Posted 8 years ago
Hey Pwill.
Yes after frustration fades out, one can see its an easy fold.
I dont blame anyone but myslef for such mistakes.
Your advice is sound one .Somehow in those big pots I rushto make a decision(guess its not only me) instead of give it a brief clear thinking.
Would spare me some money.
I will also beat the limits when I deserve it thru play and improvement, not by whining on the forums and bitching around.
THx for your advice Pwill.
Best of luck
Posted 8 years ago
With that kind of attitude and a little work, you'll do just fine. Smile

Good luck to you to. Yes
Posted 8 years ago
Wish I could at least edit , if not erased some posts I made here , couse it feels ridicilus .
Well it is what it is.
I make a mistakes and learning from them - hopefully.
I feel my mental game is better couse I dont feel as fucked about bad session and downswing as I used to.
It probably doesnt look like it, but after that 15 mins of feeling fucked up I was back to neutral and ready to grind.
Didnt played poker, but guitar instead and analysed bunch of hands on the forums.
Also opted in for HH challenge, where I am about 100 posts late, so have lot of catch up to do.
I never mentioned it here, but I am doing some poker staking sideways.
Came from zero to more than 11 players in my stabile and back to almost 0 with more than 15k of makeup and bankroll of 800$.
Lot of ppl scammed me, lot of ppl still owes me money, but I managed to crawl back by selling makeup and some luck , clear most of it and left myself only one ,but remarkably good player in stake.Figured out that its better slow and low risk than oposite.
So after over a year of having just one player yesterday I decided to make another investement into a very trust worthy and stabile player whom I staked before on nl25. Hes playing nl50 zoom now.
Feel very excited about it , so had to share something positive here to mix it up among latest bit negative posts.
Also first day we are up 200$ which is also nice.
I also got an idea to give a player a chunk of my % to coach me, and make it more EV deal fore both of us.
Will sleep on that one for a bit before I decide.

About my poker I like the feeling that I dont feel draged by events of yesterday and am also not afraid to sit at the table and play , even if I have another session like yesterday.
So gonna grind my ass up today to hopefully 2kj hands , which is approx 5 hours of play .I know its pain in the ass grinding 6 tables on mg volumewise.
Off for now .
Posted 8 years ago
I think erasing things which will inevitably help you is not the best idea! Look back at it and remember what you go through and what bad times you have had!

Posted 8 years ago
I'm sorry but why on earth would you have a staking stable?? You are playing 10nl right? The players you are getting are not getting anything from you except money. No coaching, no investment no nothing. You are literally going to attract gamblers and shit players who have no cash to play with because they lost it all.

All the staking stables out there are ran by people who have crushed poker and are able to coach their stable. No offense but it is not a surprise you were owed 15k and it will happen again. Why would someone who is appernelty a really good player not use his own money? If he is beating 50nlz why does he need your money and why has he chosen you for staking? Surely if he wants staking he'd go somewhere he gets coaching to improve, not to someone to just get money.... Unless he isn't good and has no commitment to improve and just wants to take your cash.
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: I think erasing things which will inevitably help you is not the best idea! Look back at it and remember what you go through and what bad times you have had!

Yes its good to have something to be ashamed for when you read it Smile .
Posted 8 years ago

I am sorry buddy but I cannot get into converastion which is basing on permise that I am stupid and blindly give money to everyone who is willing to take it.
As said I have been into it for 3 years , was involved with all sorts of things and earned quiet decent amount of money which payed for my car, payed for my living for over a year and still have something left.
Obviosly its not something I am not willing to talk about, but I will not indulge into conversation which puts me in place where I am seen as stupid and requires me to justify my actions.
Posted 8 years ago*
Just to show you that I am not as clueless as you might think will show you some graphs.

This is the guy who I am staking for past 2 years and as mentioned above my only remaninig player till yesterday.

SharkScope - Denis405

He was also main coach of my stabile.
When he needed coachings we hired IGT aka I Grind This.

And nl50 guy whom I took yesterday. He was brought to me 2 years ago by Adam (aka Weazel) as a really good nl25 player.
We ended staking in good profit and also good realtionship, I sent Adam a 50$ reward jutt to bring him and we went each others way.
In case Weazel ever reads this , players name is Daniel.
Few days he came to me with his nl50 graph asking for another stake.

Attached Image

I see you are coming from mindframe that I am poor nl10 poker player and shouldnt do stakings, but things are not that black and white as u can see.
Posted 8 years ago
If it makes you money then I'm wrong and well done Smile

The way you mentioned it was that you started it and blew 15k. Sorry for misunderstandings.

That being said, why does he need staking if he is making money? Like with coaching involved I think staking is good but without it I don't understand why some one would take on staking at all.
Posted 8 years ago
Yeh I got to 2nd Cookie's point. It does seem odd that he came to you asking for staking when he should have the bankroll from that graph's winnings alone. But if this thing is making you money then enjoy and good luck.
Posted 8 years ago*
@CrazyCookie and @jongordon84

When I read my post for second time it did sounded the way you described.
It was a breif reflection of situations I have been thru.
About bankroll some ppl always like to play under stake couse they dont want to deal with variance.
I had was involved in nl400 stake where player was happy to split 50% of hes profit and live of rb and 50% , just couse he didnt like the effect of variance.
Thats especially true for mtt and sng players where variance is even bigger.
You would be surprised how many good players(100k+ winnings ) play under stake.
About player in question, he doesnt want coachings couse 2 months ago he bought in for 10hours with some nl200 zoom crusher.
Also he has always been playing under stake.
Hes personal friend with hes long term staker(I also know the guy, since we were in quiet few deals togeher), now friend bought an apartment and its not staking anymore.So he came to me.
Ofc I double check everything with hes past backer , as its in my habit , all seems ok and thats good enough for me.
Now why he doesnt spare earnings for hes own bankroll is none of my bussiness.All that matters for me is that he respects our deal, which in past he did and I expect that practice to continue.

Posted 8 years ago*
i think this massive staking thing is the worst part of poker ,sad to see guys with no balls and no bankroll claiming they can beat the shit out of others
Posted 8 years ago
I respect your opinon but I dont shre the same one .
Would you mind to share why do you think staking effects poker in any way?
Any why playing under stakes diminishes players success and skillset?

How I see it is that nowdays poker is bussiness for many.
And at times it can be very stresfull and big burden.
So some ppl decide they want to enoy good side of their poker skills (winnings) at cost of share of their winnings, but when things get ugly they dont care much, couse its mostly backers burden to carry.
I deffo can see how its not everyones cup of tea, however its a free will of a person to choose how he wants to play and live.
That being said I totally fail to see how it can have negative effects on poker developemnt whatsoever ( assuming its honest and straightforward player) .
Posted 8 years ago*
Bad run continues.
Whats worse I habitually spew a bi or so just out of frustration and that worries me as fuck.
Running bad is normal thing, but spewing moeny is pretty worriesome and discouriging.
An awesome hand that pretty much summarise everytihng.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
5 Players

Blinds $0.05/$0.105
UTG Gard31 $10.32
COHero $10.10
D imsolucky $11.26
SB mrjasc $13.43
BB ThreeStepsAhead $16.56
5$0.15Hero is COTA
Gard31 raises to $0.30, Hero calls$0.30, 3 folds
Gard31 bets $0.50, Hero calls$0.50
Gard31 bets $1, Hero raises to $2.60, Gard31 calls $1.60
Gard31 checks, Hero bets$4.65, Gard31 calls $4.65
Final Pot $16.25
Gard31 shows 65 Hero shows TA
Gard31 wins $15.95 (net +$8.90)
Hero lost$8.05

When I saw results I was like FML.
I cant even win with NFD.
Posted 8 years ago
Have something else on my mind which I want to write here.
In last 5k hands I am on 11bi downswing and my play diminishes from being solid TAG to being agressive maniac who is trying to compensate lack of solid boards and luck with being agressive and trying to push ppl out of the hands.
Usually it ends up with them calling and me lose big pot.
ITs true that I am running very unlucky but I could reduce decent chunk of my losses by playing hands in more optimal way.
I guess thats C game crazycookie spoke about .
Or perhaps its even D game, or F , who would know it.
Atm my br is 250e. so I am sufficiently rolled for nl10 ,but just barely.
So I am gonna give myself 5bi shot and if I reach 200 I will move down to nl5 and try to rebuild.
Perhaps I will go back to pokerstars and grind zoom poker instead.
Ofc I can alsways reload but point is to beat the stakes not deposit and lose money.
Posted 8 years ago*
Sharky: @lennuk
I respect your opinon but I dont shre the same one .
Would you mind to share why do you think staking effects poker in any way?
Any why playing under stakes diminishes players success and skillset?

How I see it is that nowdays poker is bussiness for many.
And at times it can be very stresfull and big burden.
So some ppl decide they want to enoy good side of their poker skills (winnings) at cost of share of their winnings, but when things get ugly they dont care much, couse its mostly backers burden to carry.
I deffo can see how its not everyones cup of tea, however its a free will of a person to choose how he wants to play and live.
That being said I totally fail to see how it can have negative effects on poker developemnt whatsoever ( assuming its honest and straightforward player) .

I agree its become a little more like a business and I agree it can be stressfull and a burden. But if its too much for you then maybe you`re in the wrong game ???
But its hard to sell X-buy in tournament with Z guaranteed to the winner when even a lot of recs know that the winner didnt win it all.
Hard to put pressure on other players when payjumps doesnt mean nothing to them cause its not their money. And if they lose its like " aa there was nothing i could do with the stacks etc" Similar goes to cashgames.
And the thing that a lot of people play better with stake money is unbelieavable ,your best game should be with your own money and then come others ,like the point of poker.
Yes it doesnt change poker ,game is a game ,but the things around it affect it a lot.
Bankroll and variance is a skillset.
And it literally diminishes players success cause im sorry but winning the main event and keeping 20% is is a lot more unsuccessful than winning the main event and keeping 100%.

Posted 8 years ago
Hard to put pressure on other players when payjumps doesnt mean nothing to them cause its not their money. And if they lose its like " aa there was nothing i could do with the stacks etc" Similar goes to cashgames.

This behaviour is called irresponsibility and nothing else.
Most if not all players care about lost money, couse almost all long term deals are setup in the way that they come with makeup(player needs to cover hes losses with future winnings) which means less profit for player.
So u dont see that behaviour often. Especially from established long term grinders.
Cant say anythin abotu rest of your post couse its personal opinon and I respect it as that.
I made quiet some money thru it so its hard for me not to like it .
Cheers Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Since thread of staking is spreading thru few last posts on this blog I think its good timing to show off abit (since I cant show off with my curent plays ) .
When I woke up this morning a nice surprise of 7.5k of profits waiting on my account.
A long time player of mine just won The Hotter 55 , cashing out almost 16k.
Heres SC to proof it for those sceptical :

Attached Image

And first series of new session of Game of THrones just downloaded.

IT will be a mganificent day :).

GL to you all
Posted 8 years ago
I can't believe the "if he is a winner why does he need staking" comment is still thrown many obvious reasons for this.

Posted 8 years ago

Its something totally understandable .
One of first questions u ask players in staking is why are you lookning for a stake ,etc.
For ppl who are not in staking bussiness and dont have general feel of money flow and variance of those games its common sense to assume that something must be wrong with player.As said it certanly isnt everyones cup of tea but every person to himself .