Posted 9 years ago
Implied odds.... Wink

I don't know enough about cap games to comment but they sound nice Laugh swings must be big tho?
Posted 9 years ago
Implied odds.... Wink

I don't know enough about cap games to comment but they sound nice Laugh swings must be big tho?
Posted 9 years ago
Ohhhh his call is fine even on odds??? Getting 2/1 and assume you shove ever turn. He has 20% equity to hit which is 13% less but you shoving every turn means he is calling 4.5 to win $18? So is actually getting close to 4/1 with implied odds? Looks fine for me Cheeky
Posted 9 years ago
He has put 50% of his effective stack in by the turn with a bare FD.......he has no reason to think I'm shoving every turn and even if I am and he doesn't hit turn what does he do..??

Pre flop he is putting in almost 20% of effective with 89s.........even if he pairs he has no idea where he is..........
Posted 9 years ago
CrazyCookie: Implied odds.... Wink

I don't know enough about cap games to comment but they sound nice Laugh swings must be big tho?

I haven't experienced big swings yet but can imagine they cud be.........but then again you have to lose more than 3 stacks to equal one bi on reg tables!
Posted 9 years ago
You need to win 3 stacks to equal one BI on reg tables:) every coin has two sides (what is correct eng version of this statement?)

Anyway i've never try those games, do you play also postflop there?
Posted 9 years ago
Jef147: Also played the pvip freeroll but got stacked off some whale :)

ha ha I am like moby dick on steroids!!!
Posted 9 years ago
Yeah I'm not saying that his call preflop is greatttt idk how these games run so can't make much comment just looking at the maths. I prefer a shove otf from him as he then realises his equity when called which is going to be 32% v our calling range so he only a small portion of folds to make it +EV. But if he calls getting these odds I don't think otf it is actually horrible given the implied odds Smile I'm not saying you're wrong that his play is bad it may well be- hard to say without. The actual numbers, but I think its a lil over kill to say it is the biggest EV advantage you can have when he has probably made only a slight -EV play. If he stacks off light post with say top pair here then sure great spot but one hand can't prove it Cheeky
Posted 9 years ago
Ahh yeah I know you made some good points! I was just trying to find an example of poor adjustment to these games as surely implied odds are hugely reduced with only having 30bb stacks so nice looking drawing hands like this lose a lot of value.............
Posted 9 years ago
Just had a super frustrating session! Started good and was up 3 stacks really quickly! The old 'Friday night' play was in full swing tonight with all the fish just slamming stacks in with any pair! Then i hit the brick wall! Flopping straights and drawing dead on the turn 3 times etc! Not gonna complain tho these things happen in these games! Ended up down 4 buyins! Cant win em all! Might have another blast later!
Posted 9 years ago
Sounds like Sky haha. How did Sat go and any plans for Sunday?

Do you live with your misses mate? I know you went on holiday earlier in the year but don't think you told us if you're living together. If so, how is she taking the move, is she coming up with you to your new job? Hope I'm not intruding by asking.
Posted 9 years ago
Hey Harv! I didnt play yesterday as was out suit shopping plus valentines day I thought id have a day off and just chill with the Mrs! But yeah I live with the Mrs and she is going to relocate with me! Means she is going to have to give up her job but she is already looking for new ones so hopefully she finds something fairly quickly! Even if it is just something to tide her over until she finds a proper job! Im super grateful to her for just leaving her roots and coming with me without a second thought! She is an absolute star! I know it cant have been an easy decision for her! Better make up for it when the salary increase starts coming in eh Smile

Today I have only played for an hour or so! Won a couple of buyins but im just not feeling like grinding recently! Im enjoying just jumping in for 60 mins or so then jumping out! Then doing the same a bit later etc!

Even after the bad session on Friday the BR is still on the up slowly Smile

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Posted 9 years ago
Ever thought about teaching the misses how to play poker so she can grind your account while you're at work? lol . Did you go out for valentines day or just stay in?

Pretty big commitment by the misses which is good for your relationship and will make the move much easier. What care was you driving before you bought the new hot rod?
Posted 9 years ago
Haha we just went for some pub food in the afternoon then just chilled! Previous car was a Seat Leon FR re mapped to 200bhp! So new one is obv alot slower but still plenty nippy enough!
Posted 9 years ago
Howdy PVIPer's! I sooooooooo wish this move was over and its barely started haha! Things are moving along a little bit tho which is good! I have an estate agent coming round on Friday night to value my flat! She said on the phone that we will have no problem letting it as the last few they have had the same as mine have gone before they even went live on the web! So thats a bit of a weight lifted! We are also going to Kelso this Saturday to view a few properties so that should be good! We were meant to go last Sat but they cancelled the main viewing on Friday afternoon so wasnt really much point! Here's to better luck this time Smile

Im really struggling to fit poker in with all there is to do but im managing about an hour a night on average! Enough to keep me ticking over! I thought the £900 target may be a bit optimistic with very little volume but im edging ever closer so we shall see Smile

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Im dying to have a go at Donkmeak's graph toy but I have tried everything and it just wont bring up my profit history! It was initially bringing up 1 game ever played now I have 2 roughly 3 months apart Smile
Posted 9 years ago
jeff drop me a message on skype tomorrow mate ill try and help you out with it Smile
Posted 9 years ago
donkmeaak: jeff drop me a message on skype tomorrow mate ill try and help you out with it :)

Thanks buddy ill do it tomo as just seen this!
Posted 9 years ago
Hey people! Havent updated for a few days as been stupid busy with other stuff! Had my place valued for rental last night so spent the last couple of days getting it sorted and tidied etc! Good news is it has gone on the market today Smile So fingers crossed! Secondly we travelled up to Kelso today to have a nosey about! We viewed one property and it was ok but not ideal! We did see a sign on another one tho that we are going to try and view! We are really struggling to get viewings on Saturdays as most of the agents are shut on weekends!! Wtf??

Anyway have played a few hours of poker the last 2 nights! No major scores or anything but i am on course to double my points from last month which means qualifying for all 3 freerolls Smile

Current BR status is £782 so still rising slowly!
Posted 9 years ago
How many bedrooms you looking for? Not thought about renting in the short-term to see if you like the job and area before buying an house?

Posted 9 years ago
Yeah Harv i am going to be renting for 6-12 months just to settle first! Only need 1-2 bedrooms for the rental place!