NL10 QsJd

Posted 8 years ago

Anon hudless v 2 fairly unknowns but utg is obviously a fishy bit-stacker. Not much info on SB at all though.

So this looks like a well butchered hand to me.

Preflop: ye, fair enough.

Flop: Just a lazy cbet and it gets raised, hmmm, better Qx, 66, sneaky unbelieving overpair, or flush draw? My bet doesn't help me find out either does it.

Turn: wow, when SB bets out that looks strong to me because utg hasn't much left behind, so I actually think I can fold this. I can beat QT/Q9 and that's about it really, but then it's mr fishy guy shoving and I half expected that anyway. I can't really call now though can I, it's push/fold time surely.

What do you think guys, fishy shove and hope the board pairs with my probable 7 clean outs, or fold like a boss and cry when I see the flush draw or Q4? Lol

I was leaning towards fold tbh.


Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
5 Players

Blinds 0.5BB/1BB5
UTG $58.1BB
CO $214.1BB
DHero $100.9BB
SB $100BB
BB $108.3BB
5$1.5BBHero is BTNQJ
UTG calls 1BB, 1 fold, Hero raises to 4.5BB, SB calls 4BB, 1 fold, UTG calls 3.5BB
SB checks, UTG checks, Hero bets7BB, SB raises to 20BB, UTG calls 20BB, Hero calls13BB
SB bets 35BB, UTG goes all-in 33.6BB, (Hero)?

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
No need to make it 4.5x pre, 3x is fine isoong and our hand isn't strong enough to warrant an exploitative bigger ISO. Post I bet a bit bigger otf. If they have qx or FD they will continue. As playedddd I think just stack and feel bad when SB has kq
Posted 8 years ago
I'm not sure I'd even Iso QJo here but I'm a total nit. As played I dunno I mean I think vs fish the SB will be forced to play value face up so I put this on a full value range so Qx (and KQ/AQ is more likely), FH. UTG can have any old FD or AA or Q2 or something but I think I'd fold on reflection. In game I would have called a lot of the time and then been furious with myself for adding in some trash into his range to make the call.
Posted 8 years ago
I'm with @thetallpaul on being careful not to isolate too wide here. QJ is probably close to the bottom of my range here but pretty sure I wouldn't go much weaker.

Pre 3.5-4bb is my standard. Making smaller isolations means they're supposed to defend a wider range but normally don't making it a theoretical mistake for them.

I don't mind the flop c bet size.

Turn is super close. I kind of feel indifferent between calling and folding. I doubt there's much difference in EV. But I'm leaning towards folding. Even bad players will be concerned about their kicker here and it's not a given he would play QT this way.

Posted 8 years ago
Yes, QJ is near the bottom of my iso range v utg as well and of course utg can have a stronger range limping from there.

Smelled like a fh so I folded anyway, far too hot for me hand out there!

Thanks everybody Smile

Posted 8 years ago
Iso preflop with QJ is good here I think, we want to be iso raising as wide as we think we can get away with in these spots. I think we can go marginally smaller here but not by much, my standard iso raise is to 4BB's unless I have a good reason to size up or down.

As played, flop seems fine. We are going to bet value with this sizing from a reasonably wide range of any pair plus flush draws here and maybe the occasional random float but I obviously would not be overly hopeful of that when it's a multiway pot. When we get raised and there is a caller I may consider just jamming the money here to get value from potential flush draws but I think calling is probably better here.

On the turn when SB jams we can safely say that the SB has at least a Q with some fullhouses possible also. It's possible that he is doing this with a worse queen that yours but more often that not I feel you will be up against a hand like KQ that has you outkicked so folding seems fine to me.
Posted 8 years ago
Somewhat close. I would probably be less worried if UTG was the flop-raiser since he would surely RFI with stuff like KQ/AQ. The other villain can actually have these hands (and maybe not that many worse Qx as the SB cold-caller). Both players can have 66 potentially. The three-way action on the turn does not bode-well for this specific holding - but here is the thing...... We might have up to 20% equity still on the turn, some river implieds, and the fact that we only need 18% to call ignoring implieds.

It's probably actually a call but close enough that I don't have a big problem with folding.
Posted 8 years ago
@w34z3l RFI? Raise for isolation? Brain is mushy it has been a long day. Posting it here in case other like-minded individuals find themselves working through what RFI might be Laugh
Posted 8 years ago
Raise first in @joshk81
Posted 8 years ago
RFI = Raise First In Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Ty all my mind is expanded YesLaugh