Posted 6 years ago
Latest update...

Day 9 Results

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There was a lot of action in this session and the Twitch chat was lively too. Shame it was a losing one, but I enjoyed it regardless. Again though once I go back over it I'm not happy with how I played.

But anyways here the highlights from the last 2 sessions...

Day 8 Highlights

Day 9 Highlights

It has been a very busy week. I've had (and still have) a ton of work to do before I leave my job. And I've also been working on setting up a new overlay, so I missed last stream. Here's a preview...

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Look forward to going live with it!

Also, I'm thinking of changing up my stream schedule. Basically I'll be shortening the streams slightly but streaming much more regularly. I'm thinking from around 9.30pm most weeknights. And then at the weekend I'll just fit them in when I can. I'm aiming for up to 6 streams streams per week this way. We'll see how it goes.

I'm not sure what I'll do about the videos. Daily videos might be too much but I do like doing it that way. And weekly videos might be too long, so maybe just general highlights (?). Let me know what you guys think.
Posted 6 years ago
love watching your streams... the more the better Smile
Posted 6 years ago
FG_SpaceLord: love watching your streams... the more the better :-)

Thanks man, appreciate it.
Posted 6 years ago
I really struggle with watching streams. I want to play as well while I do it but for some reason 888 and Twitch as a combo crashes my sound.

What site you on now? Reg tables now isn't it?
Posted 6 years ago
thetallpaul: I really struggle with watching streams. I want to play as well while I do it but for some reason 888 and Twitch as a combo crashes my sound.

What site you on now? Reg tables now isn't it?

Playing on Coral (iPoker) at the moment. I'll be staying there for the foreseeable I think. And yes, regular tables. Overall I actually have better results on fast fold but lately I've been crushed there so reg tables seem the less -ev choice.
Posted 6 years ago
Day 10 Results

Nice to book a small win!

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Made some tight folds. Think I played ok. Made a bad call in one big pot where I had a good read on villain but couldn't lay my hand down.

It was a fun stream. Reached over 100 viewers thanks to being hosted. And I got a couple of donations but for some reason they aren't showing in Streamlabs, nor did they trigger the alert. Not sure what's wrong there.

Anyways, tight seems to be right. Onto the next stream, probably tomorrow night but I'll see how I feel this evening.
Posted 6 years ago
A minor suggestion for you if I may be so bold. Try not to snapcall an underpair the board, it's a bit face up and you'd have had a bluff barrel from me until I saw that. I'm told I play speed games like I'm running for a bus sometimes to! Cheeky
Just an observation is all, hope to see you twitching it again soon. Smile
Posted 6 years ago
Pwll: A minor suggestion for you if I may be so bold. Try not to snapcall an underpair the board, it's a bit face up and you'd have had a bluff barrel from me until I saw that. I'm told I play speed games like I'm running for a bus sometimes to! Cheeky
Just an observation is all, hope to see you twitching it again soon. :)

Yeh I try not to give away any timing tells usually but I guess with multitabling and streaming I'm forgetting sometimes and making some snap calls. I'll work on it Smile
Posted 6 years ago
Day 10 Highlights

Longer video than normal as there were a lot of decent size pots!

Posted 6 years ago
An action session indeed! Sun
Posted 6 years ago
Day 11

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Another action packed session. Shame it was a losing one but it was a fun stream. Had a high viewer count and enough follows to make affiliate.

Here are the highlights:

Posted 6 years ago
You can pay me for the bots later Wink

Posted 6 years ago
Day 12 Results

Back at it after an unscheduled couple of weeks off, with a quick NL5 speed session. Went with speed since there were only a few regular tables running and they were all full. Nothing too notable to talk about. Think I played well, ran good, mad a couple of buy ins. Felt like the old sessions before the downswing. Hope it continues next session!

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Posted 6 years ago
Day 12 Highlights

Posted 6 years ago
Day 13

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Couple of flush over flush coolers but Aces to the rescue in the final hand of the session to book a small win. Enjoying playing fast fold again (even though I said I would stick to regular tables!).

Highlights video below.

Posted 6 years ago
Day 14

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Don't think I played well this session. Made some bad calls but managed to book a win anyway.

Highlights below.

Posted 6 years ago
Day 15

Far too long a break there but back at it for day 15.

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Almost booked a win at the end there, almost.

Highlights below. Let me know what you think. Certainly some spots I want to review.

Posted 6 years ago
Hand Review

This is the biggest pot from the last session. Let me know what you think.

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Preflop Action: CO raises to 2BB. Folds to me in BB.

BB calling range vs CO open:

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Flop is Qs4h3h. I check. Villain bets 0.10 into 0.22.

To remain balanced we can't fold more than 31% of our range. That might leave a continuing range such as:

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In practice I probably won't continue with all of the weaker back door flush draws.

Given the wide continuing range and the range advantage villain has (overpairs and strong queens that we don't have), I'm debating whether or not to have any raising range at all. BUT since we have just so many flush draws, and I don't want to call with all of them, nor fold too many, I think a small raising range makes sense. Plus our value raises can get a lot of value from villains overpairs and strong queens. Plus players often overbluff these 1 high card flops so it makes sense to have some bluff raises.

If I raise all my 2 pair+ hands I leave my call down range pretty weak, especially if the flush draw calls miss, so perhaps I'll leave a hand like 33 as a trap to call down with, and potentially raise some rivers.

This means I might only have 44, Q4s, and Q3s as value raises (7 combos). That doesn't leave many bluffs combos to pick. So perhaps I'll overbluff a little. I'm going to pick my worst nut flush draws, a couple of back door nut flush drawers, some weak flush draws with back door straight draw potential, and some off suit back door broadway hands which have good blockers to villains value range. This might look like:

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Turn is 5s. My barreling range might look like:

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I bet 0.60 into 0.92. Villain raises to 2.00.

I don't like villains raise here. The 5 doesn't improve much of his range except for maybe A2 of hearts, or 76 of hearts. He could have trips of course but then some of my bluffs have gotten there and now beat those.

With so little behind if I call I decided to basically fold or shove here and not have a calling range. So I'm folding my king high flush draws and jamming most of the rest. I basically feel that villain's play doesn't make sense, I think my 2 pairs are good a lot and have outs against the 76 and A2 straights. Plus villain could be getting out of line with flush draws, Qx hands and also overpairs. So I'm happy to go with it here.

Villain calls with the pocket aces. Which makes the turn raise really bad. And I get paid.
Posted 6 years ago
Nice! I see very few people folding overpairs on those type of boards, is quite a leak of mine as well but the 3-bet on the turn REALLY should be setting alarm bells off for him. Once he raises though I guess he has to call, otherwise he needs to play it as a bluff catcher IMO
Posted 5 years ago
Day 16

Sometimes I play well (I think), and sometimes I play like this.

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Told you I'd share the bad as much as the good!