OnuRonaldo's Poker Journey

Posted 8 years ago

Hello guys/girls.

I'd like to talk about myself little bit.I'm a Turkish guy who lives in Czech Republic and been playing poker for 5 years.Most of the time I couldn't focus well on poker because of educational reasons but after I graduated from my school I have more time to focus on poker.

I haven't been in a poker community deeply for long time.Since I saw here very friendly people I decided to start a poker challenge.One of my friend is already here and going well with his challenge @Barkn I wish him good luck from here as well.

My main game is NLHE 6 max. and I like to play MTT's as well.I played up to NL100(It was 3 years ago at Revolution Network)
Nowadays I used to play at Party Poker NL25 games but I'll switch the networks for some time and I'll play in iPoker network to clear bonus there.After that I might continue my challenge in Party Poker.While I'm starting to this challenge I'd like to say my main aims are to learn goal setting,accountability technics,studying properly and earning good habits.

I'll write the challenge details in future posts.I can say that I'm eligible to get €100 bonus from bet365 poker and I'll play NL4 games at the beginning.Good luck to all Smile

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Good luck buddy. I hope we can be better than yesterday.
Posted 8 years ago
Good luck also from me!

How come you live in CR?
Posted 8 years ago
Finally starting slowly.I could play only 1556 hands.Low volume is because of regular job and time spent in foreign police.It's family re-union @Jon-PokerVIP I live with my gf and she's EU citizen.
I'll make a schedule next week and I'll set some goals on playing,studying and lifestyle.Here's the graph of first few sessions.

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So far,I realized I'm making loose calls against weak passive players.It turn out as they have nuts many times.That two big drops in the graph caused because of that.
@NL4 valuebets pay more often,people tend to make loose calls.Also regular players are more likely to be tight-passive/agressive.Btw the software drives me crazy often time.I can't size my bets how I'd like to.I think I'm gonna continue somewhere else after I clear the bonus.
I'll mark some of the hands and I'm gonna share the next week's goals on sunday evening.

With the tokes I get as bonus,cash game winnings and other bonuses;
Starting BR:€100
Current BR:€116

Good luck!
Posted 8 years ago
I wish you luck and follow, which city are you living in? Praque? Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Good solid profit to start there! Keep up the good work Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Hi folks.I planned my week 2 days ago but couldn't write anything here.Let's do that now Smile

1)For this week I'll play 2,5 hours from Tuesday to Saturday.Sunday is a MTT day.(I might play some cash games too if I find out that there are good fish amount in pool)
Monday is day off.

By saying that;I want to improve my endurance for this week.The week after I'll add more time to my daily program.

2)1,5 hours studying/hand analysis every day.After this I'll try to improve maximum 2 area in my game for a week and I'll choose hand histories according to this analysis.

3)I will finish the book called "Treat Your Poker Like Business" by Dusty Schmidy.I've already read 60% of book last week.

4)30 mins. running every morning.

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Here's the graph after few more hands played.I feel good about my game at the moment and oh,I lost €4 in 4 micro stakes MTT's last sunday.Though I'm still tournament fish Laugh

Starting BR: €100
Current BR: €128.34

Good luck at the tables Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Treat Your Poker Like Business nice book for poker mentality. Hard to do everything in todays games but give nice opinion about pro look.
Posted 8 years ago
Ha someone else just posted on their blog that they are currently reading that of which I posted this funny video about Dusty

Posted 8 years ago
Hi guys/girls.The week didn't end as I planned so saturday and sunday was off poker because of family visit.Other that that;

1)For this week I'll play 2,5 hours from Tuesday to Saturday Friday ✓ (Friday played 3,5 hours)

2)1,5 hours studying/hand analysis every day. ✓

3)I will finish the book called "Treat Your Poker Like Business" by Dusty Schmidt ✘(Couldn't finish)

4)30 mins. running every morning. ✓

Graph looks like;

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Starting BR: €100
Current BR: €155.74

I released around €6 of bonus and I'll continue on that next week.I'm a bit tired right now so I'll write next weeks goals tomorrow Smile GL to all.
Posted 8 years ago
Posted 8 years ago
So this week will be;

1)Every day I'll play 3 hours from Tuesday to Saturday.Sunday is a MTT day.

2)1,5 hours studying/hand analysis every day.

3)I will finish the book called "Treat Your Poker Like Business" (I'll start to another one after I finish this)

4)30 mins. running every morning.

I couldn't play any cash hands last saturday,so I decided to play today and I played around 2,5 hours.Monday wasn't day off Smile

Good Luck to all.
Posted 8 years ago
Posted 8 years ago
So far,so good...Generally I met my goals,so I'm happy about it.Let's check them;

1)Every day I'll play 3 hours from Tuesday to Saturday.Sunday is a MTT day. ✓

Details:I played around 20 hours cash game in 6 days but at least 3 hours in a day.I've played 5 micro stake MTT's and it was around 7 hours.

2)1,5 hours studying/hand analysis every day. ✘

Details: I've studied around 1 hour on average.I still lack on it sometimes.Though,I really don't know what's the correct study method yet but I'm thinking on focus more on my actual hand histories and analyze them correctly.I'm open to your opinions about this.

3)I will finish the book called "Treat Your Poker Like Business" (I'll start to another one after I finish this) ✓

Details:I finished book finally.Yet some strategy ideas a bit outdated and not covered really well imo but still good book.I'll start to read The Grinder’s Manual by Peter "Carroters" Clarke soon.

4)30 mins. running every morning. ✓

Details: It's going to be a habit soon I assume.


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I'm having some problem with winning against underdog hands but it's going good so far.I can't complaint about that.I finished up around 10 BI last week.Also played 5 MTT's at sunday,busted from 4 without cash and won 1 and finished €40 up too.(This can be count as another 10 BI up)
With the other bonusses;

Starting BR: €100
Current BR: €250.91

I'll write down this week's goals around evening.Good luck to all Smile
Posted 8 years ago
I finally move up the limit last week.I started to play NL10 and I started to run pretty well in 9447 hands.In this limit there are better players when I compare with NL4 but still soft.I cleaned big part of bonus as well but I don't know how much left and I can't check it in the lobby that's weird.

CG Grahph:

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I played around 20 hours last week.I was out on saturday.I hope I'll recover it next week.

MTT Graph:

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I play only MTTs on sundays.For last 2 weeks it's break-even.I'll write down next week's goals tomorrow.I'll work for being better than yesterday.Good luck at the tables Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Solid work and wp on moving up. What are the main differences between the players from 4nl to 10nl?
Posted 8 years ago
Not big differences tbh.Just reg players more aware on positional situation and they tend to open raise a lot LP when I compare with NL4.They still don't joke when they 4b/5b Laugh
I can see similar button clickers in that level too since it's micros still.

This week goals:

1)Every day I'll play 5 hours at least from Tuesday to Saturday.Sunday is a MTT day.

2)1 hour studying/hand analysis every day.(Thinking about some range analysis and study on overbetting)

3)I'll read 3 chapters from the book called Excelling at NLHE (I couldn't start to read The Grinder’s Manual because of technical reasons)

4)1 hour running every morning.(I might start freeletics program after this week)

Starting BR: €100
Current BR: €457
Posted 8 years ago
Challenge has ended!

After 40,372 hands challenge has ended finally.


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The highest limit I played is NL20 and I couldn't play much but sure it helped me to rake more,therefore finish the challenge earlier.I had a small downswing on MTT's lately(Also it's hard to say it's a downswing in such small sample but anyway).Tournaments helped me to move on to NL10 quickly and it also helped clear the bonus as fast as I can too.Profits from MTT's €10 Smile

Starting BR: €100
Current BR: €784(€100 bonus,€10 MTT winnings,Rest:Cash game winnings and other bonuses)

I'll decide what to do after this point with my bankroll.Thanks if anybody followed Smile

If you have any question feel free to ask Smile GL at the tables.
Posted 8 years ago
Epic. Not often I see a challenge completed let alone in style!

How do you feel?
Posted 8 years ago
Well done! Bossin it with that 16bb/100! Whats your plan next? Is it only the bankroll that keeps you from playing higher?