Pwll: Nice job in event 3 and you may have won it by now, but good luck in event 4 anyway!
What standard of play do you think is prevalent in these games, super soft/soft/a bit tough? Does play get better later into it or are they just a bad as at the start. I used to find the latter stages very difficult, lots of better players than me around by then!
Sadly busted after the dinner break after a flying start! Made a bad mistake in what I thought was an okay spot but I should have preserved my stack after having 2.5x average after 2 hours!
I think its probably soft with a few super soft spots
If you gave me maybe 6 months of coaching someone who didn't know the rules of poker a few times a week I'd say they could crush these games. Its be a step-up from home games but the vast majority of players are just playing ABC poker and are making HUGE mistakes.
I could raise 5/6/7 pots in a row and a player goes to me 'I KNOW you don't have it'.. and then they fold. I just smile and then raise the next pot.. lol.
The majority of players are 40-60 year old regs who play in their local room 2/3 times a week and have been playing for the last 20 years. But none of them play online because its 'rigged' or too hard. The standard is basically the same as 10 or 20NL online.
You can instantly work out who the best players are and even then I think they are still playing pretty straightforward poker. (I feel I'm starting to sound like Doug Polk). There's rarely any pros play the games I'm in and I may get unlucky and have 1 of them at my table at any given time.
The problems arise when it's down to maybe 14/15 players and the average stacks are 15-20bb and variance gets pretty big but I still feel I've an edge.