Posted 7 years ago
I'll look into it, nice that they hold it for you. For silver all I have is in coins. It's more because I like them than a financial hedge really but with the years I've got quite a few now. I worked for a security company a few years ago where we would sort coins for the canadian mint, so I know which of our older coins have enough cooper or silver in them to make them worth keeping.
Posted 7 years ago
And so I'm done for the month. Didn't quite reach 12k hands, stopped short because at this point I wouldn't get any rakeback on the last 150 hands.

Obviously slightly over EV Laugh but I'm not complaining, my ev is still about 9bb/100 so I'm happy. Time now to move to another room to get a nice deposit bonus.

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Posted 7 years ago
Looks like you achieved a lot of what you set out to and you made money. Pat on the back and a beer deserved!
Posted 7 years ago
Got myself a few beers and moved my money from Betvictor to Guts. Have had some issues with their software and with rakeback so far but I'm sure everything's gonna be sorted out soon. Cards aren't too nice to me this month, running into top of ranges and losing flips. At least I'm not at risk of moving down so no big deal.
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Posted 7 years ago
Slowly working my way up. I'm happy with my volume so far this month, wont be able to keep the same pace with exams coming in 3 weeks. I'm enjoying playing and reviewing my sessions after, I'd like to maintain my EV bb/100 over 10 this month over more than 10k hands on plo4. That's going to be my poker goal for april.

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Posted 7 years ago
Really solid comeback there and something you can usually tell with graphs is that you have not been gambling/punting to pull it back as it all looks steady and to be reasonable pot sizes.

So often you just see a huge spike where a shot has been taken and paid off. Nice work!
Posted 7 years ago
A nice little investment update today. With the US strike in Syria, the price of gold went up during the night but has now lost almost all its gains as I write this. The position I had in gold went up nicely during the past 2 weeks.
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My stock is the darker blue line around 10%, this graph shows its performance during the last 10 days versus the global price of gold in gray, I'm also comparing it to the performance of Barrick Gold (teal) and Goldcorp (gold) which are pretty much the world's biggest gold mining companies.

The stock was slightly down since I bought it, with this nice trend I closed my position today for a profit of just over 5% after all fees. This means I'm around 70% cash now, hopefully the political turmoil brings a correction for me to buy into!
Posted 7 years ago
Been moving sideways since my last update, just over 1 bi in the red now! Close to getting the first part of my deposit bonus unlocked too. Attached Image

I've been trying to raise my RFI on the button as well as my flop cbet. I really need to work on my river calling though, feels like I'm just burning money against guys who show up with hands I wouldn't expect them to have. I'll try to only raise or fold to river bets for a few K hands and gradually open it up from there.
Posted 7 years ago*
A nice update from MPN means my volume goals are going to be harder to track. I'm averaging around 400 hands per hour so I can do some rough estimates. I went on a small downswing since my last update, got most of it back now so with rakeback and some of the bonus I've unlocked I,m a few buy ins in the green this month.

I've also done some balancing of my stock portfolio.
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Since selling what I had in gold mining I bought back into gold, this time using an ETF focusing on gold mining companies. Less volatility so also less upside in the short term but it ends up tracking gold fairly closely.

Not sure what I'll buy next. As you can see I'm mostly in cash right now.
Posted 7 years ago*
I've got a pretty relax week so far. No classes, just studying for exams and mixed in a few hours of poker.
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Not too happy with my ev, at least I'm over it though. I'm assuming this is around 2k hands, hard to know for sure with the changes they made.
I've played some heads up hypers too tonight, with the rake changes they implemented you're paying just under 4% before any rakeback so it's not bad at all. Had some fun overbetting and going all in, nice to see the old limp-stabbing range is still just as effective. I might play some here and there, just the 1 euros to try to get a sharscope star if I feel like it.
I'm off to watch hockey now Laugh no money on any team tonight

Posted 7 years ago*
Got the old HM2 up to get a hud as I only bought the omaha version of PT4.
Feels good to get some games in, 83 so far in 2 days. Also nice to have a game where all my hands are tracked.
I'll go watch hockey for the rest of the night, got some money on it tonight as well.
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Posted 7 years ago
The hypers graph looking much better now Laugh
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137 games played so far, somehow HM2 missed a hand and its 10 chips won. The graph is obviously in chips, so if I remove the rake my pre rb evroi is still in the positive around 1.5% if my math is right. Which is an improvement since the last update but of course meaningless over this sample. I love to play PLO when I've got lots of time so I can get at least 1-2 hours on the tables, much easier to play some hypers when I've only got half an hour or so.
Posted 7 years ago
nice back to rebusto graph. Thought the graph was in actual $ for a second, that would have been an even sicker recovery.

As for gold, I don't really expect it to move too much until the next crash. Recently bought some silver this week as they hit a month low, looking to get some more goal in the next 3-4 weeks.

You deal in shares too or just gold/silver?
Posted 7 years ago*
Lol yeah I would of liked it to be actual $ too.

I'm really not sure about gold. If Lepen somehow managed to get elected or if Trump and North Korea do go at it, we could see a nice spike in price. In related news I love to bet when I feel like I've got an edge. Booked a nice win with some friends in november with Trump at 5/1, so far with Lepen at 6/1 I'm thinking about it.

I've got some shares too but they're mostly long term holdings or speculative bets with a few hundred of 2-3$ shares. My biggest investment so far in $ is in High Liner Foods (HLF, TSX). The had a huge correction following results that weren't as good as expected. Bought into some weeks after that so it went up from my price but I'm getting about 3.2% in dividends so I'm happy with that. Most shares seem so up these days though, I keep thinking that this bull market wont keep going for ever.
Posted 7 years ago
Played some more games during the past few days. Another chips graph
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218 games now, another missed hand for some reason. At least I like my EV, in real $ I'm about break even after rakeback.
Posted 7 years ago
Haven't played enough PLO lately to make a graph, also they're not that appealing anymore with all the missing hands. I'll try to get a nice session or 2 in during the next few days.
Got a few more hypers in, just about 20 bi under ev in 309 games. Going through a rougher patch, feels like I'm either facing the top of their ranges or I get sucked out on. EV is still around 3% so no complaint there. The most annoying thing here is the one hand that HM2 can't seem to import properly every 300 hands or so. Missing chips
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Posted 7 years ago
May isn't being too kind to me so far, standard variance stuff, gives me more reasons to review my hands and work on my game. Happy with how I'm playing overall.
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I'll also be working in security this summer again like for the past few years, it's nice to be paid to be outside with the nice weather we're getting these days.
Posted 7 years ago
Had a nice plo session today, I like having more time to play. I'll really try to get volume in this month as I have more free time to play and study.
Made some adjustments to my hyper game around hand 7k or so. My 3bet had gone way down, brought it back up and I like the results so far. Just over 500 games played and back in profit pre rb.
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Posted 7 years ago*
Things have been pretty break even recently, most session end up looking like today's graph or an inverted version of the same graph.

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My guess after some hours playing is that I should multiply by about 3 the number of hands to get an idea of how many I played.
As far as investments go, haven't bought or sold anything in Mai yet, nothing on my watchlist either, mainly just watching the markets for now. I've got more time to play and work on my game so hopefully I'll see myself improve.
I've been keeping track of my sessions, trying to give myself a grade regarding how I played an handled variance, so far I've seen some improvements in how I play after losing a few flips in a very short amount of time.
Posted 7 years ago
The month so far:
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Obviously playing very value heavy, This is probably somewhere around 12k-13k total hands. Happy with my results so far and getting closer to a shot at plo10. I'm thinking of waiting for a bankroll of 300, so only 30 buy ins but I'd rather not stay at plo4 for longer than I have to. At the same time I'm enjoying playing so I'm not in any rush. I'll see when I get there I guess.

I'll try to get enough hands before the month ends so I unlock another part of my deposit bonus before it expires but with my birthday this weekend and some work, I'll do what I can LaughDancing