Posted 8 years ago
Hey guys,

Finally back in amsterdam. This time as a merried man.
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I didnt play poker last couple of months, but feeling motivated to start play a bit again. Will try to make a schedule and keep you updated.
Posted 8 years ago
Ohhhhhhhhhh snap! Congratulations man and was wondering where you got to!

That is some pretty fancy wedding attire you have on right there! Is this a standard wedding suit where you love or are you just funky as hell?
Posted 8 years ago*
Jon-PokerVIP: Ohhhhhhhhhh snap! Congratulations man and was wondering where you got to!

That is some pretty fancy wedding attire you have on right there! Is this a standard wedding suit where you love or are you just funky as hell?

Thanks @Jon-PokerVIP !!!!!

Yeah, was an inactive user for a while, but as you can imagine, preparation of wedding kept me busy. but it was worth it.

Well, my wedding attire wasnt really standard. Usually people wear black(dark) suit with white shirt.
But because we want something special, We decided to go for something more funky, we wanted to be special Smile
and also, my mother asked me before wedding, if I need to buy a normal shirt Giggle
Posted 8 years ago
and finally one poker related. I am able to deposit and start playing, what are the best options at the moment. ofc i will check deal offers etc, but i will appriciate any kind of help here.

I will play nl10-nl25 and from time to time plo10-plo25. Is there some room which is much more better than any other room?

thanks for any advice.
Posted 8 years ago*
Congratulations man, its a great picture too. Stylish, dark, intense, attractive.

Your wife's not bad either.

Rolling on the floor laughingDancingParty

Posted 8 years ago
thetallpaul: Congratulations man, its a great picture too. Stylish, dark, intense, attractive.

Your wife's not bad either.

Rolling on the floor laughingDancingParty


Rolling on the floor laughing thanks!
Posted 8 years ago
yesterday and today I played my first sessions after long time. I played plo10 because my roll on PS is only 40$. I was 3 tabling with touchpad, because i was to lazy get up from couch and take mouse Smile It was great feeling to sit at the tables again.

Still not sure where to play, because i dont play that much i think it is smart to play on room with flat RB. was thinking about americascardroom or ipoker again. DO you know how it looks with plo trafic there?

btw I bougth 1st sci-fy book, and i must say i really like it.
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Posted 8 years ago
I really love the suit and your Mrs looks amazing. I think this makes weddings way more special and unique. People seem to just follow trend and go for the white dresses and tuxes - its the most personal day of your lives so hell yeh brother nice work! Think you looked pretty damn dapper!

Posted 8 years ago
btw I bougth 1st sci-fy book, and i must say i really like it.
Attached Image

Oh snap! That is my favourite ever book. Not because its the best written or plot or whatever (though it is good) but because I read it so many times through my life and took different things from it each time. I was an odd kid. I read it first when I was like 9 I think. I moved a lot and was an insane reader.

Military family, never settled in but books were like a constant. It was read a lot by military personel as well. The tiredness he gets to later in the book. The type that goes to your bones so you think there is nothing but fatigue left in you after a prolonged period of extreme stress. That was a big thing. A helicopter pilot my dad knew wrote a foreword in one edition after reading it.

When I was a kid I just thought it was a nice adventure story, but as I got older and the darkness of it and the love in it becomes clearer I enjoyed it all the more. I hope you enjoy it. The later books in the series are good as well but nothing I think matches this one. Also avoid the film. Its not terrible but its very much the version I remembered as a 9 year old, all adventure and lasers and special effects and no depth.
Posted 8 years ago
@Jon-PokerVIP Thanks mate! Exactly as you said, it was our day and we wanted it special.

@thetallpaul I already saw movie year or two ago. I must say the book is much much better (well, as usuall), at least forst half. Hopefully i will finish it in next two weeks and continue with 2nd part.
Posted 8 years ago
one poker related:
I played live nl50 and nl100 on Sunday. Finished BE, won few euros just to pay a drinks. Game was soft as usual, but play one big pot not ideally and let the guy catch his gutshot in 130e pot...

Yesterday, we had our 1st game of 2nd class pool league. We were 7 present at the game so each of us play one game 5*singles + 1*doubles, For me it was also my 1st competion game in Netherlands and I manage to won my game 6:1, and in total we won 4:2. Party

Posted 8 years ago
mattusko: one poker related:
I played live nl50 and nl100 on Sunday. Finished BE, won few euros just to pay a drinks. Game was soft as usual, but play one big pot not ideally and let the guy catch his gutshot in 130e pot...

Yesterday, we had our 1st game of 2nd class pool league. We were 7 present at the game so each of us play one game 5*singles + 1*doubles, For me it was also my 1st competion game in Netherlands and I manage to won my game 6:1, and in total we won 4:2. Party

What are the average stack sizes in these 50/100nl games?
Posted 8 years ago
mattusko: one poker related:
I played live nl50 and nl100 on Sunday. Finished BE, won few euros just to pay a drinks. Game was soft as usual, but play one big pot not ideally and let the guy catch his gutshot in 130e pot...

Yesterday, we had our 1st game of 2nd class pool league. We were 7 present at the game so each of us play one game 5*singles + 1*doubles, For me it was also my 1st competion game in Netherlands and I manage to won my game 6:1, and in total we won 4:2. Party

What are the average stack sizes in these 50/100nl games?

Game starts at 8pm with nl50, ppls buy in usually for 50e, but in one or two hours avg stack is around 100-150e. at 11pm game changes to nl100 and average stack is ussualy about 200.

When I lose my fist stack in 2nd hour of play, then I always buy in for 200bbs.
Posted 8 years ago
Are those games in Amsterdam?
Cuz cheapest games in Amsterdam I know of are the holland casino games
But it's 200nl deep

Would be really interested in the 50/100nl games
Posted 8 years ago*
Hollander: Are those games in Amsterdam?
Cuz cheapest games in Amsterdam I know of are the holland casino games
But it's 200nl deep

Would be really interested in the 50/100nl games

Yes in Amsterdam. They are not 100% legal, but if you are still interested we can meet on Sunday and go play together. Games are running also on Thursday, but i am not sure if i manage to go tomorrow.
Posted 8 years ago
Just received bad beat from pokerstars. forgot to change dollars to euros before cash outed to skrill. cost me 15e

I will deposit to iPoker and will try to get some money from top 500 rakerace Laugh
Posted 8 years ago
Hollander: Are those games in Amsterdam?
Cuz cheapest games in Amsterdam I know of are the holland casino games
But it's 200nl deep

Would be really interested in the 50/100nl games

Yes in Amsterdam. They are not 100% legal, but if you are still interested we can meet on Sunday and go play together. Games are running also on Thursday, but i am not sure if i manage to go tomorrow.

I have to check with my working schedule for this week it's not possible
But when has the opportunity I will deffenlty join you
Will let you know by then👍
Posted 8 years ago
this has got your name all over it surely?
Posted 8 years ago*
Live cash update:

I met few friends for a beer and then went to play a bit of a live cash game. I was a couple of minutes late and 1st nl50 table was already full (9 players) and i had to wait until somebody busted or new table start. After 30-40 minutes, few more players came and we started 2nd table but this time nl100. After new nl100 table started, 3 guys automaticly stand up from nl50 and sat with us.

It was a good mix of players, One solid but quite tight player, One tight fish and 5 very loose whales and ofc me Smile
I was playing for 3 hours and won 290e

I have one hand to share, I am not sure if I did best move.

-blinds 1e/1e, my stack 200e, avg stack 150e
blinds 1/1 straddle 2
- whole table calls 2e, i was sitting in SB and I call with 99, ( I went for setminning, because i was sure that if i raise for 7-8, whole table will call anyway)
- BB raise to 12e
- I called too from SB with a dream of 9 high flop Laugh
FLOP, pot 108e:
- flop came 982 rainbow
- I checked with a plan to check raise.
- BB, who raised preflop, bet 48e and he had about 100 behind at this point.
- everybody folds

Now it is our turn, and what we do here? I saw two options:
1. raise to AI and hope that guy is not able to fold overpair
2. call and let him bet turn.

I did check raise guy AI, and he folds QQ faceup after 1-2 minutes. Was this the best move? I was a bit afraid that guy could check turn and have a free river card.

Thanks for your thoughts.
Posted 8 years ago
Super simple squeeze from the sb here btw just make it 20 and go from there. You can even make it 25 tbh. Deffs not set mining...everyone limping with hands we crush and we can for sure get value pre and post flop. Juice it up bro.

As for the way you played it just tank flat the flop. Really no need to jam here and the last thing we want to do is to get a fold. pots big enough already that we can get stacks by river or at least get a serious amount of value going forward. What a terrible fold by him tbh - should the easiest bet call in history.