Posted 7 years ago
Sorry I've not been posting many updates about Malta, not had much time at the moment. Everything is mad over here. I'm going to an ideas event for PokerStars at 5pm today which will consist of new ideas for new card games and testing them out. That sounds like it should be fun and hopefully it will!
Posted 7 years ago
2 weeks since I last post? Oops, sorry guys everything has just been a little bit hectic at the moment. Coming back from Malta I had to get back to the normal life with a full time job Laugh

That ideas hub I went to was pretty interesting, managed to bag myself a free 4 coloured deck which is good Cheeky We tested out loads of different poker games which hadn't been made yet, throwing in ideas of how it can be improved and what we do and don't like about the game.

We played a game called 'Holdaha' which as it sounds is a cross between Hold Em and Omaha. Basically, you get dealt 6 cards pre-flop, and what you have to do is separate your cards into a Hold Em hand and a 4 Card Omaha hand (These can't be swapped throughout the rest of the hand). You then play a normal game of poker, the best Omaha hand wins 50% of the pot and the best Hold Em hand wins the other 50% of the pot. It was quite a fun game to play and it worked quite well.

Another game we played was called '2 of a kind' which is a team based game. It's Hold Em but basically 2 players play one hand. One person plays Pre-flop and on the flop and the other person plays the turn and river. But you can't discuss the hand with your team mate. The game wasn't to bad, personally I wouldn't pick to play the game if I had a choice between that and others.