NL20 AdAc

Posted 8 years ago

Versus my friend the 55/35 who likely has what it looks like he has, I think this was a disaster not getting the money in for nearly 200bb effective. This guy isn't going anywhere once he raises the flop I think, even though (and espeicailly since) they are passive postflop.

I think I butchered it.

What do you think guys? River raise size to all in, or less?

Sorry it's not weaktight, can't get it to verify the hands.


Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Looks like a perfect line to me. We need to just call down on every run out and play the hand to induce bluffs.
Posted 8 years ago
Not value betting the turn looks like a huge mistake. As you saw he can still have a random Tx and might go for another check raise on the turn which is great, or he might even slow down if he has no kicker and starts to get worried meaning you miss a whole street of value when you're deep.

Playing to induce bluffs in the micros will rarely be more profitable than betting for value when you have the effective nuts.