Posted 7 years ago*
Live on twitch. Poor sound and even worse pay but I'm gonna get hammered and have fun!
Posted 7 years ago
I had no idea that you're streaming. Can't really watch this time around, but I'll make sure to tune into your future streams.
Posted 7 years ago
MattVIP: I had no idea that you're streaming. Can't really watch this time around, but I'll make sure to tune into your future streams.

Just started last week, and just doing it for fun. I don't have decent equipment so it's poor quality but I'm still enjoying it so far. First night I got so drunk I fell asleep on stream for 30 minutes! Well worth a watch right!
Posted 7 years ago
See, now THAT's a manstream! Rolling on the floor laughing
Posted 7 years ago

You'd be surprised how much popularity falling asleep for 30min while streaming can bring you Laugh
Posted 7 years ago
Haha how do you fall asleep there and so fast? Takes me a legit 30 mins + to fall asleep even when I am wrecked.

@jongordon84 let us know when you next go live mate! Really want to check it out and say hi plus your videos do not save so maybe check that setting

Posted 7 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Haha how do you fall asleep there and so fast? Takes me a legit 30 mins + to fall asleep even when I am wrecked.

@jongordon84 let us know when you next go live mate! Really want to check it out and say hi plus your videos do not save so maybe check that setting

Videos are saving but I deleted them as there was too much crap in there (falling asleep, muted cos of loud music etc) but I did make a couple of clips.

I've setup a new overlay, it's simple (cos it was free) but it'll do for now. Sound quality is still very poor though as it's the built in laptop mic and the fan makes a racket.

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I'm gonna be streaming Friday nights from around 7. Drinking whiskey, getting drunk, ordering in some takeaway, and obviously playing some hands. We'll see how it goes!
Posted 7 years ago
Let me know once you get serious enough about that streaming thingie to upgrade your stuff. I can help with hardware recommendations.

Also, to reference something that nobody will ever get (and for a good reason, it's from a filthy source!): That's a pretty powerful beard sir - godlike! Use it to protect your family.

Pretty great clip too, perfect soundtrack.
Posted 7 years ago
MattVIP: Let me know once you get serious enough about that streaming thingie to upgrade your stuff. I can help with hardware recommendations.

Also, to reference something that nobody will ever get (and for a good reason, it's from a filthy source!): That's a pretty powerful beard sir - godlike! Use it to protect your family.

Pretty great clip too, perfect soundtrack.

Ah man I know this one.. I was thinking The Hangover or Anchorman, or something Jim Carrey. Goddamnit I don't know.
Posted 7 years ago
@MattVIP Ted?
Posted 7 years ago
Live in five
Posted 7 years ago
The reference was much more obscure and much worse than that. How was the stream?
Posted 7 years ago
MattVIP: The reference was much more obscure and much worse than that. How was the stream?

Put me out of my misery, I'm sure I recognize it. Stream was ok, only trolls in the chat though. Would be nice to actually get some results while I stream too. But I'll be back next week anyway.
Posted 7 years ago
Posted 7 years ago
2 tournament wins in one evening. Tempted to bring back the "feeling Goodman".

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Posted 7 years ago
There are few things worse or more frustrating than poker tournaments but binking one sure feels amazing. Congratulations sir! Are you still streaming on twitch?
Posted 7 years ago
Fuck you.
Posted 7 years ago
MattVIP: There are few things worse or more frustrating than poker tournaments but binking one sure feels amazing. Congratulations sir! Are you still streaming on twitch?

Sure does, even at the micros it feels good. No streaming (that could have been a good one damnit) as I was getting frustrated with the poor sound and quality. I'm saving up to go the whole nine yards with a new PC, sound, camera, lighting etc. Then I'll be back at it. Friday nights are a lot of fun when you're getting drunk playing poker, eating chicken and falling asleep live on the net with one viewer. Can't wait!
Posted 7 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Fuck you.

Haha I'm sure you're jealous of all the dollar I'm rolling in from those big scores! Wink

I actually cashed in 4 tournaments that weekend so it was a nice little bank roll boost. I'm going to focus mainly on tournaments from now on to try and build the roll and finally get out of the micros.
Posted 7 years ago
If you need any help with the PC specs and other gear, feel free to hit me up, sir!