Posted 8 years ago
mrpink: thank you for the advice W34z3l!

Should we be barreling similar frequencies for flop Cb and Turn CB in 3b pots in general or should it be lower in 3b pots?

I'm also wondering what kind of fold flop/turn/river and float flop/turn stats I should be looking for when evaluating my own stats. I think I saw you mention a float flop in NL10 games of something like 60%, does that sound right?

Yeah, roughly the same for cbet and barrel spots in 3bet pots. Maybe a shade lower as a result of the reduced SPR.

Float stats should generally be high, for exploitative reasons. Flop and Turn floats should usually be around 70%, although this by no means a balanced frequency. Balanced strategy would be somewhat lower, maybe around 55.
Posted 8 years ago
Oblong: Thank you for taking the time to look at my stats, some food for thought!

I filtered for hands where I had 100bb+ stating stacks (below) and it didn’t change much. I still have a high WTSD.

From what you have said I need to;
1) Open wider from button and SB.
2) Move some hands from my blind 3 betting range to my cold calling range.
3) Defend fewer 3 bets. Which should be helped by opening wider as well as simply defending tighter (should reduce WTSD).
4) Take my probe and float opportunities more often (should reduce WTSD).
5) And folding to turn and river c bets more (should reduce WTSD).

Have I got that right?

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Yup, that's pretty much right. Especially the float and probe bets, they should give you a nice boost. Also the river fold to cbet is way too low, it should at the very least be above 50%.
Posted 8 years ago

Ok, so obviously the winrate is insane over this sample, and regardless of your skill-level you should not expect it to continue like this.

Looks like we are missing some steal attempts in the BTN and SB. We currently have values of 35.7% and 27.7%. This should be /at least/ 48% on the BTN and /at least/ 36% in the SB. Usually noticeably higher than these values if we are taking correct stealing opportunities. Co rfi should be wider aswell, around 26% minimum. Notice how there is not a large difference between MP open and CO open. We are likely opening too wide in MP and UTG. It's probably worth spending half hour just looking over some RFI charts.

3bet frequency of 5.12% is ok overall, but positionally it doesn't look super great. Notice how our 3betting frequency is roughly similar from every position? It shouldn't be like this. The later the position we are in the more we should 3bet.

Vs 3bet fold is super low and should usually be around 60% at these limits. Having said this it's normally for someone who does not open aggressively enough to have a considerably lower fold-to-3bet stat, so this could be party what is going on here. As we take more steal spots we'll find our fold-to-3bet stat automatically increases.

Flop cbet frequency feels a little on the low side for these limits at 53.9%. We are probably missing some spots to cbet. There is a nice 3bet part written article series here on PokerVIP called "Advanced Cbetting". Might be useful for you to check this out and see if you can boost that F cbet frequency by another 10% or so.

Fold to cbet stats on flop and turn look reasonable, although we are probably calling too much on the river. This also explains why our river-call-efficiency stat is a shade on the low side at 1.3.

WTSD WWSF WSD all look good at the moment so can't really comment. It will be interesting to see how these change once you make adjustments in other areas of your game.

Flop vs raise fold seems too low at 37%. Guys are not bluff-raising as wide as they should, so it seems as if we are calling too much in certain spots where guys rarely bluff at this limits. It's also possible that you are just making a lot of big hands over the 20k sample. Seems reasonable to suggest this because a winrate of 20bb/100 is not sustainable in these games.

River fold to cbet in 3bet pots is too low also. Looks like we are calling too much in these spots. 3bet pot cbet/barrel frequencies are extremely high. While there is a possibility we are making money doing this at the current games, it's theoretically a pretty bad approach and we should be a little more selective regarding the hands we fire the turn with in a 3bet pot.

BB we are folding too much to SB opens. We should be defending about 50% of hands here rather than 41%. We should be 3betting around 15% here also as opposed to 11.3%.

Bet flop and turn vs skipped cbet are too low, Aggression should be increased in these spots. We can generate automatic profit and so should bluff aggressively.

Same for bet turn and river OOP vs skipped cbet (probe turn + probe river), the values are on the low side and should be increased.

Same for Delayed Cbets. It looks like we are missing quite a few good buff spots postflop.

Posted 8 years ago
Danwan: I thought the resolution was a little bad so I tried to make the screencapture again but it doesnt get any better. Is it possible to delete a post here?

Not as far as I know lol. Anyway, I could make out the stats ok and the review is posted above.
Posted 8 years ago

Winrate looks good over a decent sample, congrats.

RFI numbers look ok. MP should be around 18%, a shade higher. BTN looks through-the-roof high. I'm guessing there is one or two bad steal attempts here. Remember that our default frequency should be around 48% unless we know that the players in the blinds are defending badly or too tightly. Hopefully you are using the FTS info correctly etc.

Overall 3bet frequency looks reasonable, but there is something weird happening by position. Notice how you never bluff in MP or CO, but your aggression suddenly shoots up on the BTN. BTN is possibly even a shade too high. We should look for spots to increase 3bet range from MP and CO, since it looks like you are just using premiums from these positions and rarely bluffing if ever.

Vs 3bet fold looks fine.

Cold-call looks pretty decent at 11.9. Slightly underdefending the BB - our current CC is 22.8 and should be around 26%.

Flop and turn cbets look reasonable, but we can likely be cbetting the flop more aggressively, usually over 60% of the time. (Btw, there is some conflicting data here, your flop cbet % is shown twice and is different). Also when we look at cbet IP and OOP we can see that is extremely similar. It shouldn't be like this. Flop cbet IP should be significantly higher, whereas OOP should be cbetting a lot less and thinking more about defending our checking range. Probably a decent amount of work should be done in this area. A good place to start is my 3 part written series here on entitled Advanced Cbetting. We can see that when you skip your flop cbet OOP that you are check/folding 83.5% of the time. Super easy for someone to bet any 2 cards if they have a clue about your stats. The higher in limits we go, the more important this will be.

It's curious that our WSD is a shade on the low side. It looks like we are continuing slightly too often vs river cbets also. There is a chance it is on the low side and we are making one or two loose calldowns. Could also be related to bluffing slightly too much in certain spots, for example our flop raise cbet is around the 18% mark, and really doesn't need to be above 15%. We have to sometimes be careful about running big bluffs in games where the rake is high since we can end up making net losses with profitable bluffs.

Generally our bet vs missed cbets look nice and aggressive, although there is a chance that our river probes (bet vs missed cbet OOP on river), could be higher. We should basically fire any hand here, but also we should fire pretty thin for value, including some 2nd pair good kicker hands. It might seem contradictory at first to be able to bluff any 2 and yet value-bet thin at the same time, but this is a function of our opponent's range being capped after he doesn't double-barrel the turn IP.
Posted 8 years ago
Oblong: W34z3l,

I have been thinking more on your advice and particularly about fold to c bet stats. Earlier in the thread you recommended a good fold to river c bet stat was 60% (for these limits). If we are folding 60% though, then our opponent can auto profit by betting any/every hand. Assuming people bet somewhere between 1/3-1x pot on the river wouldn't you want to see a fold to c bet of 25- 50% (maybe an average of about 33%)? Now I understand that on some boards our opponent has a range advantage and we can’t profitably defend enough to stop our opponent profitably betting their entire range, but an average of folding 60% seems really high.

So, if what I am saying above is true do you recommend this as a big deviation from theoretical play to exploit a tendency of the population not bluffing the river often?



It's going to be a mixture of both.

So we should likely fold more than 40% on the river at the very least. Possibly not as high as 60% though. But when we combine the fact that nearly every 3barrel bluff at lower limit games is heavily weighted towards value, we should exploitatively fold all of our bluff-catchers making our river fold-to-cbet high.

So in other words the theoretical value might be around 50% fold to cbet, while the exploitative value might be 60%+. I don't know the exact numbers, but we can say for certain at lower limit games that the exploitative value for folding to river values will be noticeably higher than the GTO value.
Posted 8 years ago

VPIP and PFR look fine.

Notice how similar our RFI ranges from MP and EP are. There is less than 1% difference here. EP open should be around 14% while MP open should be around 18%. We are missing some opens from MP basically. CO open looks fine, a shade tight. BTN looks fine. SB looks aggressive at 60%, and may potentially be fine so long as we are making consistent use of the "BB fold vs SB steal" stat. If we find that we are opening randomly with weak hands against unknown then this will be a leak.

3bet shows some evidence of being positionally aware, but is simply not aggressive enough in position. We should be looking for more spots to 3bet on the BTN, CO and MP. We are looking for roughly 4% from MP, 6% from CO, 8-10% on the BTN.

Fold to 3bet (2bet PF and fold), looks too low at 46.29. It should be closer to 60% at the games we are playing. It might be a good idea to review some defense vs 3bet charts and fold a little more to 3bets. It's useful to keep in mind that many players at lower limits 3bet conisderably tighter than what is considered an optimal frequency, meaning we should defend less hands exploitatively.

Call PF 2bet looks super high. It should be around 12-13% but is somehow 17.35%. Really not sure what is going on here, the positional numbers are bizarre. Firstly we need to cut out most of our SB cold-calls. We should have a SB CC of around 7% and it is currently 18.73%. The BB we are actually under-defending at the moment, and should actually increase our cold-calls so we are cold-calling around 26%. Every other position is way too high. MP CC should maybe be around 6-7%, CO 8-9%, BTN 10-12%. This area needs quite a bit of work since your current frequencies are not even close to optimal.

Fold to cbet stats look reasonable. Can possibly defend the flop a bit more, and defend the river a little less.

WWSF is super low at 40.78%, that's probably something that needs fixing. WTSD is also very high. Could be a combination of calling too much in some spots but also missing good bluffing opportunities.

It's fine to cbet the flop a little more aggressively. Remember that most guys at these limits are folding sightly too much to cbets and can be exploited.

Float flop needs to be much higher, around 70%.
Same for float turn.

Probe turn is super super super low, should be way higher.
Probe river is also super low, we need to be bluffing a lot more in these spots.

Anyway, good job for having a positive winrate over a pretty big sample. I hope you find the pointers helpful.

Posted 8 years ago*

Thank u for this great analysis! Will work on those leaks and will post again stats in 2-3 months to see if I made some improvements!
Posted 8 years ago
Hi w34z3l!

Thank you very much for the detailed analysis. I will most definitely read your Advanced Cbetting series and work on my game!

Very motivating to read your analysis: it gives me a huge boost to improve my game.

Thank you very much for the generous thread!

Best of luck to you
Posted 8 years ago
Thank you w34z3I.

Posted 8 years ago*

Hello.. Firstly, thank you very much for helping us.. My goal is online cash game pro poker player.. I'm looking forward to your advice..

Total Hands: 85,011

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Posted 8 years ago
Hi w34z3l, first thanks for taking the time to do this. These hands are from nl10-25 , its have been horrible on the tables, ive been trying to change things and work on my mistakes, clearly i havent been able to find them by myself.

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Posted 8 years ago
I forgot to put my UO PFR% :(:
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Posted 8 years ago
@Quinine - Hmm, looks you have 7 posts only so I am not allowed to analyse your DB, sorry!

Please just check out another part of the forum and make a few posts, it shouldn't take you long, msg me here when you are done.
Posted 8 years ago
[@gdevil23 =gdevil23]

Ok, I can see what you mean about having a rough time on the tables. Reflected pretty well in the graph.

VPIP/PFR look fine.

RFI looks mostly fine, and assuming for a minute I don't have SB and BTN reversed, it looks like we are opening 39.6% on the BTN, which is usually too tight. Looks like we are missing a whole bunch of stealing opportunities from this spot. Would be a good idea to make sure we have decent fold-to-steal info on our HUD and make sure we are using it correctly.

3bet, probably ok. Ideally it would be a little more aggressive, 7% plus. However we are showing reasonable evidence of being positionally aware, so so long as we are 3betting the right type of hands, this shouldn't be a big problem at this stage.

Cold-call doesn't look quite right at 15%, we'd expect to see maybe 12-13%. It's possible we are slightly overdoing our BB defence now, in most cases a 26% cold-call from BB will be more than loose enough..

Vs 3bet fold looks reasonable, again depends on the hands. Can be worth running a quick filter for "called 3bet = true", and just check that your winrate isn't below about 2.5bb/100. (We expect it to be slightly losing though).

WTSD looks a shade high at 27.6%.
W$SD also a little high at 56.8%
WWSF extremely low at 41.6%

Basically we are missing a whole bunch of bluff spots postflop.

Bet flop and turn IP vs skipped cbet should be much higher. Currently bet flop IP vs skipped is 40.9% and bet turn IP vs skipped is 32.8%. This are automatic profit spots and we should be playing way more aggressively.

Same for OOP bets vs missed cbets.

Turn OOP (turn probe) is 26.1% which is super super low given that this is another auto-profit spot.
Bet river OOP vs skipped is also extremely low at 38.9%.
Delayed turn cbet also super super low at 32.4% IP and 41.3% OOP.

Increasing our aggression in these spots will give an instant boost to winrate.

Our river call efficiency is also on the low side at 1.2, which means we are complicating the issue even further by making some bad river calls. A good place to start might be watching the vids here at pokerVIP on hero folding at the micros.

Cbet stats look ok-ish, although probably we should be cbetting more on the flop at these limits. Probably we are missing some important cbets which is going to be one factor that impacts on our low WWSF.

We are also folding slightly too much against flop cbets and not raising aggressively enough on flops. Our current raise vs flop cbet stat is 6.43%, and can easily be something closer to 15%.

Ok, so the good news is that it's somewhat straightforward to see why you are having problems, and there are concrete areas to work on. This is a lot better than losing and having absolutely no idea why this is the case. If you can especially work on betting vs missed cbets, delayed cbets, and not making bad river calls, you should see a huge boost to your winrate.

Posted 8 years ago
w34z3l: @Quinine - Hmm, looks you have 7 posts only so I am not allowed to analyse your DB, sorry!

Please just check out another part of the forum and make a few posts, it shouldn't take you long, msg me here when you are done.

Thank you.. But it's ok now.. I'm looking forward your advice.. And sometimes, I don't believe oppenent's range.. is it big leak ?
Posted 8 years ago*
First of all, huge thanks to you Adam! I am a big fan, I joined some of your public coachings over at pokerstrategy and I like your vids! Ok, enough of that arse kissing Laugh Here are my stats. I recently struggled and went on a 20k hand BE streak on 10nl at microgaming. But when I analyze my sessions, it seems like I am doing mostly well, I use Snowie and Equilab and I think Iam a bit spewy from time to time, but overall it is ok.


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€: ooops, inserted wrong W$SD, the stat is 53.5 overall
Posted 8 years ago
About 20k hands NL10 pokerstars

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Posted 8 years ago*
Hy Adam , i know you from pokerstrategy , you use to analyse my hands at nl 25 fr .i watch your vids about bet vs miss ce bet ip or oop , i understand this concept and i use this by default but i have a question ,this is ok o do in HU pot or is ok in MW pots ? i play on pacfic and there are alot of callers pre so when pfr miss his c bet is hard for me to bet 2 str vs 2 villians .my bet vs miss c bet is like 55% wich is low i know bu i hardley miss a bluff in this spot HU.ty alot
Posted 8 years ago
Sorry for the delays guys, back on board the with the DB analysis.Let's start with @Quinine

VPIP and PFR are fine.

RFI look reasonable although we have some clear problems with BTN and SB rfi. We are not stealing aggressively enough and should consider making use of fold-to-steal stats a little better to understand in which situations we can exploitatively open any 2 cards.

Btw, some of this is a little bit difficult without having the overall stats, we purely have positional here. I can't also see the stat names that well.

3bet frequency looks pretty reasonable for lower limit games. As we move up we can consider 3betting more aggressively from the binds.

Cbet stats look reasonable. River Cbet stat looks too high overall, not sure if you are bluffing too much on the river or whether this is just a fuction of opening too tight in some spots.

We are not betting much vs missed cbets at ll. Float F, Float T, Float R, Probe T, Probe R are all super low. You could check out the videos here on pokerVIP, "Intermediate Bluffing Spots" and "Advanced Bluffing Spots", they would help you quite a bit.

Fold to flop float (check-fold after skip cbet) is super high, although this is not directly important at the current limits.

Call PF 3bet is all over the place. BB is completely underdefended while SB is being cold-called too much. A large amount of work needs to be done here. We are calling 11.21% from MP vs a UTG open which can't be correct. It would make sense to grab some cold-calling ranges from some of the written articles here at pokerVIP.

Folding way too much to flop cbets and then continuing too frequently vs turn and river cbets. A large amount of work needs to be done here also.

So here are the most important things to tackle ASAP --->

Increase stealing fundamentals from SB and BTN
Get some cold-call charts from somewhere (there are articles here on pokerVIP)
Learn how to play on the flop against cbets (check out the video series on "defending blinds postflop"

This is just scratching the surface, there are plenty of other big problems, these just happen to be the most significant, so start with these.
