Posted 10 years ago
Its my daughters 12th birthday today how time flies!! No poker for me tonight!! Happy Birthday Princess!! She loves Futurama and I love poker so best of both worlds!!

Posted 10 years ago
Happy birthday for yesterday for your girl. No poker? The sacrifices we have to make Smile
Posted 10 years ago
It's great that birthday is once time a year Laugh ... Happy B-day Smile
Posted 10 years ago
Happy Birthday to your little girl, hope you had a nice day Smile
Posted 10 years ago
Happy Birthday to your little girl! My niece is 5 this year and it feels like yesterday i drove them home from the hospital! Time really does fly. I am at my cousins 7th birthday party this weekend as well so i am sure i will be the retarded uncle in the corner tied up and covered in makeup as per usual!

Nice work and its great to see you back on the tables. April is gonna be great!
Posted 10 years ago
Thank you all very much!! She had a lovely day and was buzzing all week bless her just cant believe she is 12 already!!

What a shit morning it has been hit stop loss in 500 hands, so unlucky lost every all in to bullshit turn and river cards like this shining example below. I could give you more but I will not bore you with ridiculous bad beat stories, but from this hand I think you will get the picture!!


Cash Game Hold'em NL €0.05/€0.1
Hero's cardsAA

Small Blind Post SB €0.05, Big Blind Post BB €0.1, Hero Call €0.1, Hijack Call €0.1, Cutoff Raise €0.6, Dealer Call €0.6, Small Blind Folds, Big Blind Call €0.6, Hero Raise €3.1, Hijack Folds, Cutoff Folds, Dealer All In €10.07, Big Blind Folds, Hero Call €10.07, Hero Show €10.07, Dealer Show €10.07

Flop 537

Turn J

River J
[COLOR="Green"]Dealer Collects €20.42[/COLOR]

Attached Image
Posted 10 years ago
Oh jeez players just punting in kjs nowadays! And they say poker is dead!

Brutal one and the stop loss can be annoying. What are your overall views of it?

When i first heard about stop losses i hated the idea but looking back over a month of results seeing somewhat tiny losses i deffs think more of them now.
Posted 10 years ago
Wow sorry didnt realise it had been this long since an update.

That hand tilted me right off Jon I tell you lol, had so many that day I lost count!

I have never really had a stop loss til I joined with you guys, hence why a couple times I fucked up!! I think their a good idea certainly, I try not to look at balance when Im playing as it can make me play like a donut, so sometimes hard to keep track of it especially when you get hit by a quick succession of badbeats/coolers. They certainly keep control of things a little better bankroll wise, I dont know if there is software, maybe Tiltbreaker does but I dont know, where you could program a stop loss of so many buy ins and then if you hit it, it automaticly shuts the tables.

As for playing, well thats been a little rough. Hit stop loss a couple of times, which is just soul destroying but I am slowly clawing my way back through it. I dont like losing so im pissed right off!! No not really I just dont like being in make up and now have to work twice as hard to get out of it due to run bad and a poor mindset going into games. So I have decided my main goal for this month is to work on that aspect of my game. I read a lot of books and think its time to dust off Jared Tendler's Mental Game book and actually use it properly and not just read it.

What do you guys do to get in the mood to play or is it just a natural thing? Anyone meditate? Do you have a little routine you go through before you play?

What about winding down after playing? Review session or watch tv and chill?

Thanks guys and Kerri!!

Just thought Id leave you with this, its from the film Lawless, well worth a watch if you haven't seen it.


Posted 10 years ago
hey Sunny ya everyone hates to stoploss ur not alone here. usually ill wake up and do some forum work and post/go over some hands from the day before as i think u see things a little clearer the next day. I cant really help u with getting motivated to play cuz i suffer the same problem. i lack motivation to play and i dont know why. when i would play mtts and such before a session id have a couple of games of fifa to boost morale as i win pretty often (sick brag). After sessions i will just chill maybe chek the forum a little but wont really review hands till next day. hope this helps a little
Posted 10 years ago
I seem to have got in the habit of having a coffee before a session. I never used to drink coffee at all, its probably not such a good habit to be getting into but I find it helps stimulate my mind and sharpen my thought process. I have never tried meditation, although I wouldn't mind giving it a go! I have no routine, just as soon as I have some spare time I jump on lol. I tend to chill out watching tv after my evening session, before bed.

How about you?
Posted 10 years ago
Sunny where you at?

Randomly vanished with no replies to anything. Hope everything is ok and as always the door is open for you anytime!
Posted 10 years ago
Thank you Bossman you are and always be a legend. I will start a new journey soon as I will be getting back into the game!!

I will get in touch with you about some amazing deal Im sure you will give me on a site!! Wink
Posted 10 years ago
Yo bro did you start grinding on yachting yet? Super interested to find out what the tournaments are like.
Posted 10 years ago
Not yet sir just finishing off a deposit bonus before I move on, should be the next week or so.
Posted 10 years ago

Not yet sir just finishing off a deposit bonus before I move on, should be the next week or so.

Fair enough. Keep us updated.
Posted 10 years ago*
Well here we go again!!

Its been a crazy few months for me been playing off and on on a few sites, little bit of cash with the odd tourney thrown in for good measure. I've done ok made a few quid which was immediately spent on my daughter as she wants the world!! Anyway I have just deposited £55 on Betsafe Black and thought might as well crack on with a new blog. Then I blew that idea out cause im too lazy and thought I would just carry on with this one.

I don't have any great aspirations to be the next Tom Dwan or anything like that just want to make a few quid and enjoy playing the game, so here it is Sunny's blog part 2.

I will be concentrating most of my time on playing cash on Betsafe, but I will also play a few microstakes donkaments on 888 as they pretty soft. Had a few scores there recently, nothing major or life changing but a wins a win! Over the past week or so I've won 1, cashed in a few and in the last 2 days Ive made 2 final tables, so will definitely be looking to play a few more of these and work on my tournament game in general.

Anyway as I said earlier deposited £55 and hit 4 nl4 tables and 2 nl10, brm right out the window straight away lol. Im not buying in with full stacks tho, usually between 70-80bbs, so spreads my roll a little further!! Cheeky

So first little session I played was a little swingy, but overall pretty happy with the way I played and the way the cards fell. Here is the !st graph of a new site always nice to book a win on your first session!!

Attached Image" alt="Attached Image" onerror="this.src='/img/no-longer-available.png'" />

Starting bankroll £55

Ending Bankroll £74.94
Posted 10 years ago*
Can't figure out how to attach a picture so Im giving up for now hopefully one of the VIPer boys will come along and sort it for me!!

Posted 10 years ago
I didnt play yesterday day time as me and the boy hit the mini golf course, and I smashed him right up lol at which he got quite upset and had a sulk on!! Now do not get me wrong I am no golf expert, far from it, but I just got super lucky. Every time i hit the ball if it didn't go in it ended up inches away, was quite amusing. I could see in his face he was getting more and more pissed off but there was nothing I could do poor kid. Made me laugh because when we have played before I always come last, but it was my time to shine!! Oh well maybe next time boy!!

So just a quick update on yesterdays play. I wont include graphs as I cant get images to work.

On Betsafe I played around 2k of hands, mostly break even till right near the end of the session I lost a few nice pots to complete fish, so decided to call it a day on there.

Starting Bankroll £74.94

Ending Bankroll £68.58

Plus a couple quid of rakeback.

My friend was playing a tournament on FullTilt last night so I decided to rail him for a bit. I had no money in that account but discovered I had some player points, around 2k. I cashed them in for some jackpot sng tickets, just to give them a go and managed to bag a lil profit of $17!! Did manage to get up to $25 but lost a couple. So I have decided to set myself a lil part time challenge, to see what I can spin it up to. Not going to spend alot of time on this but will update any progress on here.

FullTilt Starting Roll $0.00

FullTilt Ending Roll $17.00

Oh by the way my mate busted the tournament by the time I had logged in!!
Posted 10 years ago
Just a quick update as I have been playing most of the night and only had couple hours kip then back on this morning.

In total around 3.5k hands played and made a tiny profit. Just one of those nights where the idiots get rewarded for bad play AA lose to A4, KK v 22 I lost twice and plenty more examples like that. Also one of them days where in 2 hands I managed to stack off when my KK ran into AA, then the very next hand ran Queens into Kings, thanks then!!

Betsafe Starting Roll £68.58

Ending Roll £73.20

I also played a quick jackpot sng on fulltit before bed and managed to double my buy in. I decided to transfer $10 over to my Stars account so I can take a punt at some micro tournaments or 180 sng and see what happens so I will update as a joint bankroll.

Fulltilt/Stars Roll $18.90

Attached Image" alt="Attached Image" onerror="this.src='/img/no-longer-available.png'" />

Posted 10 years ago
Quick update before I start todays grind.

I played hardly anything this weekend due to family stuff. All I did was play 2 freerolls, one which I bubbled and the other was 2 off the money. Bit gutted but didn't cost nowt and was a bit of fun. The one I bubbled I committed ICM suicide when I tangled with a slightly bigger stack than me, got in a set over set situation and bust, leaving the guy with 1.5bb to grab a min cash, shouldve folded pre in hindsight, but this player was super agg, playing the bubble stage perfectly, and felt I had him. Next time boy!!

I am planning to grind as much as I can over next 2 days as I'm in Crown Court on Wednesday and have no idea how long it will drag on for. I wished I could tell you more about the case as it is like something out of a Hollywood movie, and to be honest you probably wouldn't believe half of it!!

Good luck at the tables!!