Posted 7 years ago
Hey man thanks for the post. Yeah I usually do colour code. Just don't have a tonne of hands in NL5 maybe but there's usually some that I've tagged or maybe I was a bit lazy fro time to time but I do it I promise haha.

1. Yeah I agree, and I used to always 4bet shove AK here. I still do also but I think maybe I've just been a little more careful vs unknowns than I used to be. Though... probably 4betting is still best.

2. Hah yeah well it'll always bug us a bit but at the end of the day it only takes him to have 1 of the two cards to have the nuts so I won't be too upset to have to fold.

3. Yeah I could try as he'll just fold without a diamond but it's a little difficult to rep and I can get an easy call too. So 50/50 about that one.

4. The guy can have me either beat or have TT, 99, JJ, 88 etc a lot so I bet the 10c to get calls from those. I check flop because I can maybe get a bet from him turning a hand into a bluff. If I bet flop then I fold out his lower pairs and get calls from better only I feel. The check means I can at least make money from a bluff without it being a crazy pot on this particular board, but then it's just my way of looking at it.

5. Yeah I open 55+ utg. But changing that to the table is fine. I don't mind too much to open any pair. It's just a range I use.

6. Looking again at this we probably can go both ways. He can have QJs. But I'll give him a chance to bluff worse when he either has much worse or a hand we can cooler anyway.
Posted 7 years ago*
Hey there.

Played a fairly good sized session today. All 5nl. I Had to open my Hold'em Indicator in 2nl at the end to get my stats as I closed the software by accident.

Ok well today was the first losing day I've had in a while. I basically lost about 3BI in 10 mins dues to 2 big coolers and 1 suckout when AI on the turn with the goods. Then I fought back to end about 1.5BI down at the end without having much go my way. So I played fine and just had one of those sessions we all get from time to time.

I did however manage to hit another 1000 StarsCoins and grabbed the $10 rebate so overall my BR is up on the day.

I had a good time playing though. But need to stop now... I'm done. Chill time and food calls.

So here are the results taking everything into account.

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So yeah the rakeback was why I'm up today, but everyone has a bad sesh here and there. Stay tuned!

Gl all!
Posted 7 years ago
That we do buddy...that we do!
Posted 7 years ago
Cool, you stream again on twitch while playing? Love to follow you
Posted 7 years ago*
Hey again all! Another pretty busy couple of days, still trying to fit hands in when I can.
The sessions I've had lately have been slightly on the sucky side. Not getting paid with many hands. Coolers and a bit of bad end of variance.
But that doesn't stop me going. Keeping afloat at least through those times. I think my winrate is getting to a point where running bad isn't meaning a big downswing. It just means more of a halt of some profits. So I'll take that as a big positive from knowing how different it's been in the past.

Also it doesn't mean I have never made decent relative money from hands. Of course I have. Just a bit less than the usual in total.

@Giorgio I haven't streamed in a while. I'd like to do it at weekends mainly. But it's hard for me to get time right now, and also hard to get people actually watching unless you're a half known channel. If I do it in the future then I'd rather be able to do it properly. For now I'll just mainly make YouTube vids.

So here are some results for now. Nothing spectacular, just plodding on...

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Posted 7 years ago
Just to clarify to @Giorgio

I may stream soon in the future, but it'll be kind of "one offs" here and there when I have time on a weekend. I'll post here if I do have one planned though.
Posted 7 years ago
Hello fine fellow tactical button clickers.

Just finished another weekend night of gigging and then having a fairly small poker session.
I had a fun night as usual. Cold night though. Freezing temperatures, so gotta make sure I keep my amps and stuff indoors.

I played a 5nl session. And hit a hand that looked pretty but didn't pay well.... see below

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This session was basically a wind down to be honest. From the week as a whole. I really want more time to play. It's much more fun lately. I think I'll have a few free days though now which is awesome.

Results at this moment.

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Posted 7 years ago
There is something about that royal flush image that is just super sexy isn't there!!!
Posted 7 years ago
Hey Grocker! Just wanted to say your thread is really cool and I enjoyed reading it! Keep on the good work and grind those micros!
Posted 7 years ago
Hey all, just an update on things here because I've been quiet. The reason has purely been because I've been so busy in life. Working, seeing family, rehearsing and gigging with the band and not really being home much over this period and really just haven't had time to play. It's just a busy time for me right now and soonish I should get some time back. I'm considering whether to take money out of my account and play on a different site etc for more RB and such. Just having quite a few thoughts really. I'm not complaining as life has been pretty fun lately and interesting... I enjoy the work I do and I'm around a lot of nice people.

So yeah just a bit of a hectic time and I'm hoping a little bit more of a routine can come so I get more free time after the Xmas period Smile
Posted 7 years ago
Deffs a hectic time of year that is for sure! It is a tough choice for everyone whether they should grind or party a little more or maybe just take time off. No doubt this time of year see's the softest games BUT if you have worked hard all year and want to focus on life stuff and chill then it makes total sense.

You should get on tried the new software?
Posted 7 years ago*
2NL is difficult apparently from what people say... you just never know what they have at these stakes.

I like what the tables look like after a couple of hours play.

A session with the other half, ...finishing decently I think.

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Posted 7 years ago
"No money in poker, everyone is solid!". The screenshot sure looks great and I'm glad you're crushing it!

Can you tell us more about your band? I used to play guitar and I always thought it would be great to have that experience in my life (being a part of the band) but seeing as I'm approaching thirty it's possible that I've missed the window. How's the life of an average musician nowadays? How hard is it for you to book a gig? Are you able to sustain your hobby from the money you get from giging (I assume making a living is a total pipe dream for the vast majority of bands out there)?