Posted 8 years ago
Sounds like the perfect way of tracking it!

How is the traffic?
Posted 8 years ago
I've found the traffic to be really good. I play more games than I used to on MPN.

Also since there are very few promotions for sngs I've yet to play an actual decent reg. Really looking forward to the new software, you got to play on it Jon?
Posted 8 years ago
Ovi8fan: Thanks! I'll check out the videos. I mostly play heads up on Unibet because their other sng are 5 seats and I don't know much about the format.

I made a spreadsheet using OpenOffice. I found out that I can see the number of games played every day in my account information, I just input that in my spreadsheet. Sounds silly but I like knowing my win %

Oh, the vids I posted are actually for 6-max, but hopefully you get some value out of them. They are from our SNG coach "bencb789" - top SNG player of 2015, who actually just won the super high roller on Pokerstars for $1,172,461 yesterday.

So, pay attention, I guess Wink

Good idea with the spreadsheet, tracking your performance one way or another is important.
Posted 8 years ago
So far September is going great. I'd say I'm running very hot in the opponents I get which has made this very enjoyable. Here's the graph so far:
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In the meantime I have more school work than I expected, especially the Italian class I'm taking. Anybody wants to help me in Italian in exchange for help in poker? Laugh
Best of luck to all of you!
Posted 8 years ago
We're already nearing the end of the month. Another positive step in my journey too. For the first time in a while I'm having fun playing poker, mostly regardless of the results. Just happy to get it in as a favorite. I've been working hard at implementing good limping and limp-betting ranges into my game. Seems weird at first but as these HU SNG are very close to shallow hypers, it makes lots of sense against certain players. This weeks also marks the point where I've played over 1k 4€ games on Unibet, with a ROI slightly over 5%, very happy with that.

I've also been reviewing some spots and controlling my emotions better which in turn leads to better results overall. Bellow is my graph for the month so far, as always in days where I've played.

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As much as I enjoy playing the 4€ level, I'm getting closer to taking a shot at the 10€ head ups. Not sure at what point I'll try, somewhere around 600 or 650 euros of roll I think. I don't want to be scared money when I move up as I'm sure I'm better than most people playing the 10€'s but 10€ is enough money that I also don't want to spew.
It's funny, I'm less scared money when I play the live 1-2 game at the local casino Surprised
I'll probably try one tabling when I move up, can't hurt.
Posted 7 years ago
With September coming to an end, it has now been 3 months since I started playing on Unibet. So far it has been very good. The rakeback has been somewhat disappointing but with 3% rake for Heads Up games I can't really complain. The last stretch of the month has been mostly break-even. Nothing too major, just some normal variance catching up to me.
I've played a total of 1226 games with an ROI of 4.3% before adding up rakeback, promotions and bonuses. Very happy with that Laugh
This is the overall graph of the last 3 months :
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I have a few goals for the next few months. I'd like to put in a good hour of work on my Italian every day, I'd like to keep going to the gym like I have been for the past month and I'd like to get in a good 500 games every month.
Hopefully I'll soon be able to move up to the 10 euros, I don't think the player pool is going to be much better.

Pumped for the new Unibet poker client too!
Posted 7 years ago
October isn't what I'd like it to be so far. Just normal swings but it's testing my mental game. A swing of about 11 buy ins and a similar swing in sportsbetting means I'll need to next few weeks to get enough to move up. Hoovering around the 500 euros mark.

I found this nice strategy video, maybe getting that into my game will help the variance Wink

Posted 7 years ago
So the downswing continues. I'm overall happy with my play, just running bad in the all ins situations.. which are a somewhat big part of heads up.

I've got lots of school work for the next week or so, I'll try to stay away from the tables for that time. I'll come back fresh and ready to grind Smile

It's only a 12 buy ins downswing so far which is very standard, but I'm feeling tilt build up and I'd rather not break my hand punching a wall like I did years ago.
Posted 7 years ago
Subbed! I also play on Unibet certainly a good choice! I currently play cash and have played some HUSNG with the rakeback tickets. I love heads up and it is an area of my game I really want the improve.

I feel like i'm a bit out my depth playing 30bb and below but the standard of play is attrocious. I play a few each day before my session for a bit of a break and i'm currently, 12/12 over 24 one euro games. I looked online for some strategy and a lot of what I found was I imagine extremely outdated. The best I found is they offer a pack but I don't feel like paying £80 as to make it worth it I'd have to fully move to HUSNG. Where would you advice a newbie to find some basic up to date strategy?

Good luck with the grind, hope you break the downswing!
Posted 7 years ago
Nice to see someone else who enjoys HU play!

The ones on Unibet are somewhat special because they are slightly deeper and have a much slower blind structure than usual hyper HUSNG.
Like you've said, much of the good learning material comes at a price. The outdated stuff is still good to get you started but play has changed a lot in the past few years in certain spots. Having a limping range in hypers for example is different to what you see in most older videos.

I'd say some of the videos on the's youtube channel are still pretty good. Stuff by Cog Dissonance and Pbogz1114 still applies to micros pretty well. The free Mersenneary ebook on is also pretty good.
Pbogz1114's twitch channel is also very good. He plays a mix of spins and heads up and explains his thought process pretty well.

Best of luck in playing more HUSNG, hopefully tilt free Smile
Posted 7 years ago
I'm slowly but surely grinding past my downswing, haven't been able to put in as much volume as I would of liked last week because of midterms. I've been working a lot on my mental game and it feels I'm making some progress. finally.
I got an offer for sports betting on Unibet; deposit 50 euros and get a 50 euro bonus with a 3x rollover. Laugh
Awesome value so I got on it. Hope you guys get that too.

I've also played some cash to unlock tickets and I was blown away by how bad people are at PLO. I have very little experience with that game so I decided to spend some time learning PLO. I love HU but there seems to be so much value in playing Omaha I really want to build a solid game from the ground up.
I've used some of the money I had left over on MPN to grind PLO2 while I learn and work on my game. Going alright so far but I can feel I'm getting better by the day. If anybody's looking for a study partner or to discuss micro PLO hands, hit me up! Smile

I'll have much more free time in the next 2 weeks, I'll try to get in a few hundred sng while still working on my PLO.
Posted 7 years ago
Finally another graph to post!
As school will be pretty relax for the next 2 weeks, I'm getting more time to play poker. Things are going good on Unibet, I'm playing well and running well again, I'll probably be able to take a shot at the 10 euros HUSNG in about a week when my sports bonus clears.

I've also been spending lots of time learning plo. It's refreshing to try a new game. Also since I had little plo experience prior to this, I can really build a solid game from the ground up without having relearn everything like I did for hold'em. I've been playing mostly on MPN at plo2, getting comfortable with opening ranges and working on calculating outs, pot odds and spr quickly.
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Happy to see my EV go up Laugh
What would a realistic winrate be at plo2 or plo4? I've got no idea.
Posted 7 years ago
With some rungood we're back in profit for the month at Unibet. Not sure when or how I'll take a shot at moving up. Going from a buy in of 4 to one of 10 makes me want to be careful, don't want to lose my 10 bi shot in the first session.

I've also decided to deposit 100 euros on my Betvictor account. I'll start playing the PLO2 games and working regularly on my game. There has been some talk here in Canada with the government of the province I live in wanting to only allow people to play online on their own website. Since the sng structure on that website is horrible I'll try to become good enough in PLO to have a similar hourly in case something similar does happen.

I've never really been interested in hold'em cash, although I did play up to nl20 years ago. PLO seems more interesting to me right now, also more profitable when you see how bad people are Laugh

So for now it's PLO2 on Betvictor and a mix of PLO10 and my usual sng grind on Unibet.

Best of luck to all of you!
Posted 7 years ago*
I've been running pretty good lately. I was one tabling plo2 tonight as I was working on my hud and it worked out great Laugh

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Over the few k's of hands I played this week, PT4 tells me I won 0.25 euro more than what is in my account. Any idea what could be causing this?

It's been great to have a week to sleep and mostly relax. Makes me very motivated to crush the gym/school and poker!
Posted 7 years ago
I can't seem to be able to play on Unibet right now. I can log into their website but not the poker client.. very weird.
I'm trying to find out what the problem is by emailing their support but so far not much is happening.

This means I've been playing more PLO.
That's a good hand, right? Wink
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Posted 7 years ago
I tried moving up to the 10 euros on Unibet but failed to do so. Only a 3 buy in loss but I would of liked to start with a nice upswing! Seems like the player there are very similar to the stake I already play. I'll probably try again in a couple weeks. Somehow the Unibet software registered me for another 10 euro game while I wasn't even on my computer after my session. When I came back I had about 40% of the starting stack left, pretty tilting.
I've also been put off by their support lately. I like the softness of their games though. Oh well I'll probably keep playing there for now, still waiting on their new software.

PLO is going better now. Still lots to learn but I try to review my play after every session and I feel like I'm improving. Here's the graph so far :
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It's still just pennies over a way too small sample but at least it's going up. I'm only playing 4 tables right now to try to focus on everything, I'll try to add a 5th on at some point. Hopefully sometime in the next 2 weeks I'll be able to take a shot at moving up to PLO4.
Posted 7 years ago
Ahhh so much for the shot at PLO4! Overall my online roll is going up, but it's my sng profit that offsets my recent losses at PLO.

I haven't lost much overall and I'm about 8 buy ins under EV for the month. I've marked a few hands to review and I'll add some studying in the next few days before playing any new plo hand. From what I know it seems like it's just some normal run bad, just the usual losing flips and all that. Being new to that game though, it's much harder for me to rate my own play compared to a sng session.

$ wise it's hard for me to justify playing PLO2 for hours without any real profit when I could be moving to the 10 euro head ups with more volume there.
Hopefully more work and studying is going to pay off!
Posted 7 years ago
Everything has been pretty calm poker wise lately for me. Lots of stuff to do for uni so I've had my work cut out for me.

Also I've had issues with my pc and had to restore it to factory settings, lost a bunch of my hands in the process Sad

I've spent more time working on my PLO and I feel like I'm more comfortable in game. I also got myself some coaching to speed up the process. At least I'm having fun

With the hockey season here, lots of my time went into sports betting as well

I'll try to finish November with more volume
Posted 7 years ago
If you need help with your PC I know a man.... @MattVIP
Posted 7 years ago
Always happy to help Smile