NL25-zoom, 44

Posted 8 years ago

I´m not sure what to do here when I get raised on the flop.

Seat 1: Player1 ( $82.15 USD ) - VPIP: 20, PFR: 14, 3B: 0, AF: 3,3, Hands: 284
Seat 3: Player3 ( $23.35 USD ) - VPIP: 27, PFR: 18, 3B: 10, AF: 2,8, Hands: 456

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.10/$0.25 No Limit Holdem PokerStars
6 Players

UTGHero $26.14
UTG+1 Player5 $75.33
CO Player6 $29.93
D Player1 $82.15
SB Player2 $11.39
BB Player3 $23.35
6$0.35Hero is UTG44
Hero raises to $0.75, 2 folds, Player1 calls $0.75, 1 fold, Player3 calls $0.50
Player3 checks, Hero bets$1.49, Player1 folds, Player3 raises to $4, Hero goes all-in$25.39, Player3 calls $18.60
2$50.34, 1 all-in 3
2$50.34, 1 all-in T
Final Pot$50.34
Player3 shows :
Hero shows 44


Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago*
I would go ahead and make the flop bet bigger, asides from that I'm never folding this hand. I think you played it well. They can have enough draws or pair + draws here, if behind to a flush we have outs.
Posted 8 years ago
First of all, 44 might be abit too loose UTG, but thats my range :P.
Anyways as played im cool with the cbet sizing, although it can't be a huge mistake getting it in on flop, I would prefer flatting instead.
We don't cooler any sets, we are basically hoping AsJx and JT is getting it in. BB actually has ton of flushes if you think about it.
Posted 8 years ago
I think jamming makes this too easy for villain as his options are now call or fold and we should make life a bit more difficult for him.

I would make this $10.60 and call it off.
Posted 8 years ago*
You could make it maybe 1.75 on flop. but not bad anyway.

But basically on this board I have some thoughts. This takes a bit of knowing the villain, but often preflop they would 3bet a hand like AJo with the A of spades vs a UTG raise, usually they don't wanna just flat a hand like this. But maybe some do. But I think it's fair to say it takes a a % of the time they have AJo out of it.
Hands like AKs may still 3bet pre, but AQs may not. This leaves KQs, AQs, 89s,78s here. And also JT. Player 3 also looks a bit call heavy pre so maybe he can have some Arag of spades too.

JJ and TT often flat behind us pre, so there's actually a few hands that GII that beat us.

So after looking at this a while, I don't see tonnes of draws really, apart from AQo and AJo that both have A of spades.

It's a tough hand though and actually wouldn't be surprised to see us beat often.

Also to add, 44 doesn't have to be a UTG open but certainly not a big leak or anything.
Posted 8 years ago
I usually open 55+ UTG, but when I spot a loose player in the blinds I open all pairs.
This time villlain flopped the flush (5s,7s) and I had a lucky river.

Your words does all make sence but I´m still not sure whats the best line.
All alternatives are probably ok..

Posted 8 years ago*
Ye i agree with Harvie flop could be bigger on that board, and never folding the hand once they raise. It should be a fist pump tbh, vs over pairs + spade, Tx or pair + spade , even like a KQ+ spade , id expect like 60+ % equity when getting it in vs a range here.

Ye o'k we know sometimes were behind, but even then we likely have 30% equity. We don't want to just call and give a cheap draw to AsXx or allow those hands to get away on the turn , if that makes sense.
Posted 8 years ago*
StratoMan: I think jamming makes this too easy for villain as his options are now call or fold and we should make life a bit more difficult for him.

I would make this $10.60 and call it off.

This is also a really good point imo , we don't want to shove and only be vs his XX in a coin flip ,lets at'least allow the opportunity for worse hands to shove over us or call. We want to make peoples lives as hard as possible with our choices and jamming makes villains life easy.
Posted 8 years ago
I'm going to take a different view and suggest just calling his raise on the flop. The big gap between his VPIP and PFR indicates that unless he's limping a lot then he's cold calling a lot so will have a lot more made flush combos than usual.

What is his post flop raise history? I used to autostack sets on monotone boards but found it wasn't profitable against the most usual player types. Most players in the micros are not bluff raising a handlike AsJh here. When he calls you off you're almost never crushing him.

For every time he maybe does show up with a bare As he has a made flush frequently enough to counter that. Not to mention JJ and TT being firmly in his range.