Hello once again, haven't been posting cuz things went really really really bad......unfortunatly I went BUSTO in PLO cash gmes
had grinded my BR up to 800€ and was playing plo25, dropped to plo10 but just kept losing money. The problem is that like I said at the beginning of this thread I was an MTT player and even though the PLO is a great game I see that I can't stick to playing CASH GAMES. My caracter, my personality, my gameplay is all suited for Tournament play. I see cash games like Tournaments without End.
From time to time I even played PLO Tournaments and had 2 1st place finishes + 2 top 3!! Ofcourse the cash games helped but I was more interested in shortstack play and was studying the game in that direction. (It's easyier) All you have to know is the equity of your hand VS opponents range and memorize the equity you need in each SPR situation. (in couple of word at least
I thought it through and managed to arrange my schedule with my wife(I thank her for all the support she gives me) so I can play at least 4 days a week mtt's and I'll just dive into them. Even though PLO has a place in my heart cuz it's a fun game and won some battles over the mtt's, MTT's eventually won the war! So sorry for my weakness but I got to do what I got to do and mtt's feel ''Right''. I will be cruzing aroung this forum though
Have FUN guys cuz it's the only fuel we've got to keep us going!!!