Posted 7 years ago*
Hey again!

So today, with the help of @fawltyfelix I learnt to do something pretty cool.
I learnt how to sit at my chair, turn on my poker client and earn nearly 2BI without even playing poker (and no that doesn't mean cashing in RB).

The answer, is to realise that you have about 80+ free spins on a slot that you didn't even know about. I mean I kinda did see something about it. It has something to do with winning hands with JJ, QQ, KK or AA. And then you get an achievement with gives you 4 free spins.

So I sat and gave it a go.

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I also have a few Euros of RB that I haven't chased yet so maybe I'll make this 220e by the end of today after all. We shall see!

Exact BR without my RB right now is 214.94e.

Anyway, he's the next part of my vid series.

Seeya soon!

Posted 7 years ago
Here's a snippet off the end of my last video, it's kinda random, but such an awesome offer for FREE money after a quick poker session!

ALL the free spins here came fro the 30 min session I played during the whole vid which will be Part 14 coming soon.

Posted 7 years ago
Like a boss Party
Posted 7 years ago
Part 12 is up. Looking forward to getting the Blaze ones out.

Posted 7 years ago
Regarding the spins - free money is the best kind of money Laugh
Posted 7 years ago
These free spins are getting ridiculous now...

Attached Image
Posted 7 years ago
Killing the game buddy! I need some free spin action in my life.
Posted 7 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Killing the game buddy! I need some free spin action in my life.

Gotta take advantage of any offer going! God knows how much I've racked up from my favourite Tarzan game!
Posted 7 years ago
That you do! I'd guess $1,000,000?
Posted 7 years ago*
Got work tonight, gonna stick in a quick update.

Played a bit today, not a great deal but sessions were a bit nuts. Ended up 0.5BI from the games.

BR sits at 297.73e. Had a lot of help from the spins of course, but anything like that is welcome cash IMO.

As for how the Blaze games are, lots of shorties here and there, ones that like to jam AI over a 3bb open. Some random guy who opens for 5x and pot bets every flop and turn. He'll 3bet pre for 35bb lol. Just a taster, unfortunately I haven't had many chances to capitalize on those guys, but still doing ok overall.
Of course lots of regs playing them too and I've been successfully 4bet bluffing a fair bit. It's just usual business vs some of these guys.
The cannon itself has sucked for me, but hey. Maybe I'll pick up some 10e ones at some point at least.

Ok here is another vid of my series (keep in mind the vids are from a few days back).

GL all!

Posted 7 years ago
Click sub button but he no workee boss. Apparently I don't have rights to access, it's probably because I'm Welsh, dammit.

Posted 7 years ago
No rights to access? Seems a bit weird?
Posted 7 years ago
Just want to let you guy's know that poker is dead... give up now, here is why. Watch the vid below.

Posted 7 years ago
Yup, no money in poker, everyone's solid! The only thing left to do is to patiently wait for the GTO robot overlords to take over.
Posted 7 years ago
Damn Isooo need to move. Party

Good job sir, have a nice weekend.
Posted 7 years ago*
OOOOOKKKK, so after a busy few days, I finally get to play a weekend evening at the Blaze Cannon.

Been working the last 2 nights, but had some fun tonight.
WOW some of the hands have been nuts. I'll have a few to post up for shits and giggles. One hand I got REKT but still proud of!
Gonna have to give a proper shout out to the guy that made a crazy call down vs me earlier. 'pirukar' you are a wizard!

Overall though considering the crazy calls and some other stuff where I ran a little bad. I'm proud to be up +5BI.

BR stands at... Attached Image

It was a crazy day as you'd expect at these games, vids of these sessions will be posted as the BR series continues.

Anyway, good times! Having a ton of fun, even when getting insanely owned.

Next vid of series here. Gl all!

Posted 7 years ago
Doug Polk would be proud...

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Posted 7 years ago
I haz 2 pair and an ace, I call. Emo
Posted 7 years ago*
Had a couple of family things to do in the last couple of days. Still got a little play in, Even tinkered with some Omaha. Maybe I'll play some on vid soon for a laugh, but actually so far profiting at least, but learning some cool stuff form some vids I've been studying.

Anyway here is part 15 of the Quest.

Posted 7 years ago
Here's a run good clip from one of today's sessions!

Gotta love some run good within the swings of the games.

Quick BR update. BR is at 413.39e.