Posted 8 years ago
Had a bit of a bad day yesterday on the tables. I had a session at lunchtime and another on the evening and lost about 4.5 buy ins. I went to bed a bit demoralized if I'm honest think that I played fairly solidly but every time I was involved in a big pot I came out on the wrong end.

Having said that I have just watched @Jon-PokerVIP in part 2 of the Unibet series and am feeling a lot better now knowing it can happen to the best (aswell as me). What happened in that video (particularly table 2), that is what seemed to be happening to me yesterday.
Posted 8 years ago
keithyboy198: Had a bit of a bad day yesterday on the tables. I had a session at lunchtime and another on the evening and lost about 4.5 buy ins. I went to bed a bit demoralized if I'm honest think that I played fairly solidly but every time I was involved in a big pot I came out on the wrong end.

Having said that I have just watched @Jon-PokerVIP in part 2 of the Unibet series and am feeling a lot better now knowing it can happen to the best (aswell as me). What happened in that video (particularly table 2), that is what seemed to be happening to me yesterday.

Haha glad you could feel my pain a little. There is actually a 25nl series to follow and in part 2 of that i lose every hand for 30 minutes straight *spoiler. It is just one of those things. The weakest players can show up with anything and just 'fish own' us. Just gotta keep your head, understand it is all profitable long term and grind on.
Posted 8 years ago
I think I am starting to keep my head a bit better now and just keep telling myself that I made the correct play (most of the time anyway). Its definitely helping me. I have just had a break even session after starting off losing 2 buy ins almost immediately on 2 tables, both with AK and both losing to pocket queens. I would normally be steaming but I kept my head and just tried to play good solid poker.

I did manage to bag myself a nice little royal flush along the way...unfortunately my opponents all had nothing so was a bit wasted on them.

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Posted 8 years ago
I thought I would post an update as to how I am getting on since my last post...

I haven't played a great deal as it has been the boys birthday so we have had visitors throughout the past week. When I have played it has been on various sites. I have played a few of the challenges on Unibet and also started a new account on BV as I wanted to play on a soft site that allowed HUDs. I have only made a few euros on Uni and a couple of pound on BV so far this week but I guess it is going in the right direction.

I had a few mins spare the other night so decided to have a quick game of zoom on stars...I am still no good at that! hehe. I also agreed to play in a 45 player sit n go on there last night with a friend and finished 3rd so bagged another $20.

I have noticed there is an 'Goals for March' thread. I think I need to set some goals in April to keep me on the grinding path as I think that is where my future could lie and not keep bouncing across sites playing zoom here and sit n go's there. I need to dedicate certain times to poker also as I don't concentrate as much if I am trading the betting exchanges at the same time so I if allocate certain times to be trading and other times just purely poker then I think both bankrolls will increase faster.
Posted 8 years ago
Hey, just found your thread... interesting to see there are a few of us here all working our way up from £0 with he free unite cash signup ticket...

I'm sure well battle it out at the tables from time to time but i guess we just want know it!

Best of luck in the live tourney also, unfortunately I was just never online with enough time to play my free satellite but ill be giving them a go in the future no doubt...

Interesting to read bout your set up now working 1 day a week and looking after the twins sounds like a great deal. I've got my first child on the way... my wife and I own our business so can afford good chunks of time off when we have a good team of staff so I'm looking forward to being able to spend a lot of time with ours when it arrives this summer! And obviously also hoping I can still squeeze in enough time for poker in my busy life!

Anyway GL at the tables, I'll be keeping an eye on your journey!
Posted 8 years ago
Hehe the boys have their moments but on the whole I enjoy looking after it means I can now watch Spongebob squarepants and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse without looking like a weirdo!

It can be difficult trying to find a balance, I can't currently play poker or trade the betting exchanges whilst the boys are awake so when they are in bed I have to squeeze everything in then. I am hoping as they get a bit bigger they will let daddy earn a few pennies on the computer whilst they are playing.

It sounds like your life is also gonna be very busy from the summer - although im sure it is already what with the business, etc...I used to think that my life was busy before the boys but since they have arrived I now realise that I had lots of spare time before!!

I think it can only help our poker journeys knowing that there are others in this very forum at exactly the same position trying to reach the higher limits. It certainly inspires me to keep at it that's for sure!

Good luck to you too! Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Its been a while since my last post purely because I have not played much poker at all. It has just been one thing after another at home so playing poker has taken a back seat over the past 5 or 6 weeks.

I have still been studying poker during this time though and am looking forward to getting back to the tables to see if my study has paid off.

I watched a video that @w34z3l made titled 'How to become a profitable poker player'. I would recommend this video to anyone, it provides an amazing insight as to how much detail goes in to being a profitable player. I have not long started using a HUD and my stats look nothing like the stats mentioned in the video. I don't open the from the button enough, I don't defend my blinds very much, the list just goes on and on.

I have been trying to take on board what I learned in the video, to introduce more hands into my ranges and basically to try and get my stats roughly where they should be. The problem I have is that I have been playing predominantly on Unibet but started playing on BetVictor so I could start using a HUD. I was break even over the month with BetVictor and I am usually in profit on Unibet.

I am unsure as to whether I should stick with Unibet purely for the fact that I find it profitable due to it's super softness or go back to BetVictor and try to incorporate what I have been learning into my game using a HUD until it's ingrained and then I can take that to Unibet and go on from there.

I think I am veering towards going to BetVictor for now as I can obviously track what I am doing on there whereas I wont know if my stats are where they should be on Unibet due to the HUD ban.
Posted 8 years ago
Nice post and good to have you back!

Unibet is always going to be the softest choice so it comes down to what you want out of poker and how short/long term you see it all.

Posted 8 years ago
Cheers Jon!

I do see it as a long term thing so that's why I'm thinking of heading back over to BetVictor so I can track what I am doing more until it becomes natural to play the most profitable way. I do love the softness of Unibet though. I had a quick session on there last night and although I was down 2 buy ins I went to bed knowing that long term I would be profitable from the plays I did...for example, I piled in with my set of queens and my opponent called me with k7o but he completed his 7 high straight on the turn and river.

I'm loving your Unibet series btw, it's amazing how even at 50nl there are still a lot of suspect players...I hope Peppe is in parts 3 and 4 aswell!!
Posted 8 years ago
Since my last post I have had a few sessions on Unibet and have pretty much broke even. The first 2 sessions I lost around 5 buyins. I just didn't hit anything and when I did, my opponents were hitting harder! The last 3 sessions have brought me back even thanks mainly to other guys just giving money away rather than me outplaying them. For example a pot was opened, 2 people had already called and I wake up with AK suited. I 5x it to try and blast the moderate hands away and they all call. A cbet on the flop bags me 60bb as they all folded.

I have also been watching the pokertube live streams on facebook. I saw you (Jon) do a couple of Unibet streams the other night and did say hello in the chat on there. They were really fun to watch, as is the EPT Monte Carlo ones!!
Posted 8 years ago
Hey Keith how you getting on? Did to manage to make use of any of those cash tickets on Unibet? Highly Frustrating trying to eek through 300 odd flops with a single buy in starting BR.... I flunked the 4nl and 10nl ones but luckily steered the 25nl one into 80 euros which gave me a great BR boost.. anyway -- GL at the felt!
Posted 8 years ago
Hey mate, how are ya? Its been a fairly quiet month here on the poker front. I have literally played Unibet for those bonuses and I did a couple of Sky bonuses too but that's been it. I flunked the tourney ticket and then the 4nl in about 10 minutes. I have the 10nl and 25nl ticket but haven't done much on those yet. I'm on about 12euro with the 10nl ticket and I haven't started using the 25nl yet. You did well with your ticket didn't you? and managing to clear them so soon! Do you ever use Skybet/Sky Poker? If so, I will let you know whenever they have offers on regarding their poker site if you want. They often have offers where if you place a £10 on any market they will give you £10 in poker tourney tokens. I did a couple of those and boosted my br on there by about £40 so its worth giving a go if you have it.
Posted 8 years ago
Had a couple of mini sessions over the last 2 days and felt like I played decent enough. I have been working at turning my bonus tickets over by seeing a certain number of flops. My 10euro 10nl ticket now stands at just under 30euros and my 25euro ticket is currently around 24euros. I still have a couple of hundred flops to see with them so I have a long way to go yet.

Overall I am really enjoying playing poker at the moment whenever I get chance to play. I feel as though I have cut out a few errors that were creeping into my game so I am not taking so many big hits. I was making silly calls before even though I knew I was beat, I just wasn't able to fold things like top pair and AK when I didn't hit...silly things like that.
Posted 7 years ago
It's been a while since my last post but I have still been fairly active on the poker scene.

I don't play much Unibet nowadays, my cash games have been predominantly on Stars over the last few months and Iv been doing ok there...currently hanging around in the 5nl and 10nl pools.

I am still watching plenty of poker material and reading lots on it too so hopefully I can move up the stakes in my cash games very soon. I feel that my preflop game is pretty solid right now, I am just trying to work on my post flop a bit more.

During the month of October I have decided to have a crack at the OPL so my cash games have been on the back burner a little. Considering I don't usually play tourneys I have been doing fairly well so far. Finished in the money in 3 of them, one of them I ended up winning so I am sitting around 10th place I think in the leaderboard.

Overall I am absolutely loving this OPL season and would encourage anyone to give it a try as it's great fun and the value is unreal!