Afternoon session
1.5h 661 hands and +27bb/100
In the beginning I did not feel right... my head was light and I tried to focus but it did not work. It took me about 20min to get in the zone but from that moment on everything went great.
I think when I focus I can keep my red stable
Improving on my 3bets but I think I can do more
better adjustments to player (i will elaborate on that later on)
mind stable
3bet from the button is still to low. I like to play in position and flat too many hands
player adjustments: as i punted so much money away during the last weeks, I am focussing more on the players. I mark them as follows
-yellow: thinking player
-red: very good red
-blue: too tight
-green: rec player - fish
-pink: hyperaggro
@fawltyfelix mentioned I am learning lots of stuff regarding minimum defense frequency, blockers, bluff catchers and so on. These thought-processes are only relevant against yellow and red players.
- blue: As they tend to overfold I can widen my range and bluff more. When they start to pile the money in it is time to let go
- green: a bit stat-dependend as there are stations or fit/fold players. I tighten my 3bet range and mostly bet for thin value. I took all bluffs out on later
streets as they like to look you up
- pink: I tighten up completly, only 3bet premium hands and let them do the work. most of the time they will hang themselves.
Night session to come

glgl you guys