posted 7 years ago
I weirdly have ran really well with Sky but BT always fucked me
Posted 7 years ago
Yeah I am really reluctant to switch from Sky as it is literally perfect all the time! It is just this same weird issue! The engineer last time said that the hub wasn't syncing in line with the telephone line or something! Then when he re aligned them it was perfect again! Its just the fact of having to wait 2 weeks for an engineer is a joke really!
Posted 7 years ago
Curl-1-out: Virgin media the best out there both for connectivity / download speeds and customer service / engineer call outs.

I don't have Virgin media where I am grrrrrrr