new beginnings - cashing from the bottom
My name is Kate. I've been playing poker for three years. I'm not a pro player but I've devoted quite some time to this game. I think my biggest success is that I've never busted my bankroll. However, my biggest failure is that I've never managed to beat nl10 for some reason. Maybe I was not stubborn enough, or maybe I don't play that well. I definitely have leaks that I don't know about. That is the reason why I decided to start this blog - to monitor and improve my game. I hope I will not resign from posting my progress. This blog is not going to be just about poker, but also about other stuff that are going on in my life and are a big part of it.
I don't have a goal to be a professional poker player and make a living just out of poker. What I want is just to be skilled enough to play regularly nl10 and I hope that this blog will motivate me to be better and better because I still believe it's possible. I think I will be posting updates at least once a week.
Yeah... I know... It's such a cliche to start such a thread on New Year's Eve when everybody makes resolutions for New Year... but whatever...
Happy New Year to you all!
"Now and then when I see her face
She takes me away to that special place
And if I stared too long
I'd probably break down and cry
Sweet child o' mine
Sweet love of mine"