Posted 6 years ago
This month has been very hard on my mental game. Every time it feels like I'm about to cross over 400 euros and really move to plo10 I get a session where I lose every big all in. Today was one of those, only down about 2 buy ins but I think I'll finish the month at plo4 where I know I'm able to crush. Games are good and I'm adjusting, the cards are just not going my way. On pace to hit my volume goal so I'm proud of that at least Smile
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Posted 6 years ago
Hitting volume is the main thing. Proving you can get the time and hands in is important, and then building on that to be able to retake shots.

I've been away so not been able to play much cash the past week or so but will see you on the Unibet tables again after April 9th!
Posted 6 years ago
Yeah hitting volume is all I can really do. Will finish the month in the green which is already better than 90% of players so I can't complain.

Let me know if you put a package together, I'd love to get a piece again.
Posted 6 years ago
Didn't quite make it! I just started today's session and got a call from work that someone's sick and I have to come in this evening. Still my biggest month in terms of volume so far on Unibet. Up about 20 euros before factoring in tickets. plo4 feels like such an easy game now, at least there's that. With every shot, I try to get my bankroll higher so I'm going to mix in some plo10 when I reach a roll of 400 euros.
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Goals for April will be 4200 flops and go to the gym 15 times. Will also try out Jnandez's new site.
Posted 6 years ago
April isn't my best month so far, on a little downswing but nothing out of the ordinary. Bankroll is in the 380's thanks to exchanging my plo25 ticket for 25 sng tickets and doing well in those. Spending a good amount of time studying, watching videos and taking notes.
I have registered for Jnandez's site and I'm enjoying it too
Posted 6 years ago
I saw JNandez offer of $29 I think for the first month, is that what you've got? Would be interesting to see what you think of it!
Posted 6 years ago
His offer is good value. The mastermind course is divided in multiple smaller courses, some only have 1-2 videos in them yet though. I'm not going to pay the full $100 or so membership for June, can't justify it yet given what I play. Really like his teaching style though.

I've been playing a mix of plo4-10 this month, mostly 4. Doing good in sports betting too with the NHL playoffs just starting so I'm at a new bankroll peak of 412 euros with 14 euros worth of bets already placed. I'm a little behind on volume though, worked a bunch of day shifts which means I get home at about 7 pm eastern time when games on Unibet are dying. I've played a little zoom those days, mostly trying to work on what I've studied/see in videos. Here are some graphs to make it more interesting, obviously very meaningful samples
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I'm very confident I can beat this plo10, just a matter of time before my shot works well and I can just keep of grinding at that limit.
Posted 6 years ago*
Update on the month so far:
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Horrible session again just when things started to take off. Can't win a 3bet pot to save my life, including losing 2 pf all ins AA
Posted 6 years ago*
Wrote some stuff under my graph but most dosen't show up. Oh well
Posted 6 years ago
This month has been a little disappointing poker wise. Good results just not enough time to put volume in.
Bankroll is still hanging around 400 euros, the next 2 weeks should give me more time for poker and I intend to use it well! Gonna try to put in an hour of work and study every day.
Posted 6 years ago*
Not much of an improvement in volume but I still made a couple buy ins since last update. Bet on a few games, lost about 10 euros but it looks like Unibet wants very little of my betting action right now Laugh Will aim for more volume in June, work hasn't been able to give me my schedule just yet but I'm hoping I get a few days here and there for poker.
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