Posted 6 years ago
Tried some fast fold and I went for a lag approach and did some crazy stuff towards the end of session people started to play back it was quite interesting. I think its probably more interesting to watch for a viewer but what are your thoughts?

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Vpip and PFR are the first two, felt so dirty

New PC, 1080 TI, with an I7.
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Posted 6 years ago
Hey guys

Quick update floating in the 10nl and 4nl pool on guts. Why am i floating between the two? for that value and I want to get back to 20nl asap. Probably need another 10 buyins from 10nl to stab at 20nl again. Really want to get into PLO but I know il be the biggest fish at the table which is putting me of. Any advice?

Short Clip of the salt level increasing from Sundays stream.
Posted 6 years ago
Well been grinding a bit of stream on Guts and been really lucky with the tables and crushed 10nl enough to be shot taking for 20nl again. Also been playing 4nl PLO and running very hot in that which has helped and I was clearly the donkey at the table, a very very lucky donkey.

Next stream probably Saturday Laugh
Posted 6 years ago
Had an urge to play PLO this weekend it was brutal but fun, mite do some more streams of PLO. Playing 2nl/5NL on party, two big hands crushed my session but one hand was Full house over full house and one hand I had insane equity on the flop so got it in and didn't get there, to many outs situation.

I think im playing to tight, and probably over folding. Whats the best site for PLO?

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Posted 6 years ago
Unibet for PLO!
Posted 6 years ago
cant get hands from unibet to learn though Sad
Posted 6 years ago
That is a pain and is what I don't like about it, BUT I would say, it's that soft, it is worth it!

Also, I don't have the Omaha add-on for HEM so I don't need to buy it yet if I stay on Unibet lol
Posted 6 years ago
Ok il give it a go, playing the "great game"
Posted 6 years ago
PLO is such a sick game, sick as in - I have everything but a actually poker hand but im not folding, to many outs syndrome.

Unibet has been interesting at 4nl but im huge fish. Been playing SNG's on the side and crushing them, I just wish I wasnt such a nit and play higher with my roll.
Posted 6 years ago
Having a bit of a meh moment in poker been playing a little bit of everything this month and i cant settle on a game, i need some motivation.

PLO - alot of fun but I know its the worst format for me
SNG's/MTT's - long time commitment for MTTs and I dont mind SNG's but I cant play enough volume because I don't enjoy sng's that much. Trying to grind out 100 sng's to see if I am profitable or not.
Zoom Cash - Probably played less then 5k hands of this format so I cant comment but I have never heard anything positive from it apart from "you can play alot of hands"
Reg - Cash games - Pretty much what I know but since I was playing 20nl it was like a reg fiesta.
Posted 6 years ago
daveo: Having a bit of a meh moment in poker been playing a little bit of everything this month and i cant settle on a game, i need some motivation.

PLO - alot of fun but I know its the worst format for me
SNG's/MTT's - long time commitment for MTTs and I dont mind SNG's but I cant play enough volume because I don't enjoy sng's that much. Trying to grind out 100 sng's to see if I am profitable or not.
Zoom Cash - Probably played less then 5k hands of this format so I cant comment but I have never heard anything positive from it apart from "you can play alot of hands"
Reg - Cash games - Pretty much what I know but since I was playing 20nl it was like a reg fiesta.

Choose the game you most like to play (forget what you have most experience with) and make that your focus for playing, studying, setting goals etc. No point trying to grind one game format if you're always finding yourself wanting to play another. You'll lose focus and motivation. Pick the one you enjoy the most. Then give yourself one session per week to play whatever else you fancy, just to stop yourself getting bored, or for when things aren't going well.
Posted 6 years ago
That is great advice @jongordon84 , it's what I'm doing right now. I was playing too many different things and I just don't think it's a good thing to be doing. Have set myself a new challenge for June focusing on just 1 for the whole month, and I'll prob do the one session thing like you suggest to break it up or something as well. Top notch
Posted 6 years ago
Really been craving to grind but working a late shift recently and I know its going to be a poor session because it will probably be a C game session. Been playing the odd MTT on the GG Network lots of action very high variance because its all Turbo format but great fun.

Want to get on the Zoom/Speed poker and after 50k hands, review and plug some leaks and repeat. If I am enjoying it I mite by Poker Snowie to review my hands.

- I have been reading up on zoom and watching videos about zoom strategy, I think I will have to take a player pool tendencies into consideration rather then playing exploitative because we arent go to get many reads/notes on our opponents.
- Checking out player pool numbers and plrs/flop stats, to work out +ev times to play.
- My plan is to try and play a interesting & lag style for the stream.
- Evernote is a program I am using to help learning, its like a notebook on your pc, I have loads of stuff in there and if you want to focus on one thing you can have this up and flick through the notes etc. (Its free boys)

Still have a roll for 20nl, but i think il start at 10nl with 2 tables and see how i feel after a decent session at the weekend.

Probably be playing on Party because I am linked to the pokervip promo, and I dont think stars vip will show much return.

Does anyone know how long it would take to play 50k hands on two tables of zoom?
Should I review before 50k?
Posted 6 years ago
Hey there. I’m currently grinding a fair bit of Zoom when I can. So I could give you an ide of how long 50k would take grind. 2 tables takes approx 2 hours 20 mins to play 1k hands if you’re focusing at least for me and I don’t rush. So you can work it out from that really as it really depends how much you play - How many times a week and how many hours for each day you play. Might take you 2 months if you can put in 25k a month, which is reasonable for most people.
Posted 6 years ago*
Its so hot right now, and the price of a fan is now not cheap...bad times

Been playing PLO and the odd MTT to break up the grind. I didnt play 10nl on the fastforward started at a chilled 5nl because losing at 5nl Fastforward is'nt going to break the bank.

After playing 20nl normal tables I think I am overthinking 5nl fastforward and applying to much theory for example are they exploiting me here when I should be thinking its 5nl the majority are just playing there cards not me. Lost of all-ins pre flop for 150bbs seen this on a Monday night a few times probably nutted but there is clearly value in fastforward games but edges are smaller and getting in a cooler is more likely.

Saying this though its so much fucking fun because you get in alot more spots and some guy on twitch said i was a good player, I nearly fel out of my chair. Graph below boys but small sample.Attached Image